Benefits Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

benefits, technology is to blame for some detrimental social and economic consequences. Best affirmed that the internet has eventually contributed to cyber-crime, online bullying, and lack of anonymity and privacy of the users (29). Internet users should be aware of the potential threat to privacy when they use and disclose personal information on the internet; everyone is legally entitled to privacy. Mobile phones have transformed the world of communication. Moreover, smartphones enable mobile subscribers to access the internet anywhere conveniently. However, mobile devices have infringed upon people's privacy without their knowledge. Tene noted that Global Positioning System (GPS), IP location,...

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benefits of online commemoration is required to better understand and appreciate the deep-seated effect of digital grief on participants. Virtual memorializing depicts a rising and popular trend and pattern of social practices upheld by computer networks and cultural transformations. It is crucial to identify whether the practices employed in digital mourning are beneficial and if they bring closer the bereaving families. There is insufficient scholarly material on the positive impacts of online memorializing which creates a gap in the understanding of the topics in disciplines like cultural studies, communication, and the effect of digital media on users’ psychology. As such, it is crucial to note...

benefits these cards have, i.e., they are very convenient, come in handy during emergencies, safer to carry around compared to cash and give a record of the purchases done for easy tracking of one’s spending. However, these benefits often come at a cost and if not careful one may get in the short term and long term financial and psychological problems. According to Fay, at least 86% of students in college possess a credit card and the average credit among these students is $4,100 (2). This statistics is concerning, and therefore college students should be aware of some of the risk associated with bad credit card debt. Credit card increases the chance of one getting into debt since one is able to...

benefits of learning about other cultures in your post. For example, if you are providing a new product, knowing how the foreign community will respond is essential for the success of the product. The manager is able to tailor the product to meet the needs of the foreign consumers. The manager should seek to actively learn from the locals about their culture so as to establish their needs. Essentially, as you have pointed out, the manager has to be ready to collect information from the locals in the process of learning about their culture so as to ensure success of the business in the foreign country. References Keillor, B. (2011). International business in the 21st century. Santa Barbara,...

benefits that the firms and the diversified workforces accrue, language barriers present serious consequences in the delivery services resulting in the discontent and financial losses. John Hopkins Hospital as a Healthcare Organization John Hopkins Hospital as a transnational healthcare organization struggles with the problems of culture and language. The cultural and language blockades exist among the main stakeholders such as the management teams, employees and the patients. John Hopkins’ Hospital saw the broadening of the workforces as an effective way to interact with the local community. If John Hopkins Hospital is established in Brazil, the local workers will find problems in analyzing the...

benefits such as greater opportunity to compete globally as well as a wide range of perspective (Barker et al. 302). The selected strategy is realistic and visible within the context of the organization because to successfully eliminate the problem of the language barrier it is paramount to start by changing the feeling and thought of employees toward each other. This will help to build strong work relationships. The strategy is feasible as it emphasizes the importance of proper training interventions. Such includes programs to develop conversational skills, to improve listening skills. Proper training on non-verbal and verbal communications, negotiation skills and receiving feedback significantly...

benefits than a Double Big Max sandwich which contains around 680 calories (Aldana, 2010). The addition of the garden salad and apple bolsters the nutrient density of the meal. Under the chicken dishes, I would consider taking a sweet chili signature McWrap with grilled chicken or a chicken snack wrap with side garden salad and apple slices. The first option contains 1250 milligrams sugar, 24 grams of sodium, 530 total fat and 13 grams of protein. The meal includes double the protein found in the Mediterranean McWrap and half its fat together with a whole wheat wrap. Whereas, chicken snack wrap with side garden salad and apple slices consists of 2 grams of protein, 290 total fat, 640 milligrams of...

benefits for both age groups, as well as foster the development and utilization of the potential human resource of the elderly people. Suggestions to Maximize Opportunities and Minimize the Challenges To achieve long-term economic and social benefits and opportunities of aging population, proper intergenerational policies need to be formulated. The proper planning and implementation of the policies are important in achieving progress in the long-term perspective. There is also a need for the government and other relevant stakeholders in investing in all generations, both old and young. For instance, people who will become 65 years old in 2060 are already born. Thus, investing now, while those...

Social Work


benefits, rent assistance, and community care support. Commonwealth government guarantees that the elderly receive financial counseling, advocacy services, retirement programs, rehabilitation, and health promotion programs (Moyer 455). My State provides the aged in the society with a range of housing, welfare, and health services. The Commonwealth government also provides services, funding, and support such as home help, respite care, and career assistance to these individuals (Chou 11). The state offers a range of welfare, housing, and health services for individuals aged above 65 years. Through observing the aged in my society, I have understood the need for coordinating the aged-care-services...

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