Benefits Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

benefits of 'delegating strategically' to employees. “Delegating strategically “incorporates forethought planning to guarantee that all opportunities and advantages are maximized while allocating duties to the employees. Firstly, delegating offers many benefits to managers as they get the mandate to cross items from the ‘to-do’ list and seek assistance from a trusted and competent employee. Other employees gain knowledge and skills that are necessary for the future of the organization. Similar developments prepare the employees to meet the needed qualifications to complete future assignments and attain promotion (Lyons 1). Managers must overcome this fear by delegating efficiently and...

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benefits. Yang & Chung 2013 identified taxation incentive as one of the financial benefits. There is no double-taxation since the seaman pays tax only to the home country. Also, the owner of the vessel can get cheaper labour and oversee the operations of the ship. Additionally, the ship-owner can get direct financial assistance from financial institutions when in financial crises. Furthermore, the vessel-owner can quickly obtain an export insurance covers as compared to foreigners. A vessel owner can do bareboat registration and grand the respective vessel a dual flagging (Yang & Chung 2013). After registration, the bareboat charterer will require the ship to fly another flag when in a...

  • Words: 275
  • Pages: 1
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Supply Chain


Benefits from supply chain alliance include a decrease in overall competitive advantage and overall costs and increased product quality. Supply chain alliance faces many problems including unpredictable events, which can lead to a transfer of risk exposure to other partners. Third-party logistics are companies which take the responsibility of another supply chain company in managing, controlling and delivering logistic services. A firm uses the third-party logistics party to take over some or all its logistics responsibilities, reducing the companies cost and improving the customer's performance. There are many reasons a firm uses third-party logistics. First, it allows the firm to focus on its...

benefits packages as well as defining jobs in a company. Most companies are using the human resources as a competitive strategy to increase profitability, market share and customer loyalty. Notably, labor productivity and efficiency are critical in cutting recruitment costs and enhancing company performance. For companies with the efficient human resource, there is low resignation, labor turnover and absenteeism. There is also a high level of engagement between the workers and the managers in company with excellent HR departments. It is therefore essential for firms to ensure there is adequate planning on staffing, compensation and job defining. Ultimately, the human resource will contribute to the...

benefits of having a risk plan are vital to any project as the program makes it easy to spot trouble as one can see where projects need attention. It also reduces the number of surprises in a plan as early awareness of potential threats means that intervention can be made before the problem becomes too severe (Rolstadas, Tommelein, Morten& Ballard, 2014). Project managers can acquire better quality data for decision making. The information available is in real time because it is continuously updated. Risk management enhances communication among those involved in the project through discussion hence creating a more positive working relationship with the stakeholders. It also helps create a more...

benefits package of the employees of an organization as a way to motivate employees. The paper will analyze the various activities intended for establishing the plan. Keywords: management, employees, project manager, human resources, project, benefits, compensation, package Introduction In the contemporary world of business, the success of the organization majorly lies within the management of the organization. The managers of the organization at all levels need to take bold, tactical and systematic steps when approaching any tasks of the project assigned (BPP Learning Media, 2013). As the head of the human resources in charge of the small team, I have the task of carrying out an...

  • Words: 2200
  • Pages: 8
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Agile Method


benefits to project teams, guarantors, project managers, and consumers, altogether. Innovation and Viability In a contemporary world that has increased developments and progress of technology, the agile methodology advocates for the incorporation of recent advancements. Primarily, the emphasis of the methodology is the delivery of a product that depicts a possibility of satisfying the investors, consumers, and all other stakeholders (Bull, 2015). On the other hand, the rapid development of technology prompts successful corporations to have a strategy that accommodates the expansion of possibilities of their product based on outcomes and events, all of which the agile methodology addresses. Based...

benefits afforded by the employer.  Success was organizationally laid out and rewards were mostly tangible. Besides, the employment had no expiry date and often went until retirement unless under special circumstances.  Additionally, compliance was highly demanded a successful career. In this case, we can conclude that traditional careers were largely objective (Olson & Shultz, 2016). Currently, emerging career models are boundaryless and depend largely on self-determination. Emerging career models can allow one to be employed by multiple employers throughout a lifetime or even simultaneously. Furthermore, these career modes do not necessarily follow a directly defined route up the corporate...



benefits that joining a union has to its members. I would have a 24-hour helpline at my disposal, free legal advice and my rights as an employee would never be violated in case of a collective bargaining agreement signed by the government. When an employee is unionized, you have to support a company's decision on unjust industrial actions because you lack representation and therefore you feel vulnerable. There is also loss of individual bargaining power or personal autonomy. 5) Please, describe a typical union grievance procedure. What do you think about it? A grievance is defined as a complaint by an employee when he or she negatively affected by company policies or a collective bargaining...

benefits and question their value to the organization and the employees. In your opinion, what benefits are of most significant value to employees? To the organization? Why? From a personal perspective, I believe that medical and retirement benefits have more value to the employees as compared to the other types of benefits (Snell & Bohlander, 2013). However, any benefit is of value to the organization. The more benefits a company offers its employees, the more likely it will retain its employees and more talented employees will also want to join the organization. The organization grows to be more competitive in the industry as compared to its competitors since highly gifted employees will be...