Biology Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Biology stretches back to my pre-teen years. I would regularly capture small animals like frogs, grasshoppers, and other miniature insects to try to discover just how they are built. Most of my peers found me eccentric and enigmatic. They could not comprehend my so-called “obsession” with animals. However, to me, it seemed normal, nothing out of place. Just a curious young soul trying to satisfy his curiosity. Perhaps my interest was fueled by parents who were both Biology teachers. There were charts all over our house depicting different mammals and their physical structures. I would regularly ask them what function various organs such as the liver and heart performed. Not once did they turn me...

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biology. New York: Humana Press. Lan, G., Xie, X., Peng, L., Liu, L., Song, L., & Dai, H. (2015). Current Status of Research on Osteoporosis after Solid Organ Transplantation: Pathogenesis and Management. Biomed Research International, 20151-10. doi:10.1155/2015/413169 Lane, N. (2006). Epidemiology, etiology, and diagnosis of osteoporosis. American Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynecology, 194(2), S3-S11. Osteoporosis. (2013). Anatomy & Physiology. Retrieved 17 November 2016, from Unnanuntana, A., Rebolledo, B., Michael Khair, M., DiCarlo, E., & Lane, J. (2010). Diseases Affecting Bone Quality:...

Biology Education, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 337-338. The author uses literature to explore how Khan transformed learning through his online platform The author follows the evolution of online learning, opinions of educators, and explanation from Khan on his development The author notes that in the past, approaches to enhance learning had always failed due to resistance from students. Feedback from teachers reveal that Khan Academy videos help students engage with the subject leading to enhancing understanding Khan has solved a range of education problems Evolution of online learning through Khan Academy Flipped classroom changes the traditional role of the teacher Allows student students to take...

biology of the glomerular podocyte.Physiol Rev 83, 253–307 Romagnani, P., & Remuzzi, G.(2013). Renal progenitors in non-diabetic and diabetic nephropathies. Trends Endocrinol Metab 24, 13–20. Ruster, C., & Wolf, G.(2006). Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and progression of renal disease. J Am Soc Nephrol 17, 2985–2991 Shankland, S (2006). The podocyte's response to injury: Role in proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis. Kidney Int 69,...

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biology/genetics, such as sex and age of the person, family beliefs, and individual behaviors, such as smoking and unprotected sex. In contrast, the community determinants include the physical hazards like sidewalks and exposure to crimes and violence. Health Disparities Individual/Family Determinants of Health Individual and family determinants relate to the individual features of people and family issues, which assist in finding out the medical care they attain. It includes the characteristics such as genetics and biology like age and sex of the person, family customs and beliefs, individual behaviors, such as the use of injection drug, alcohol use, smoking and unprotected sex (Stanhope &...

biology provides a background for understanding broad science topics like gene technology. With a biology background, it is easier to understand terminologies raise in the article like bacteria, enzymes, genes, and proteins. Gene Technology is a broad topic that has made a great impact on humanity. The main reason why the topic interests me personally is its relation with Medicare; like the article highlights one of the major achievements of gene technology is the creation of insulin used for treating diabetic patients. I have lost a close friend to cancer, therefore, the topic presents a great feeling of hope for eradication of deadly diseases affecting humanity. Further research into the topic...

biology of these living things. On the other hand, they trigger further research into allegations or assertions. Once scientists read these blogs, they get the urge to either prove or disapprove the science. In so doing, more sophisticated science and explanations are generated. This is what has led to the current innovations (Live Science 1-2). The science community is composed of members of different standards including professors, academicians, journalists, hobbyists, and researchers. Writing is used differently within the science society. However, the primary aim is to educate each other (Borchelt and Hudson 1-3). Every other member can learn from the other even if they are professors. Given...

Biology, 17:566–576. 01458.x Sears, Hilary J. et al., (2003). Landscape influence on Canis morphological and ecological variation in a Coyote-Wolf C. lupus × latrans hybrid zone, southeastern Ontario. Canadian Field-Naturalist 117(4): 591-600. Soverel, N., Coops, N., White, J., & Wulder, M. (2009). Characterizing the forest fragmentation of Canada’s national parks. Environmental Monitoring And Assessment, 164(1-4), 481-499. Young, S. & Malpeli, K. (n.d). Coyote Ecology and Conflicts with Humans across the Urban Wildland Gradient: Identifying the Potential Impacts of Changing Land Use (pp....