Benefits Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

benefits has also helped to enhance long-term sustainability within the society. Neo-Classical Economics is based on the fact that competition enables the effective allocation of resources within a given economic society (Jansson 62). The main strength of Neo-Classical Economics is that through resource allocation, supply and demand equilibrium develops in the market. The weakness of this approach is that it presents a narrow and inadequate theory of economic development. On the other hand, Ecological Economics is an academic field of research, which highlights the various problems and challenges encountered in the government-related economic activities (Jansson 87). By addressing these issues, this...

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benefits the organization but also reduces the likelihood of a failed attempt at incorporating the new product offerings. It also minimizes the period required to implement the new capabilities fully. Best, Allan Smith Reference Bhamu, J., & Singh Sangwan, K. (2014). Lean manufacturing: literature review and research issues. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 34(7), 876-940. Cherrafi, A., Elfezazi, S., Chiarini, A., Mokhlis, A., & Benhida, K. (2016). The integration of lean manufacturing, Six Sigma, and sustainability: A literature review and future research directions for developing a specific model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 139, 828-846....

benefits to parents, students and the teacher, the person who carries the greatest burden is the student who is left exhausted. That means that even concentration on the school work is not devoted to doing it well but just completing it. The main reason for administering homework is to enhance achievement which does not happen. The allegation that enhances the relationship between family members is far much deceiving. In the modern world, the nor of cheating has evolved which do not benefit the students at any point. They will be rewarded for something that they did not carry out on their own but another person’s work. That develops the meaning that homework does no good (Loveless, 2014). Students...

benefits of the tanning bed. There are several benefits gained from using a tanning bed. Artem argues that like the sun, a tanning bed increases the level of Vitamin D in our bodies (2014). This vitamin enables the body to maintain healthy levels of phosphorus and calcium in the blood. Consequently, it allows development of healthy teeth and bones. Also, tanning beds can cause relief dermatitis and psoriasis skin diseases. However, this treatment requires supervision from medical personnel. Conversely, tanning beds have many disadvantages to human beings. This device has been known to cause cancer. Melanoma is a lethal form of skin cancer caused by the UV rays emitted by the tanning beds (Kulas,...

benefits to its contestants, it entertains more, and it has important lessons for the audience. Many people would love to audition for ‘The Amazing Race’ because of the benefits that the contestants get. For example, the living standards of the contestants in the show are better than those of the contestants in ‘Survivor’ are. In the latter, the contestants are put through nasty conditions dealing with mosquitoes and other dangerous creatures. On the other hand, the contestants in ‘The Amazing Race’ get to travel the world and sleep in the best hotels worldwide (Strutner, 2014). Therefore, whereas the contestants in ‘The Amazing Race’ get to enjoy some of the things people dream...

benefits from treating procedures. Also, cultural disparities may result in more misunderstandings, and this happens when individuals hold some beliefs that are against the clinical assessment. Usually, physicians are ethically urged to advise patients and families, when to stop treatments in favor of supportive care. Healthcare resources are supposed to be utilized responsibly, and medical professionals need to consider that before invoking patients’ autonomy. If patient autonomy is used to justify acceptance of medical treatments for non-beneficial services, it becomes a violation of professional integrity. Doctors or nurses are required to adhere to intellectual standards, by submitting clinical...

benefits of an enlarged heart in the way that athletes enjoy. References Egbert, B., Paulina, W., Michael, P., & Frank, H. (2014). Targeting cardiac hypertrophy: Toward a causal heart failure therapy. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 64(4), 293-305. Retrieved from Kalogeris, T., Baines, C. P., Krenz, M., & Korthuis, R. J. (2014). Cell Biology of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury. International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology Volume 298, 229-317. Retrieved from Netzer, N. B., Gatterer, H.,...

benefits of erecting of the new billboard are the conspicuousness of the billboard that catches the eyes of the passersby, and this makes the information to spread to many people within a short period. The Crestview, therefore, has high chances of receiving a large number of patients. The wordings that are used on the new billboard, “The Best Medical Care in Oakland” also attract the public that has seen the billboard and they gain interest and trust in the hospital more since the message was written on the billboard creates more emphasis on the quality of services that they offer as compared to other medical care in Oakland (Loskutova, Smail & Webster, 2017). There are also directions that...

benefits which included sick leave, attending to personal matters, and paid vacation. However, in the recent times, many companies are shifting to offer a more flexible Paid Time-Off (PTO) benefit policy. For instance, Netflix has adopted the Paid-Time-Off policy, which allows its own employees to schedule and manage their time-off. Virgin, VMware, and LinkedIn are the other three companies that have also adopted the PTO policy. The King’s Company can benefit from this policy by reducing unscheduled absences and gaining competitive advantage by attracting and retaining highly skilled employees. Adopting PTO policy is beneficial to the company, as the employer will receive notice about the schedule...