Benefits Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

refliction 7


benefits. Typically, FGC has been used in the past as a tool to strengthen family bonds. In current use, it not only enhances families but also used to support people living together regardless of their family background. Particularly, the system has been used in developing systems, and foster cares. Despite the fact the family group conferencing was initially used by family members, it has brought more value to people who are not from the same family kinship. Apparently, the commitment required to keep an extended family together requires sacrifice. Most of these families are spread out, and it becomes difficult for some members to meet regularly. Thus, there is lack of meaning for the family...

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benefits. Lessons from the article and its adaptability The first lesson I have learned from this article is that the communication approach picked will highly influence the relationship that emerges between a professional and a beneficiary. It is therefore important to adopt a communication action that does not compromise an organization’s moral norms or code of conduct. I have also learned that supervision should be applied to promote efficiency at the place of work since it encourages the occurrence of professional efficiency. Professionals should know what is expected of them since their manner of communication can greatly impact the norms or code of conduct of an organization. This article...

benefits of the work done. References BIBLIOGRAPHY Gilbert, D., King, G., Pettigrew, S., & Wilson, T. (2015). Comment on "Estimating the Responsibility of Psychological Science". Technical Comment, 351(1), 1-3. Retrieved February 5, 2018 Vedantam, S. (2015, August 28). Scientific Findings Often Fail To Be Replicated, Researchers Say. Retrieved February 5, 2018, from NPR Website:...

benefits in school. The next step of during learning entails a technique of “ensuring opportunities for meaningful use of the vocabulary words and providing multiple exposures,” (Wessels, 2011). Hence, the strategy in this will have a student being put under a rich engagement in vocabulary. Being intensely involved in what one is doing will enable them to possess the learning as if they own it. In this case, the student will feel a sense of responsibility to learn and put more effort in their studies. The reading phase entails the “students reviewing and critically analyzing what they have learned,” (Wessels, 2011). This critical analysis will also involve refining of the learned concepts and...

Benefits Monica Dybuncio’s article “Cancer Patient Receives Stem Cell-Made Windpipe First in the U.S" highlights some of the benefits of using regenerative stem cell technology to grow human organs. One of the benefits is that the technology utilizes the patient's stem cells that have been harvested from his bone marrow. Thus, the process is inexpensive in such a way that the patient does not have to rely on other people to donate any required organ. In this case, the required organ could not be sourced from donors due to the specify the organ required. The second benefit is that the time required to “grow” an organ is short compared to the waiting period for organ donation which can go for...

Health Care


benefits-84395 Authority Who is the author? This article was written by Jill Sheffield who is the founder and president of Women Deliver and Katja Iversen who is the CEO. What is their point of view? The authors’ point of view is that the access to contraceptives goes a long way in improving the lives of not only girls and women, but also men and boys as well as the society in general. Purpose Why was the source created? The source was created to advise and enlighten people on the importance and benefits of using contraception. Who is the intended audience? The intended audience of this source is primarily mothers and fathers who are supposed to use contraceptive methods so that they...

benefits of the new iPhone. The new iPhone has features that enable one to acquire emergency services easily after they contact for assistance. Moreover, the article discusses how Apple has introduced improvements for Siri, Health, and ARKit in the iOS11. The company aims at applying a powerful technology that can help gather accurate data about a person whenever they seek for emergency services (Evans). This will involve the application of Advanced Mobile Location (AML) which was created by the European Emergency Number Association (EENA). The system has been installed in the mobile networks of various countries such as the United Kingdom, Austria, New Zealand and Estonia. More nations are expected...



benefits coupled with this act. The student acquires guts to express himself without fear. This allows them to be productive in class. The students feel accepted when they can relate to others effectively (Jones and Jones 2015). Helping students in the learning facilitates them communicate with others and me effectively. With proper communication, I will be in a position to tell them my expectations and investigate the problems that students are facing any address them accordingly. References Jones, V., & Jones, L. (2015). Comprehensive classroom management: Creating communities of support and solving problems....

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benefits of such. Teachers should be patients and one who understands students, and this is a technique that could help avoid disruptions. I would incorporate this by building a relationship that is based on trust and getting to know each student as an individual. When people know each other, they understand the principle involved and will tell when to behave appropriately (Ediger, 2013). For instance, this idea would allow students determine when to strike some jokes which could lead to learning interferences by observing teachers’ attitude. Teachers need to take charge of their classes, and this involves letting the student know that they are the boss and nothing can proceed without their lead....

benefits to the business. For instance, a company attains flexibility to lobby for low costs from local suppliers within the bounders as compared to corporations that are outside the continent. There is also increase performance as the domestic workers can understand the business needs and the consumption pattern of the potential customers. It should be noted a company focusing on a homogeneous labor market can create competencies due to seamless culture. Hence, the article is crucial as it outlines the benefits that a company can gain by investing in domestic companies in comparison to far off continent with different language and culture. However, a large number of the companies have operations in...