Benefits Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

benefits like maximum employee loyalty, increased productivity and prerequisite innovation needed for recovery. Additionally, shunning layoff results in quick recovery of stock prices, which serve as an indicator of resilience. Depletion of the relational reserve due to layoffs ignites detrimental effects. To keep off the idea of personnel reduction, the airlines had to possess the financial ability to overcome short-term losses. Maintenance of low levels of debt before encountering a crisis, coupled with cash on hand supply being adequate equips an organization with the necessary financial reserve needed to avoid whittling down of the staff numbers. A conservative approach to business helps in the...

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benefits being enjoyed by Americans today are as a result of the Populist Party that cannot be ignored. However, in the context of American history, a major party has to have representation in both houses and have a real chance at the presidency. The Populist Party had no chance. Works Cited Bonikowski, Bart, and Noam Gideon. "The Populist Style in American Politics: Presidential Campaign Discourse, 1952–1996." Social Forces 94.4 (2015): 1593-1621. Tournier‐Sol, Karine. "Reworking the Eurosceptic and Conservative Traditions into a Populist Narrative: UKIP's Winning Formula?" JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 53.1 (2015):...

benefits of having a plantation colony. They, therefore, decided to extend their jurisdiction to other continents, with Africa included. The British captured the Irish, imprisoned them and later sold them to the Americans. Their transportation was no better than that of the Atlantic Slave Trade. During this time, the whites and the blacks were still considered equals regarding slavery. The concept of capturing people and using them in farms was still based on religion, with those who were not Christians being taken captive. By 1650, this had taken another turn. Slavery was now based on color and not religion. Nathaniel Bacon, a renowned rebel, led a group of Blacks and poor whites in Virginia in...

benefits of medical expertise in poor communities. As I mentioned earlier, I grew up in a poor community, where most people did not have access to basic healthcare. My aunt and uncle are inspirational because their actions were essential to the community. Even if they were to demand payment, they would still be important to the community because they were providing essential service where it was needed. The physical experiences in my childhood, such as observing the crowded clinics, lack of emergency service and a gap between community education and ideal health lifestyles have prepared me mentally for the task of being a nurse. I have my mind set on improving the conditions of my community, even...

benefits the uninsured patients because they get free screening services and, in the process, learn the importance of getting insured. Cleveland Clinic funds the program entirely and ensures its programs are successful by encouraging community volunteers from the neighborhoods (Greising, 2016). Today, these centers have saved the lives of many African Americans in Ohio and created a positive relationship between the organization and the ethnic minority groups in the society. However, the program has not been as successful as intended due to the issue of mistrust (Greising, 2016). The hospital is working towards developing trust with the minority groups in the community so as to encourage them to...

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benefits of consuming appropriate diet. In that way, the effort will enhance a civilized, healthy living society. References Hosseinpoor, A. R., Bergen, N., & Schlotheuber, A. (2016). Promoting health equity: WHO health inequality monitoring at global and national levels. Global Health Action, 91-8. doi:10.3402/gha.v8.29034 Rust, G. (2017, March). Choosing Health Equity: Investing in Optimal and Equitable Health for All. American Journal of Public Health. pp. 361-363. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2016.303645. Schneider, S., Diehl, K., Görig, T., Schilling, L., De Bock, F., Hoffmann, K., & ... Fischer, J. (2017). Contextual influences on physical activity and eating habits -options for action on...

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Benefits and Reward Program which provides credits of up to 125 dollars yearly to encourage regular checkups and screening. Additionally, West Virginia also implements a two-tier incentive program that allows enrollees to choose between a basic and an enhanced healthcare plan (Blumenthal et al., 2013). Thus, policymakers can improve the individual mandate by liaising with states and the public to determine the best way to increase healthcare insurance coverage in the country. Conclusion Policymakers implemented the individual mandate to spread the cost of medical care. This provision aims to especially enroll young individuals who fail to acknowledge the importance of getting a health insurance...

Benefits Accruing to John Kim's Hospital as a Result of Quality Healthcare Services Quality of healthcare services is the likelihood of an individual or group of patients to achieve the desired outcomes after undergoing a treatment procedure (Mosadeghrad, 2014). It defines the intricate relationship between the cost of treatment, results achieved and the anticipated results. Many healthcare facilities focus on gaining value for money, but here at John Kim's Hospital, we focus on administering quality treatment to all our patients regardless of the cost of treatment. In essence, we focus on developing the maximum positive outcome for any given treatment procedure. Our QRP requires that we carry out a...

Health Care


benefits to different individuals of the society. Category 2: Law on the Distribution of Behaviors and Prejudices Similar to the contributions of segregation laws to negative social outcomes, the reach of the law has influenced the health behavior patterns among different classes and races. The category of law in the distribution of behaviors and prejudices is, therefore, a negative social determinant. In line with prejudice, the overt assumption among legal professionals is that the individuals who are either poor or black have a high tendency to drugs and crime. The outcome is increased surveillance in the neighbourhoods that hose the said individuals with the consequence of their high numbers...

benefits to cover the rising health insurance costs. Opting for SHOP Marketplace will then be easy for the company since it allows both small business employers and employees to choose the most suitable health insurance plan. This approach will ensure William is eligible for tax credits. It will also help the small business to retain and recruit employees who are comfortable with the plan, thus, reducing employee turnover rate. A Case Study on Affordable Care Act (ACA) Insurance Introduction ACA, also known as Obamacare, is the current law in the United States that governs and protect access to health care for the public. ACA is primarily responsible for the provision of quality and affordable...