Benefits Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

benefits of connectivity to people that do not have them by making internet available to them (Deloitte 1). This will give them a platform and a voice to learn and share with the world. The initiative is exploring and offering solutions to overcome affordability, accessibility and awareness problems to enhance connectivity by using a couple of approaches like ‘free basics by Facebook, connectivity lab, express Wi-Fi by Facebook’ and other projects like innovation challenge and innovation lab (Deloitte 2). ‘Free basics by Facebook’ approach allows local people to access basic websites with different contents without any charges. The content of these websites includes health information,...

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benefits and provide security. Social support plays a vital role in mental health and patients of substance abuse to help them with rehabilitation (Hall et al., 145). The support goes great miles instilled in successful overcoming life challenges patients faces. Patients who feel they are valued by others give them a sense of acceptance. It is a vital psychological aspect in helping them overlook negative aspects of their lives. It gives room for positive thinking in the environment they and most important the support helps avoid negative thoughts that lead to worse cases of anxiety and depression. Victims of domestic violence have various challenges with one being low self-esteem arising from...

benefits the Americans in the long run and resolve the issue of violent shootings. I believe that no or extreme gun control measure is not the solution to the challenges currently facing America. No gun control will heighten the mayhem while ultimate power will lead to resistance from the citizens. Therefore, the best solution is to ensure thorough background search is done and also keep track of those individual purchasing guns to determine if the weapons are used for criminal activities. References Rossi, P. H. (2017). Under the gun: Weapons, crime, and violence in America. Routledge. Woldoff, R. A., Litchfield, R. C., & Sycafoose Matthews, A. (2017). Unpacking heat: dueling identities and...

benefits because the health insurers did not comply with the ACA standards’. Additionally, private organs have brushed it off for its uncalled for intrusion in private businesses. Most people were positive that Obamacare would be the panacea to the then high cost of care but as opposed, it only favored the low-income earners while leaving out the middle class who could not qualify for the additional cost, therefore, for the plan to work for all, it requires technical modifications which ensures that everyone accesses insurance affordably. Discussion The middle class can no longer afford healthcare The current plan focused on creating affordable medical insurance to the deprived families....

benefits offered by the organization ("Three Main Theories of Motivation," 2018). The study of motivation is crucial in understanding what motivates employees and increase their output. The reward system of an organization is created by understanding what motivates employees and the best environment in which they can increase their productivity. Through the study of motivation, we can understand the human nature which results from having an effective management of the organization. There are rapid changes in today's business requiring managers to motivate employees as well as help them optimize their performance. Motivated employees have proven to be more productive and innovative ("Motivation,"...

benefits of all. Power cannot be a dirty word depending on how it is used. In the recent past power has been used for the benefit of the people compared to the past when it was used to oppress people. One of the most critical questions we should ask ourselves is what is preventing us from moving to the world which we all desire to live in? One of the answer we have for this is being powerless to do what we should. Humans should find power so that they could be able to prosper in life and overcome challenges which are facing them in the society. From the book given we realize that power is not the last dirty world since we require it to be prosperous in life. Work Cited Kessler, Volker....

benefits and hardship. Principles such as honesty and loyalty facilitate efficient administration as occupying a leadership role means that a certain amount of trust vested upon those in power will deliver and protect the collective interest of a group (Hackman & Johnson, 2013). Reference Hackman, M. Z., & Johnson, C. E. (2013). Leadership: a communication perspective (6th ed., pp. 336-366). Illinois: Waveland Press....

benefits of the vaccine, they may seem to have hidden motives while vagueness may indicate problems related to the vaccine. Hence, it is important to equip the health workers with proper knowledge through educational programs to improve their awareness and to change their attitudes. This is especially crucial when a new vaccine is introduced or when there are modifications (Institute of Medicine, Institute of Medicine, 2002). Parents have also hindered the successful immunization of kids. Some forget the scheduled dates of the vaccination while others complain about the cost of the vaccines. However, it will be sad for a parent to skip an immunization due to cost since it will be more expensive to...

benefits. This change should entail me adjusting some of my self-monitoring habits from high to low. For example, I should begin to stick to the ideas that I believe are right and only seek to assist those who follow moral principles. By taking this approach, people may avoid taking advantage of me. Reference Shaver, K.G. (2015). Principles of Social Psychology. New York: Psychology Press....