Benefits Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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benefits, a lot of concerns have arisen. Sharing of Information It is inarguable that information sharing has been rendered fast and easy within the two recent decades. With the current improvement in informational technology, information sharing has become extremely interconnected. Today, the internet has created many avenues for sharing information. Sending files has been made easy and effective. For instance, there are many platforms which can be used to send audio, images and even videos. Electronic mails avenues such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail and others support the sending of files from one person to another. Besides, social media platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and...

  • Words: 1100
  • Pages: 4
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benefits of oil exploration, the United States should not allow oil drilling in its nature reserves since it has a detrimental impact on the environment, it does not guarantee a return on investment and the revenue collected from oil production may not significantly change oil prices in the country. Argument The United States should not permit oil exploration in its natural reserves because the problems it creates in the environment outweigh any benefit that it may bring. By drilling oil in nature reserves, there is a great potential that a natural treasure may be lost for a limited supply of oil. For instance, if the US intends to drill the Alaskan Wilderness, it may acquire oil but only for six...

benefits of interpersonal communication in a close relationship. Interpersonal communication refers to the interaction between two or more people in an intimate relationship. Interpersonal communication can be transmitted through verbal or non-verbal communication. The climate of the interaction defines the emotional tone in interpersonal interaction. The emotional tone in a relationship helps in predicting whether the people in the relationship are happy at each other or in any conflict. Interpersonal conflict in relationships involves disagreement due to differences in opinions and other factors. This type of conflict is universal and inevitable in close relationships. Such conflicts can help...



benefits accrued from research experiments done in the natural settings of animal and human organisms. In the past, the pharmaceutical companies have gained in terms of producing compounds used for healing and sold across the world for millions of dollars and yet the local communities do not benefit at all from the elements found in their traditional home setting. Ethically, both the pharmaceutical companies and the local communities should benefit from any innovations. The public has raised concerns about the welfare and dignity of animals used in scientific research experiments. The researchers must minimize the suffering and distress of these animals during all the experimental stages, secondly,...

benefits package revamped. In this project, I will focus on the results based on the planning in place. References Roberts, C., & Westville, I. N. (2008). Developing future leaders: The role of reflection in the classroom. Journal of Leadership Education, 7(1),...

benefits of engaging some players in the industry as key partners. Toyota outsources most of its vehicle components of about 70% from various vendors in the industry. Some of these include; Toyota Boshoku, Trim Masters, Denso, Citroen and several others that Toyota engages as joint ventures for valuable relationship Key activities: Clear understanding of the core activities of the company is essential in ensuring value addition to the customers. Business operation is not all about production but is on how it seeks to meet the meet the market needs with a problem-solving approach. The management of Toyota Company upholds adding value to the customer for an improved relationship for canvassing of...

Social Media


benefits, it also produces adverse effects on people. It creates concern and serves as a platform for bullying which latter leads to people committing suicide. Another primary concern is that social media has become a platform where politicians can ask for support. It has also facilitated to identity theft. In Ciastellardi et al.'s (2011) summary the positive impacts of social media are as follows; it has created communication quicker and more straightforward. Social media makes a significant impact in the marketing sector. Without social media advertising and marketing would be hard to do. Customer loyalty and customer satisfaction are attained through sufficient interaction with...