Benefits Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

benefits by achieving a high client satisfaction indicator, such as defining it, what are the optimal levels of satisfaction, how expectations are formed in customers. These points are fundamental to advance in a better experience and be able to take the necessary actions to achieve the expected results. The client concept There are several concepts that define a client The client is the most important asset that companies possess. This asset can be seen over time, and is not reflected in accounting books.  The purpose of a company is to "create customers", through the two basic functions that the company must develop: "marketing and innovation" and these basic functions...

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benefits equally among its members. In other words, consider the resources of the economy as a pizza to share. Efficiency would be the size of pizza and justice the way in which the different individuals are distributed. two. The cost of one thing is what is renounced to get it. Because people face commitments when making decisions, it is necessary to compare the costs and benefits of the different courses of action they can take. However, in many cases the cost of an action is not as obvious as it may seem at first sight. And when individuals face the dilemma, many variables must be taken into consideration, and one of them is the cost of opportunity that is what should be renounced to obtain a...

benefits it has its basic nutritional value to the body. It also minimizes the risk of the side effects associated with the conventional medical treatment which may have adverse effects on patients. References Powers, W. J., Derdeyn, C. P., Biller, J., Coffey, C. S., Hoh, B. L., Jauch, E. C., ... & Meschia, J. F. (2015). 2015 American Heart Association/American Stroke Association focused update of the 2013 guidelines for the early management of patients with acute ischemic stroke regarding endovascular treatment: a guideline for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke, 46(10), 3020-3035. Waldron, B., & Moll, S. (2016). Natural...

benefits to societies, social media offers a platform for unethical business practices because no company can legally hold a client liable for the negative reviews or comments made about their products. Fourth, a place has been rendered irrelevant by the onset of social media. You don't have to locate your business in any particular place to make sales. There are many online shops where you can buy your products and have them delivered to your doorstep (Agresta, Bough and Miletsky 2010). The availability of reviews and ratings also ensure that businesses are seen and known no matter how far they are located. As long as the reviews are good, a business will always sell. As opposed to the traditional...

benefits in any country or Nation that adopts it. The primary reason as to why the United States decided to allow freedom of speech is to give the citizens a conducive environment. That will enable them to share ideas on how to improve their lives or that of those whose freedoms are abused. They present their grievances to the relevant authorities. Through public speeches, the activists can mobilize people and carry out protests to be heard. The consequences or results of freedom of speech bring several benefits into any society. When the ruling authority chooses to embrace particular restrictions to the speeches made to the public need to be specific. It will not be fair to burn all political...

benefits realized so far. In particular, the field of telecommunications has experienced major transformation to the extent that the world has increasingly been referred to as a global village. This is due to the unbeatable advantages derived from the application of technology in this field. The improved telecommunications today plays a crucial role in how we communicate. Mobile phones especially offer people with the opportunity to connect easily due to their numerous features. Mobile forms enable people to save time-based on communication features such as short messages, calls, and multimedia messages. The message features enable users to disseminate information to relevant groups (Gye 288). Also,...