Benefits Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

benefits as well as need for various treatments may eliminate the need for overtreatment. Finally, non-urgent visits to EDs is associated with high-cost care which can be attributed to various factors. One of the reasons is too many checks during diagnosis to ensure that the one-time visit is as successful as possible. The physicians may end up recommending various CT and MRI scans before out ruling a specific condition that had been suspected. Berger (2010) narrates an example of a doctor, Colehan who ended up with a $9,000 bill for a shingles diagnosis after going to the emergency department to confirm his self-diagnosis. He ended up having to go through a CT scan and two MRI checks even though...

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benefits such as financial advantage and property. This crime is common in the financial sector in terms of credit card fraud (Solove, 2002). Identity theft is one of the most common crimes in the United States and is caused by easy access of personal information on the internet. Therefore, it can lead to financial fraud and false imprisonment of the victims. The internet is one of the major platforms and enhancer of identity theft today. The development of the internet contributed to the establishment of online banking and shopping in the developed nations. People who are unable to acquire certain products such as designer clothing and cars tend to establish means of acquiring these products...

benefits resulting from travel for pleasure which is something prevalent in this era. Keywords: Travel for pleasure, origin, modern era The origins of travel for pleasure Traveling started a long time ago, and humans would travel to various places because of multiple reasons. However, visiting places just for fun is comparatively a recent trend. Whereas early humans moved to different places in search of food as well as other essentials for survival, afterward, traveling was mainly for trading. As the wealthy class of people evolved, traveling to different regions of the world to experience diverse cultures, art, as well as cuisines, started to be dominant. The terms tourism and tourist were...



benefits. Although it seems that the phrase ‘show me the money’ exemplifies the theme of money in the movie, it was not necessarily the teaching or the message the creators of the film were trying to put across. The message that the directors were trying to put across is that, individuals should put people first, instead of money, in their businesses. Works Cited Jerry Maguire. IMDb. N. p., (1996). Web. 3 Feb. 2018....

Youth Sport


benefits of youth sports....

  • Words: 275
  • Pages: 1
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benefits. There are a few options for enhanced flexibility in a place of work; one way is through the use of flexible working hours or days (Gap, W., 2003, 2). While the second strategy is the adoption of an optional working environment which means that one could work from home, in the office or anywhere else during their vacations. In a furniture company, however, the strategy adoption could vary based on the department the employees work; for instance, it could be quite hard to adopt a flexible location strategy in the production department hence only the flexibility in working hours can apply. While other departments like accounting and human resources either of the strategies could work but...

benefits from the scholarship, I will be able to focus on my career in preference to thinking about how I will pay off loans in the future. Further, given that this scholarship is a merit-based opportunity, it will add positively to my career and make me stand out when it comes to job search. Employers who know the value of competitive scholarships, like this one, recognize them as crucial accomplishments. Therefore, if given a chance, I will not hesitate to list this scholarship in my resume as it will help me achieve my career goals. I have a hunch that all of my life goals may remain unfulfilled dreams in the event that I fail to complete my medical degree. Be that as it may, I am always...

benefits from his parents and the fact that he has supernatural powers. On the other hand, Germanicus and Beowulf concur in many aspects (Heaney 276). For instance, they single-handedly lead their wars, and as the leader of their militaries, they ensure that they protect their kings and kingdom. Work Cited Heaney, Seamus. Beowulf: An Illustrated Edition. WW Norton & Company,...

benefits rather than supporting facts. In chapter five, the book gets better when Jacobs looks at the taxation patterns. In her observation, tax policies are an extension of political systems, and they lack subsidiarity and fiscal accountability whatsoever. People have incurred horrible tax burdens and cities experience low tax returns. Operating in such an economy is cumbersome and prone to failure. The issue of wealth inequality is crippling deep into the society as the marginal gap between the rich and the poor widening steadily. There is no logical sense to explain the greed and corruption experienced by those who collect and disburse the taxes. The institute's responsible lacks accountability...

benefits, and the details of Toastmaster Organization. Background of Toastmasters International Toastmasters International (TI) as a nonprofit educational organization emerges to serve its members to improve their communication, leadership, and public speaking skills. Its center of operations is in the United States of America that galvanizes the same clubs globally to enhance the speaking skills among members and to highlight their interests in public speeches and dialogues (Slutsky, 1997). In fact, the focal responsibility of the toastmaster is to act as hospitable and war host to conduct the whole program, which includes the introduction to the participants and distribution of the awards. On...