Breach Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

breach. Works Cited Argenti P. Crisis Communication: Lessons from 9/11. Harvard Business Review. 2012. Accessed 5th Feb 2018 Bullock J., Haddow G. and Coppola D. Introduction to Homeland Security: Principles of All-Hazards Risk Management. 4th Edition. Elsevier Inc 2012 FDNY Fire Operations response on September 11. Accessed 5th Feb...

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breach after receiving the complaint from an individual who had viewed the electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) of their deceased relative who was a former NYP patient. Such incidences occur due to lack of adequate security, server deactivation which results in ePHI access through the internet (Puranik, 2017). The hospitals were fined for neglect to protect the patients’ records. Penalty The facility was fined by the HIPAA for violating the laws. The facility had to pay for violating the rules that should be closely monitored as far as by both staff and the management. The penalty involved a payment of $3.3 million. Thus, it is critical for management to review regulations outlined in...



breach risk. The sites also, knowingly or otherwise, violate accountability and transparency by failing to explain to their clients on how advertisement algorithms work; that is, the criteria under which advertising content is shown to them. YouTube could, for instance, elaborate why they chose to recommend an ad for you (Beresford, 2017). To remedy the raised contemporary issues, Cohen (2017), suggests that users create strong passwords that are not relatable to any demographic information such as age, dates of birth or name, review privacy options on social sites and avoid oversharing personal information. As for online platforms, Korolava (2011, p. 42) recommends that social media sites only...

breach in the integrity of the accounting process. Distortion of company documents may occur in the managerial chain or through the accounting department. The aim is to give the company an increased advantage when statistics are available for investors and other stakeholders to view. Clearly, the whole process damages the credibility of the financial statement and may be punishable under the corporate law of any country in the world. The crime could be an international crisis if the impact transcends national boundaries CITATION Vla14 l 1033 (Vladu & Cuzdriorean, 2014). Conversely, the deed aids in accomplishing the goals set out in tax planning and minimize operational budget. Further...

breaches were traceable to theft, loss, improper disposal and unauthorized email access or disclosure (Snell, 2016). Some of the cases that year were paper medical records found on the street in Florida and in a dumpster in Ohio, inappropriate exchange of information from Apple Health in Washington and laptop thefts in Illinois and Kansas. The number of leaked records decreased in the two years, but the institutions from which the data was obtained increased prominently. All the risk factors are traceable to improper handling of information by employees due to negligence (Ponemon, 2016). The problem has an impact in both health and business sectors, but it is more evident in the latter. While the...

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breach of immigration laws (Manderson, 2013). Notably, the arrival of the asylum has little deterrents, whereby the ‘push factors’ are the ones that drive them from their countries and transit and the ‘pull factors’ which draws them to Australia since it is a prosperous and tolerant country. Seemingly, some specific policies have been noted to have a little impact such as the mandatory detention which has no identifiable impact on the rate of irregular maritime arrivals (IMAs). To be precise, it does absolutely nothing to top the asylum seekers from coming to Australia it has counter-productive effects. The response of Australia to IMAs can be considered as ‘zero tolerance.’ In relation...

breach. What section or sections would you be interested in if you were a doctor, and why? Doctors need to have the data of the patients protected, and so I would be more interested in the data protection. And also I would be interested in the section of the E-prescribing to ensure that the prescriptions that are done electronically are accurate. What section or sections would you be interested in if you were an Information Technology Manager, and why? If I were the Information Technology manager, I would be interested in the infrastructure and the technology that the system would use. This would help me understand the compatibility of the system with the computers in our...

breaching privacy since any unconsented photographs are illegal. In the current technological sphere, having a camera phone means an individual owns a camera, a computation system and has internet services available. These features ease the capture and sharing of pictures. With the advent of social media, such photos are easy to deliver to individuals of ulterior motives. As such, the use of camera phones is harmful. Industrial Espionage Claim Other than the breach of privacy in these institutions, there is also the issue of espionage. Foreign governments and other industrial players may take under their employ individuals tasking them to supply with information. Also, government agencies dealing...

case brief


breach of contract. On the other hand, coop insisted that Clark was never excused and therefore the withholding of the extra funds was justified. The two parties appeared to the court to settle this dispute; they used the basic law to argue their cases. Issue 1: Do agreements between farmers and grain elevators specify the location that the crop should be grown? Issue 2: Does the law exempt farmers from delivering the agreeable amount of crops to the grain elevators due to unforeseeable factors like extreme weather conditions? Issue 3: Are Kansas farmers mandated to predict future adversities in weather conditions and therefore required to foresee complete or partial crop failure? Decision:...

  • Words: 275
  • Pages: 1
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breach of ethical codes. The concept of product and promotion align the organization’s values with my values through strict adherence to the organization’s established ethical codes. I value truth and honesty and this is what the company’s products and promotional strategy promises to adhere to. The products have to do what it promises in terms of quality, and ensure that the ingredients used are correct. The promotional strategy on the other hand has to strictly observe the values of honesty and truth irrespective of the medium used. The messages used in any promotional campaigns should be truthful and consistent with the company’s code of ethics which reflect my ethical values. Marketing...