Benefits Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Benefits and Desired Outcome of the Policy With the establishment of this policy, the bureau aims to attain an effective technique of borrowing and paying loans in time. In regards to the traditional ‘Payday’ loans, our investment firm will issue a loan ranging from $300-$500, and it will be paid within the next payday (Federal Register, 2017). Second, the auto-title loan will involve lending employees immediate cash, which will be covered by the title to the consumer’s car. The auto-title loans are also short-term, similar to the payday loans. The other type of loan issued is the installments loans, which will have a total annual interest rate of more than 36% (Federal Register 2017)....

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benefits or harm. Since the payday loan facilities target a vulnerable segment of the society, the implications of further regulation need tremendous weighing. Lack of evidence and analysis of data that would lend credence to the effectiveness of financial caps also serve as a drawback. Use of more research should thus precede deployment of regulation in addressing the concerns about payday loan rule. References Beddows, S. & McAteer, M. (2014). Payday lending: fixing a broken market. The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, 1, 1-69. Cunningham, S. (2011). Understanding Market Failure in an Economic Development Context. Mesopartner Monograph, 4(1), 1-59. Federal Deposit Insurance...

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benefits of carrying out this lab analysis include evaluation of the functions of kidney and the urine quality produced after water and beverage, i.e., coffee intake or an exercise. The knowledge gained from this lab analysis is essential for medical practitioners and the sampled population since it may establish three crucial results for further medical examination. The three include evaluation of pyuria, hematuria, and crystalluria. The mentioned results are necessary for right diagnosis. Hypothetically, coffee intake increases the urine output since its falls under diuretic substances. Such substances are known to increase urination since they trigger an upsurge in glomerular blood pressure. So,...

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benefits that shareholders receive are often deducted as expenses as opposed to partners. Advantages of partnership over corporation The shareholders of a corporation are subjected to double taxation. After receiving a dividend payment, a shareholder reports his payment on personal income tax return. Further, he has to pay tax on the distribution of individual tax. This does not happen to partners in a partnership business. This double taxation is one of the reasons why a business owner may prefer partnership to a corporation. In partnership, there’s freedom of governance; the partners can decide on any kind of management. One of them can be the manager or both of them. Further, they can freely...

benefits.  Reference Boettcher, J., Cavanagh, G., & Xu, M. (2014). Ethical Issues that arise in Bankruptcy. Business & Society Review (00453609), 119(4), 473-496....

benefits which is good for the environment Aesthetics impact: positive A nice road and environment can attract more visitors East wilder Road as well as the town of Lebnon. Long-term benefits both for residents and visitors. Address environmental sustainability in a manner consistent with: The interests and goals of your community partner? To prepare a 100-year-strom culverts system to mitigate runoff problem, reduce the sediment on the stream site to improve water quality. Resolve the slope erosion problem in order to improve the growth of green in the surrounding area to provide more habitat for animal’s life. The growth of the trees will also improve the air quality. Your responsibility as...

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benefits the company overall. The next thing to address is the rights she has as a human being. The decision to withhold promotion does not encroach on any of her intrinsic rights in any manner. Furthermore, it allows her the opportunity to continue to stay with the company on peaceful terms. The next item in which we consider in this framework is the deliberate or spontaneous process we use to reach this decision. This simply put means the ‘gut feeling’ we face. It established that we have no calculation or formula to reach this process and that it is not always an easy decision. However, in a spontaneous feel, this is the conclusion I reach as a good and moral person, because it is the right...

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Self control


benefits; first, people get to avoid quarrels and confrontations, which usually affect their image and could even cost them jobs in some circumstances. This creates quite an admirable quality that could steer any willing person so high into the ladders of success. It also helps in decision making, especially where one needs to make crucial decisions. Therefore being a great steering wheel into critical and important decisions. Further, it improves focus; hence for students and teens, it is an essential tool in their studies as well as in their profession in the future. Well, in short, a person who controls their anger and manages their self-control has a better chance of becoming successful in life,...

benefits section has messed up her credit scores, mortgage, and accumulate overdraft fees. This makes Tonia angry and she is contemplating seeking legal redress. There is need for the HRD to check its information tracking process and filing system to avoid such instances from re-occurring in the future. The company will need to compensate Tonia and reimburse all the fees she has accumulated. It is obvious that there is poor management of employee information at the human resources department. The communication channels between departmental heads and HRD is unclear, as information shared is not properly recorded and filed which results in the company mishandling their staff. These actions may result...

  • Words: 825
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