Better Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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better technological and managerial strategies. Kodak has had patent conflicts that have strongly focused on technology and the massive portfolio of the company which had nearly 10,000 patents. Kodak patents are not only precarious to developments in future and revolutionary techniques used in print, images, smartphones, computers, art, movies, digital devices, and web development; the patents are enormously strategic for a big technological company to have when they want to compete against other companies. Had it been that Kodak owned multi-way mechanisms of communication such as social networking in the 70s, it would have been very possible to stay relevant in the market, in just the way top...

better job satisfaction. Employees will not be exposed to tasks that they cannot handle. Contrariwise, the officers will work towards the completion of specific workloads according to their skills and capacities. Most importantly, Basińska and Wiciak (2012), emphasizes that after such categorization, it would be ideal to staff every department with the recommended number of employees such that no sector is overwhelmed by particular responsibilities over another. Finally, the remuneration program adopted by the government should commensurate the type of work handled by the officers. Ideally, officers have to meet several obligations for their families as well. As a result, an ideal motivation aspect...

better understanding of people management in the organization that managers need to comprehend. The soft model emphasizes on persons and their self-direction and locations that touch on the aspect of commitment, trust, and self-governed behavior at the central point of any strategic approach to employees (Gill, 1999, 3). On the other hand, the hard model touches on the rationality of strategic fitness and places through putting an emphasis on the aspect of performance management and the instrumental approach to the element of managing staff members. The soft and hard models are always characterized by certain tensions and conflicts between and within any contemporary establishments (Ihuah, 2014, 18)....

better than the other. Works Cited Aristotle., and W. D Ross. The Nichomachean Ethics. 1st ed. London: Oxford University Press, 1959. Print. Mill, John Stuart. Utilitarianism, Liberty, and Representative Government. 1st ed. London: Dent, 1910. Print....

better organizational performance. To make success a surety, organizational leadership is linked to various success factors, for instance, creating a positive organizational environment and a sustainable culture that cultivates competitive results. Upon the failure or success of any company, the aspect most often scrutinized is leadership. The agenda of this task is to scrutinize the role effective leadership played during the creation of Sony. Sony is currently a strong international brand, which its success can only be attributed to the strong foundation laid by its founding members. This discussion will be diving deeper to analyze the personal leadership attributes of Ibuka and Morita, the two...

better consequences. This is as explained in John Stuart Mill utility theory. An action can have better results but still be termed as bad if they were other better options available to the agent. Interestingly an action bearing bad consequence can still be permissible if an only if they were no better available option. All these narrative summarizes John Stuart Mill utilitarian theory. Therefore according to him, the attacked woman had no other better alternative available to her than to stab the rapists. According to Mill the permissibility of an action is determined by analyzing their consequences and comparing those outcomes with what would have happened if other measures were taken. Mill further...

better in sectors such as returns, turnover rates, and overall performance compared to homogenous ones. And although I would not encourage pluralism due to its possibility of developing discrimination and inequality, it is important for people to accept who they are and uphold their distinctiveness instead of assimilating and becoming a people they are not. Most Surprising Information Despite the passing of various bills into law in the U.S. Constitution several decades ago, the issue of diversity is still a critical topic. Discrimination, perpetrated while conscious or unconscious is still persistent as evidenced by social classes, gender, and ethnicity where the minority groups suffer the most. And...

better assessments of the situation during the time of crisis. Similarly, the diffusion of innovation theory emphasizes on the essence information sharing in times of crises (Crelinsten, 1994; p. 61). The theory demands that all stakeholders within a system come up with a reliable method to avert the adverse effects of the crisis. Also, understanding how the incubation and critical periods may affect the outcomes of a crisis play key roles in enabling managers to respond effectively to crises thus saving more lives when confronted by similar situations such as the Mumbai attacks. Similarly, the human error theoretical construct may also facilitate better understanding as to why authorities in India...