Biblical Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Biblical teachings. Ellen’s instructions are regarded divine and referred to as the lesser light because the Bible is taken as to be the higher light. Her lessons are part of the 27 fundamental beliefs of the Adventist Church. In December 1871, Ellen received a revelation on diet and foods. The message was meant to help the Christians get a better understanding of what God required of them regarding the nutrition and their health. She explained that the word on the diet and foods was very much in connection with the third angel’s message and compared it to the relationship between the body and the hand. It was supposed to symbolize the importance of the topic on Christians. Therefore, it was...

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biblical input and previous research on the subject. Reasons Why Youths Join Gangs The reasons why a young person may decide to join a gang consist of both pushes and pulls (Case, 2017). The pulls are the attractive aspects of gangs that make the youths desire to join them. For example, gang membership enhances the status of the young people. A young high school boy who is a member of a gang is more famous than the boy that performs well in class. He attracts many girls because it is more interesting to hang out with him than it is with other ‘uncool’ boys. Other boys would love to get such status and as such force their way to gang membership. Therefore, pull factors make a young person...

biblical beliefs of compassion showed. In chapter three the authors explained there was no manifest to God’s compassion, Jesus suffering was due to obedience. Compassion cannot be separated from compliance (obedience); for instance, when you look at the story of the Good Samaritan, (Luke 10:25-37) he stops to a wounded man, it is an excellent thing to do. In our society, today, due to economic reason and cultural diversity people...

The Covenant


Biblical Theology,”. Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, 20, 9-33. Venema, C. P. (2010). The Mosaic Covenant: A ‘Republication’ of the Covenant of Works. A Review Article: The Law is Not of Faith: Essays on Works and Grace in the Mosaic Covenant.” Mid-America Journal of Theology, 21,...

biblical faith a cultural trait or a reflection of human reality? Biblical faith serves to reflect human reality. The existence of man gets traced through historical facts and happenings. Similarly, biblical faith believes in a redemptive history etched in the bible where the history of man gets explained by him being a creation of God to establishing the true meaning of life (Herberg 52-59). The history affirmed defines one's reality as it is the root of self-redemption. Question 2 What is the archaic view of the sacred on time and eternity? The old societies had no belief in the aspect of them being actual beings and defining themselves by events that took place through time. The world to them...



Biblical Scholarship (Vol. 1). InterVarsity Press. Campbell, G. (2010). King James Bible: 400th Anniversary Edition. Oxford University...

biblical, mythological, and geographical allusions to compare the importance of the story to past events in the bible or other literature such as poems. For instance, using Stygian pool shows that he appreciates his writing work is going to a higher level having emerged from the pool (235). Works Cited Milton, John. "Paradise Lost. John Milton” in Spiritual and Devotional Writings from Paradise...



Biblical accounts have also played a significant role in gauging and estimating the age of the earth. The ever-changing estimates of the earth’s age are due to changes in some processes like sea levels, temperatures and salinity of the oceans hence making the information unreliable. The present estimates of the earth are likely to change due to various emerging and changing processes such as global warming and earthquakes that may change sea levels. The unreliable data that had been used in finding out the earth’s age and size may as well change over time. The Earth is composed of 71% water, that is, seas, oceans, rivers, lakes and ponds among others on its surface. The land, on the other hand,...

biblical interpretation, the lion represents pride, violence and war; the leopard stands for malice, envy and fraud whereas the she-wolf stands for the vice of greed commonly referred to as avarice (Dante 23). It is not a coincidence on how Dante meets them in that order; they represent the severity of the sins in his mind and their order in the circles of hell. When the beasts drive him back to the despairing darkness, it shows how sin causes the unrepentant souls to go to hell. Dante’s entire journey is an allegory of how a man falls into sin and then later looks for redemption as represented in the Purgatorial and later finds salvation in Paradise. In each Canto, Dante’s Inferno reveals a...



biblical story found in Genesis 6 – 9. There is an additional and replacement of some information in the movie compared with the story’s narration in the bible. The primary purpose of writing this paper is to discuss the accuracy of Noah’s film directed by Darren Aronofsky based on the biblical text as it appears in the bible with a primary focus on the flood scene. In the film, Noah discovers concerning the flood through the two different prophetic dreams, where in both of them he finds himself submerged in water. In the first dream, he sees dead people while in the second one he sees animals in the water swimming towards a ship. However, in the Bible, God directly tells Noah that He is...