Benefits Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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benefits can clearly be seen because loads of individuals are connected all around the world. Communication in the past was only probable by mail or phones, which involved expense and considerably a lot of time. Moreover, such kind of communication typically meant just being in touch with individuals who already knew each other. However, the invention of internet dramatically transformed communication. Email and Social network sites such as MSN and Facebook and email have come up with online communities globally, and they have adopted communication between individuals and nations, something that would not have been foreseen in the near past. On the contrary, there is no doubt that the internet has...

benefits the institution should offer. Ending racism in such institutions requires that the students to be taught about racism and why it is a bad practice. Strict regulations should be set and implemented to ensure that any act of racism does not go unpunished. The students, guardians, and staff should be well informed about their rights in relation to racism. Parents and students from all cultural backgrounds should be allowed to participate in the cultural events and sports events. The institution should adopt the use one neutral language and discourage the use of mother tongue in the school. Those who experience any form of racism should be encouraged to speak out. When it comes to job...

benefits as a result of lower prices resulting from aggressive product promotions. However, marketing if unchecked can have many negative effects on the consumer. Today the American consumer has become the dumping zone for any information by the advertisers who are interested in increasing the sale of their goods and services. Commercialism has taken center stage in all media, the internet, movies, schools, and any other interest avenues that the consumer can be found (Griffin 74). As such, the consumers are pushed into absorbing the contents of the advertisement even without being interested in the products or services rendered. Ideally, modern entrepreneurship and the business world as a whole...

benefits derived from insurance coverage are gradually dwindling and it is difficult to choose an ideal insurance cover. Even after the Obamacare was devised in 2010, healthcare stills remains unaffordable; yet, it is the responsibility of the government to ensure that all its people can access healthcare services at an affordable rate (Geyman, 2015). The figure below indicates the effects of the Obamacare; hence, the debate regarding role of the government in healthcare. Figure 1: Distribution of healthcare services based on quality (Institute of Medicine, 2002) Based on the scenario mentioned above, it might seem that the government has not adequately fulfilled its roles as a regulator,...

benefits since it is an efficient health approach and ensures improved infant and maternal well-being. Households are composed of between seven and eight individuals hence the need to reduce the number of people in a family as a means of reducing dependence and other challenges associated with many individuals in a nuclear family. Family planning will ensure that the nation reduces its dependence on donor nations and international institutions that lend money since households will be in positions to acquire shelter, food, and medicine (Banerjee & Duflo, 2011). Therefore, a reduced burden on the economy will promote economic growth. Somalia should put an effort in availing polio and measles...

  • Words: 1100
  • Pages: 4
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benefits associated with management of stormwater by use of green infrastructure and as a result, are anticipating for the conservation of forests and other vegetation covers. Trees and forests offer improvement in the quality of the stream and the health of watershed since they decrease the quantity of stormwater runoff and pollutants that finally find their ways to the local waters. Also, both trees and forests aid in the reduction of runoff by stormwater through capturing and storage of rainfall as well as the release of water into the atmosphere through the process of evapotranspiration (Scholz 46). Likewise, roots and leaves litter help in the creation of conditions in soil that support the...

benefits. For instance, Facebook, a popular social media platform, is used to harass lesbians and gays due to their perception in the society. Also, the internet, Facebook, for instance, is used to enhance lesbianism and sexuality in that people may fake their identity so as to acquire sexual partners. I also learned that the internet is a powerful tool in campaigning for the choice of sexuality in various Facebook pages which are mostly open and can be accessed by many users across different places of the world. From this course, I also learned that people of different sexualities experience different encounters with the police. For instance, gays and lesbians are sometimes harassed by the police,...

benefits states will have when women take leadership roles. Katherine Phillips carried a research that pointed out that women leaders contribute a 6.8 percent greater GDP growth than nations with a top male leader. Female leaders have democratic and involved approaches than male leaders. Further, voters tend to be more confident in female than male leaders since they are cooperative and have capacities to handle difficult situations. People also support women in politics since they feel that it is fair and democratic for women to be elected to political offices especially since they consist half of the world’s population. Hence people feel failing to have a low number of women in leadership...

benefits of using manipulatives. In a general overview, the report presented by Boggan et al. (2010) is accurate on enlightening the reader of the present benefits of manipulatives. It is based on their advantages that manipulatives still have a place in teaching mathematics. The style used by the three authors show that their aim was to inform the reader. One aspect is the choice of words. The first statement of the article’s abstract states that “the purpose of this paper is to explain the importance and benefits of math manipulatives” (p.1). As such, the aim of Boggan et al. (2010) is to inform the audience. Besides word choice, the three scholars exhibit extensive use of references to...