Bacteria Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

bacteria and its classification as an infectious disease. However, Flexner in his report had it that their poor equipment in the medical schools, second-rate institutions and students were inadequately prepared to take various roles in the pharmaceutical sector. His report impacted the medical education sector immensely with the closure of one-third of the medical schools in the country in a decade. Those remained adopted new academic and admissions requirements. Further, it was due to this reason that the state established the modern medical school. The current faculty of medicine was more efficient as it put emphasis on scientifically based training since it was attached to a teaching...

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bacteria underneath and above water surfaces with the production of cyanobacteria which is normally toxic as it depletes and prevents oxygen supply in water pools thus causing suffocation and death in trophic cascades. In the case of inverted biomass trophic pyramids, there can exist an imbalance in nature (Power N.p). In the event of an event when zero trophic levels exist, there will be plenty of nitrate concentration in water wells which might result in bearing blue babies. Algae can take on the excess nitrates and assimilate them into their nutrients for continued growth although failure to control the phenomenon would lead to eutrophication. This occurs when a lot of nutrients are carried...

bacteria has saved many lives in the past years. Materials and Methods This research will use a set of academic journals and respectable websites to examine the effects of the modern culturing of insulin on the treatment of diabetes. The author will analyze all the sources in line with the topic at hand by extracting the relevant information from them. Not only will it outline the relevance of the sources, but also the parallels between them. Result According to the findings of the International Diabetes Federation, medics used pharmaceutical insulin extracted from the pancreas of either pigs or cows before the turn of the 1980s. Since that time, scientists and physicians developed the...

Bacteria to produce essential human proteins including human insulin and human growth hormone. Bacteria regenerates making it advantageous to use over other microorganisms because they produce a large quantity of these essential proteins. For the creation of useful medicine like insulin, it is important that one understands the steps taken in genetic engineering to achieve such a milestone in humanity. Another aspect of gene technology is DNA fingerprinting. The DNA in each and every person is unique to them. DNA fingerprinting involves using one’s DNA to produce DNA fingerprints for identification. DNA bands are like bar codes, fingerprinting has been utilized for a long time for fighting of...

bacteria. For purposes of this essay, the focus is on a disease called West Nile Fever. It is a form of illness caused by West Nile Virus. West Nile Fever is a form of mosquito-borne contamination with typical symptoms of fever, tiredness, headaches, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, rash and loss of appetite. The presentation of this disease and its pathogen can be illustrated in the form of a 3x5 index card as shown in the table below. Control Strategies There are three control strategies which are used to limit the spread of WNV. These includes treatment of the disease, preventing the disease, and interrupting its transmission. There are control strategies used in WNV, and these include mosquito...

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bacteria, and hence it spread to all people who depended on the river. However, the UN refused to take responsibility even after scientific teams confirmed the report. Instead, the response, in this case, was conducted by MSPP (Ministry of Public Health and Population) and DINEPA (Directorate for Potable Water and Sanitation). The later had just taken over the WASH project before the disaster stroke thus forcing them to change from long-term water projects to tackle the emergency water shortages in the IDP (internally displaced people) camps. Together with UNICEF and other local and international agencies, they supplied tanked water and ensured safe removal and disposal of latrine waste from the IDP...

bacteria, and viruses. The Centre for Disease Control recorded close to two million infections every year, ranging from surgical wounds, urinary tract infections lungs, and blood. To control these diseases one should ask for antibiotics before and after the surgery and especially during surgery one should not allow people to touch them if they have not washed their hands. Anesthesia complications are rare although some people are allergic to certain kinds of anesthesia. The health practitioners should look into your family medical history and also carry out proper examinations of the patient to ensure that the anesthesia will not react negatively to their health. In recent past, doctors are...

bacterial and antifungal activities were evaluated by standardized disc-agar diffusion method . The efficacy of the novel antimicrobial compounds was determined against different strains of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. These compounds were also evaluated against different fungal strains. The gram-positive organisms that were used for culture sensitivity include Staphylococcus aureus (RCMB 010027), Streptococcus pneumoniae (RCMB 010010) and Bacillis subtilis (RCMB 010067). On the other hand, the gram-negative organisms that were used for culture sensitivity include Pseudomonas aeruginosa (RCMB 010043), Klebsiella pneumoniae (RCMB 0010093) and Escherichia coli (RCMB 010052) and Sallmonella...

bacteria to evolve, before coming up with cures. Such cures are usually sought after in micro-organisms and indigenous plants (UNESCO 43). The ability to manipulate the components of those micro-organisms has led to the production of pharmaceutical products such as aspirin. Thus, the role of biodiversity cannot be overemphasized; biodiversity offers the necessary processes and products that may affect a human's body ability to achieve optimum well-being. Scientific research is not only beneficial to current generations but also to future generations. According to UNESCO, only around five thousand (5,000) plant species have undergone the scientific processes in order to ascertain the chemical,...

Cell analogy


bacteria, and food particles. In doing so, it also performs the role of cleaners and operators in a mall. Therefore, harmful materials such as viruses are cleaned from the cell. Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 9: Shoppers in a mall are like lysosomes that wipe out the cell The packaging organelles in the cell are the endoplasmic reticulum. These are divided into rough and smooth ones with different functions in the cell. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is analogous to the small restaurants that have different foods. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum can be compared to the bags used to package the foods bought from the restaurants in an organized manner. Thus, this aspect of the endoplasmic reticula...