Benefits Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

benefits of the current health care policy, there are some challenges in its implementation. The Affordable Care Act has left emergency departments in hospitals with a huge risk of compromising the quality of services and the safety of patients. There has been a noticeable increase in the emergency room use in hospitals. This is hugely attributed to the increase in patient activity in hospitals Vis a Vis a fairly constant number of medical professionals in hospitals, especially registered nurses. This a dangerous trend bearing in mind that in emergency departments time is of the essence. Opportunities for nurses With the projected increase in population and the acquisition of health insurance...

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benefits and superiority of the iPhone over the Android phone. Based this interaction, I was convinced into buying the iPhone 7 smartphone. However, the phone was not very different from the android phone, and I felt being "cheated" into unnecessary expenditure. Persuasion helps companies to sell their products. The best way to convince the customer is for a salesperson to be confident, have adequate information about the product and understand the needs of the customer (Importance of Persuasion in Marketing and Sales 1). It seems that the salesperson had mastered all these from the manner she managed to convince me. Part 3: Cognitive Dissonance Cognitive dissonance refers to a state of regret...

benefits that come with diverse cultures. Organizations that strive to appreciate different cultures among employees end up enhancing positivity among the workers; hence the possibility of improved performance for the business (Nahavandi, 2015). Teamwork Teamwork increases efficiency and boosts morale among employees. Leading teams is more comfortable and reduces operating costs. Crews work in harmony to achieve a common goal. When comparing teamwork to individual duties competitiveness, productivity is high under collaboration (Nahavandi, 2015). Applying principles of motivational leadership within a variety of diverse cultures Excitement and complexity are some of the daily encounters of a...

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  • Pages: 3
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Benefits It comprises of: Benefits claim Health continuation coverage Coverage of your dependant's Loss of job MEWAs Small business II. Employee benefit security It includes: Claim procedure plan Association health plan Assistance for wildfires Frequently asked questions Implementation of the mental health parity 2. Retirement Plans A. Benefits & Savings Pension and retirement plan Employee benefits security Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Tax Questions B. Compliance Assistance E-laws Fiduciary correction program iii. Filing acceptance system for ERISA Disclosure tool for 401(k)...

benefits. The fact that Deloitte is an international firm implies that it has to work hard to maintain its image across the globe. Any negative news regarding the way it treats its employees may have adverse effects on its reputation and hence its profitability. An essential requisite for attracting and retaining top talents for the next generation of workers is to ensure that the company can provide excellent employment experience. Reward programs have been identified as crucial elements for building the capacities of employees as well as motivating them (Hoole & Hotz, 2016). Deloitte depends on the best graduates to take up job opportunities in its companies. The process of auditing requires...

benefits of this research and the consequences suffered from the loss of embryos. Although embryos are still a subject of discussion here, most researchers use the already derived cell lines. The benefits that could come from this research surpass the morality questions attached to the destruction of embryos. As technology and other factors keep on developing, diseases and other health complications also keep on increasing. There are only two solutions to this issue, either stop the global developments or find a cure for the arising diseases. The former is impossible, therefore, it is up to the medical scientists to keep developing the cures for these diseases. ESC research appears to be one of the...



benefits, there is little incentive in using the technology. Another area is on the effectiveness of nanotechnology. The current methods of waste management and pollution control are highly costly and fail to give the desired effects. The question that arises is whether nanotechnology will substitute the chemical processes and still be useful. The United States government, for instance, invests around three billion dollars in nanotechnology (3). The figure is much higher when I add numbers from other countries. This money may create more jobs and a sustainable environment on one side. On the other hand, this may be a lot of money compared to the existing chemical method. Production of...

benefits of human error on productivity in the United States of America. Cowen instigates his argument with a statement about how humans are poor at following instructions. Precisely, he states that “We are not great at following rules, and we work better in communities” (Cowen, 2017). Subsequently, Cowen supports these claims by giving various examples. He explains that the healthcare sector would be working better if patients and practitioners were more keen and disciplined. For instance, people opt to take up poor dietary habits and medication to control blood sugar, which has led to an increase in diabetes patients. Cowen also blames this on the low returns on the development of new...

benefits of physical exercise before they experience its results (Trudeau, François, and Roy). Certainly, physical exercises foster several benefits among them being the improvement of academic results, personal wellness, mental stability as well as general happiness. Engaging students in physical exercises in a regular classroom setting contributes significantly to making them active and therefore actively participate in classwork. The subject warrant of the theoretical structure can be derivative when occupational research is reviewed. This framework construction enables the development of valid hypotheses that functionalize subjective warrant along with inviting the observation of...