Benefits Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

HR task


benefits, bonuses, and tuition reimbursements. These programs are meant to cater for the staff wellbeing while still building their competence. However, there is a cost attached to this. During this time, the company is seeking to contain its expenditure. This means any overly unnecessary benefits program will have to suffer. This is a move that will, in turn, affect the company’s human resource development program. Additionally, a firm’s employees are always in an environment where they have to interact with each other on a daily basis while performing their tasks. This is vital since it is an avenue for new staff training, information reception, and delivery. Again, as a unit, the employees...

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benefits in all situations. According to Summers (2009), beneficence also incorporates altruism. The author argues that medical practitioners are morally obligated to be selfless in helping others. Nevertheless, the researcher conducting the Tuskegee Experiment seem not to bear their subjects well-being in mind. According to the CDC (2017), the researchers continued to administer ineffective treatment, primarily mercurial ointments, and bismuth, even with the advent of penicillin in 1947. The employed treatment at the time had minimal success rates and adverse effects that were in some instances fatal. It is imperative to note that by 1947, penicillin had become widely accepted as a potent treatment...

benefits and risks. Unfortunately, such lengthy list introduces vagueness to the potential research subject/participant (Ashley and O'Rourke 268). The principle of beneficence in healthcare encourages the researcher’s actions to be geared towards patient’s benefit in every circumstance. Work cited Ashley, Benedict M., and Kevin D. O'Rourke. Ethics of health care: An introductory textbook. Georgetown University Press, 2002....

Four Square


benefits to its users. It helped them check in in hotels, restaurants, parks and entertainment places. Also, businesses advertise through the app. Perhaps the most exciting use was in connecting to other users through reviews and recommendations. Finally, users who checked in to specific places such as hotels receive a fair discount f even more than 10 percent. Question 1-27 Unfortunately, Foursquare is not only the app of its kind. Both Google and Facebook have their apps that provide the same services. In fact, Facebook’s apps have popular and powerful local search and commerce tool than Foursquare. This means that Foursquare’s market is threatened. Question 1-28 Based on the case study,...

benefits from it. Dr. Quon is not biased and assesses all that the members of the fraternity have to say and tries reasoning with them along their lane. There is also Dr. Harp who just recently joined the group; he focuses on increasing the number of infant patients at ACP. Dr. Stein idea of patient testimonials is excellent as most people believe in what they can see. The public will entrust their health to ACP as they would have already seen their service deliverance. However, for this proposal of patient testimonials they patient ought to be willing to do so. Otherwise, it will be a violation of HIPAA principles. Organizational Strengths and Weaknesses The strength of this organization is...

casy study


benefits of obeying far outweigh the benefits the company would derive if it had settled on any other option. Additionally, scholars support the view that organizations should weigh the risks and benefits of options before settling on one alternative (Radcliffe 1). However, a critical analysis of the country’s law would be appropriate before implementing the option. As the CEO I will talk to the company’s secretary and other legal experts to get their perspective on the issue so as to avoid any legal mistakes when executing the option. Works Cited Heineman, Ben W. "The Conflict between a Corporation’s Global Standards and National Law | Business Ethics." Business Ethics | The Magazine of...

benefits for the company. Having effective internal controls include such as supervision, segregation of duties, and information technology controls for instance use of passwords, hand scanners, etc. Rationalization Rationalization involves making excuses for why it is adequate to commit fraud in a given circumstance. A reason may be strong, for instance, a ransom case where someone is likely to die without the money or in the event of a medical emergency where money is needed urgently for example in a surgery. However, this can also be weak, due to simple reasoning such as or "I will not get caught” or “I want the money”. Other examples of rationalization might be: “I deserve it for my...

benefits of motivating employees. Decision making, reduction of stress, and employee value creation are some of the motivation factors that can bring about benefits or costs to an organization. It is therefore essential for a company to draft a policy that encourages managers to empower their employees. Company Culture Managers need to integrate motivation into a company’s culture. An organizational culture defines how people need to behave by defining the beliefs, assumptions as well as values. A company that values motivated employees will be keen to integrate the value in its culture. Motivation Managers need to empower employees so that they can experience intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic...