Better Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

better than others. The United States Constitution advocates for equality across all areas but there are areas the constitution has not managed to eliminate disparities. Economic inequality, the gender difference in leadership and racism stand out as the most common forms of prejudice in the US. Racism refers to the giving of privileged treatment to a certain race since it is alleged better than the others, therefore, making it a major challenge to the US. The Fourteenth Amendment does not advocate for racism since it is purposed with matters pertaining equality. All manners of discrimination are harmful to the society and should be addressed so as to attain a community that is homogeneous. The...

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better the drawbacks and relatable aspects of online security breaches, this study scrutinizes fully one of the distressed companies to determine better the downsides that are linked to the attack and the potential mechanisms to prevent future attacks. Summary of Major Security Hacks during 2015 It is inevitable for companies to adequately prevent cyber threats with the online technology getting sophisticated by each passing day. However, this is not the main reason why the attacks occur. In an analytical study by Cerrudo (2015), some of the reasons why cyber-attacks include, but not limited to, lack of computer emergency response teams in some corporations within the public sector, inadequate...

better jobs than the blacks. Racism was one of the leading causes of slavery, and many anti-slavery activists came up in the early 1800s to advocate for the abolition of racism and slavery. The fight against racism started a long time ago, and it is still ongoing. Many organizations around the world have come out to campaign against racism by supporting equal rights for all. The first move towards ending racism should be letting people know what racism is and its effect on the society. This can be done by forming anti-racist activist groups and organizing peaceful demonstrations in the streets with placards having information about racism. Writing blogs about racism on social media and sharing...

better future hence opt for early childbirth and remain unmarried. Hence, there is need to improve the life opportunities for adolescents with health disparities. Most teens in the United States do not seek abortion which makes childbearing to remain high. Teens, however, should be encouraged to delay any indulgence in sexual activity until they are ready. They should be taught the physical, emotional, and financial effects that come with pregnancies. With proper education, counseling and cooperation between the parent and the child, teen pregnancies can be eliminated in the US. Works Cited Darroch, Jacqueline E., Susheela Singh, and Jennifer J. Frost. "Differences In Teenage Pregnancy Rates...

better quality, and more nutritious for their body. The advertisements placed in the classrooms, as well as other learning institutions, have interfered with the concentration and focus on the children from the class activities (Schlosser 224). In fact, the advertisements are highly memorable and rapidly access the cognitive features of the children’s brains hindering their learning process. Such ads have led to the sale of their products within the school environment as the demand for the goods and services increase. Advertising has over time become quite unethical. It relies on the creation of an unrealistic image to make people buy products on sale. Customers often experience a high feeling...

better salaries and incentives. Somalia leaders have further failed to ensure that hospitals started by international organizations are funded properly. Patients have to contribute when attending public health institutions showing that the government has not diverted foreign aid towards health. Therefore, the not much has of the foreign aid has been pumped into the country’s health sector. Conclusion Somalia as a nation has experienced civil strife for over two decades with no hopes of peace or improved security shortly since the nation is characterized by self-governance in most of the nation. The nation further faces health challenges especially when it comes to maternal health and vaccinations....

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  • Pages: 4
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better. Drugs cause various reactions in the body that result into self-confidence, relaxation and increased energy or high cognitive performance. Moreover, the largest cause of drug use among teenagers is curiosity and peer influence. Initially, individuals report a sense of control and justify beneficial factors from the use of narcotics. However, frequent high use of these substances overcomes their power and ability to control the drugs. Despite the increase of problems among the users, they continue to abuse the drugs for pleasurable activities and drive to feel normal. Most addicts report that their first instances with drugs were voluntary. However, constant intake of narcotics overtook...

better economic performance. Hence it is necessary for more women to be encouraged to join politics by addressing the challenges that they face since women in political leadership contributes to the growth of the economy of any nation. Even though women represent half of the global population, those in leadership positions are significantly low since leadership posts are male dominated. Hence, this means those important decisions that affect women are made without their voice being heard. Research conducted shows that women across the globe make twenty-five percent of the members of parliament. Ten and nine women were serving as head of state and head of government as of September 2016 respectively...