Biological Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Biological Diversity, is, in a nutshell, the existence of a variety of biological organisms within an ecosystem (Balmford, 212). Environmental Ethics is a field that advocates for the conservation and management of biodiversity by human beings. It dictates that human beings are co-independent with other living organisms. As a result, any conduct by them would either benefit or destroy the biodiversity. Thus, human beings cannot exist independent of other organisms as they enjoy a myriad if benefits from the ecosystem and consequently in their enjoyment, should ensure that those other organisms are preserved and protected. The organisms range from plant to animals, micro to macro amongst others....

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biological distinctions override others that are inclined toward nurture. Through gender socialization, therefore, society understands each gender; ensuring the latter’s requirements is satisfied and fulfilled accordingly. Since there are many natural distinctions between males and females, most of these gender disparities are learned. Through the social construction of gender, various societies reiterate the essential nature of gender roles. The concept, therefore, showcases that each gender is affiliated with specific behavior. According to Adichie, the society should avoid “performing” and “doing” gender roles. Her sentiments are accentuated when she says, “I know a woman who hates...

biological treatment of the water. This treatment is done to get rid of various contaminants that might be found in the water. Thus, the expensive energy required to treat the water is also another major problem affecting water and sewer investment in New York. Solutions to the Problems One of the main solutions that the state of New York has taken is the one regarding the aging of water infrastructures such as the pipes (Hardoy, Jorge 155). These pipes produce copper and leader due to the reaction with water, and this action may lead to major health problems to the residents of the state. Thus the state government has taken various actions to stop this health problem such as cancer, kidney failure...

biological factors are solely responsible for the abnormal behavior observed. It argues that the functioning of the brain as well as its physical structure is majorly responsible for abnormal behavior. For example, it is alleged that enlarged ventricles in the brain, as well as differences in the pre-frontal and frontal cortex, are mostly found in people with mental disorders. The condition is therefore treated as a disease or illness according to this perspective, and it’s identified through symptoms and cured through drug use just like any other illness. This perspective would better describe Bateman as he seems to have mental problems. In this case, doctors would diagnose his condition and...

biological, and chemical weapons (Schultz 2014).  The War on Iraq started when four planes of USA were hijacked by Afghanistan and crashed on World Trade Center in 2001.The US blamed the Taliban for the attack and invaded Afghanistan to remove them out. However, President Bush later claimed that Iraq was mostly involved in the hijacking of the plane and the attack of the US. Moreover, President Bush argued that Saddam Hussein was in possession of dangerous weapons of mass destruction. Consequently, US responded by invading Iraq and toppled the Iraq’s government (Bergsten 1992). Factors that Contributed to the Rise of USA as a Super Power Policeman The first aspect that contributed to the rise...

biological justifications for the facts and opinions. Even so, theoretical observations and phenomena still play an important role in the shaping people’s opinion and how people view and perceive facts in our society. For instance, being a high school science teacher, I often find it hard to explain certain facts using theory and instead rely on scientific proof and justifications to explain and establish my stance on the facts. In essence, explaining to students what certain theories mean, an educator must use scientifically proven facts to effect change in the student’s perspective. This means that science and education are intimately connected, and both rely on each other to effect changed and...

biological differences (Scott 46). Egalitarianism is a core tenet of the work of Scott (1994). Egalitarianism holds that men and women are not only equal but also that both men and women should enjoy equal rights and opportunities (Scott 44). Gender stereotyping displayed in the pictures under evaluation goes against this tenet. Young girls are the main characters in the Barbie dolls while young boys are the main characters in the star wars toys. The color pink is also extensively linked to girls while dark colors (black and blue) are linked to men. This is evident in conventional shopping stores whereby certain aisles are pink in color and others are blue in color. The pink aisles are stocked with...

biological, cultural and social aspects such as sexuality, religion, age, class, gender, race, sexual orientation, ability and nationality among others aspects of identity interact on various levels. Intersectionality proposes that to understand one's identity fully; we should consider each element of a person as linked to all other elements. On the other hand, solidarity is the term used to refer to the support between people fighting for a common course. With regards to women, this may also refer to sisterhood which is used to express the connection between women who are bonded in many ways but who are biologically related. It refers to women’s feminism, the support of other women facing...

  • Words: 1100
  • Pages: 4
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biological, social and psychological aspects of development. In any mental conditions, the three factors must be considered as they influence the development of the state. Development of depression in old age may be due to injunctions received in childhood, for example, the negative orders may cause one not to maintain relationships which are psychological and distance self from others which are a social problem. The person may not, therefore, take care of hygiene which is a biological aspect and therefore tend to be lonely. The three factors, therefore, interact in the development of depression each contributing to the consequences of the condition. Painful childhood events have been proven to be...

  • Words: 1650
  • Pages: 6
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