Awareness Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

awareness. Eradicate gender bias with regard to economic opportunities, law and culture. There are various societies and cultures where women have no say. Various initiatives should be put in place to ensure gender equality and also to empower women. Women who can inherit, own and manage the property, obtain credit, participate in civic affairs, get a divorce and participate in political affairs equally like men are likely to have fewer children, unlike women who have been deprived of such rights. Do away with policies that financially reward parents based on the number of kids they have. One way the governments should discourage people from having many kids is to scrap off certain financial...

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awareness training, and security guard (Baracaldo, 2013). They are access control enforcers, involving encryption and authentication. Firewalls prevent Malware from harming the internal network. However, it offers just a single layer of protection. The different malware has different entry mechanisms as others do not use the front way. Others use the back door such as worms that infect the computer while downloading attachments from email, or via the use of instant messaging by employees or visiting web pages with malicious content. The use of intrusion detection systems helps mitigating malware. It is injected into the network to locate attacks to the network and analyze the effects. The use of...

awareness. Racism has been linked social-economic effects, psychological problem, low self-esteem in the minor community and institutional discrimination. The only solution to these challenges is ending racism. Racism in institutions of learning such as colleges leads to low morale of the teachers and students, poor performance by both parties. Racist behavior can be portrayed through many ways such as verbal abuse, harassment, bullying and denial of promotion or other benefits the institution should offer. Ending racism in such institutions requires that the students to be taught about racism and why it is a bad practice. Strict regulations should be set and implemented to ensure that any act of...

awareness concerning the various products including their advantages. Some of the organizations have partnered with the health fraternity in creating awareness on some healthy food items need for the body. It is worth noting that the majority of the products being advertised have positive implications for the consumers (Turow and Matthew 61). For example, the partnership between UNICEF and McDonald’s focused on educating the consumers on the various nutrients contained in various food items. The advertisement aimed at fighting malnutrition by helping societies to understand the concept of a balanced diet in particular through the uptake of the food items. As such, McDonald’s produced food...



awareness over the same. Mary Anne Warren has been very keen in dissecting the various controversial issues regarding abortion (Steffen 60). On her part, Warren has carefully examined the various questions that arise from abortion. She questions whether abortion is entirely wrong especially in the event of unwanted pregnancies. The author questions whether the contemporary regulations on abortion follow the moral and ethical values. In her article, she portrays prohibition on abortion as having arisen from various concerns such as medical issues that arise from abortion. However, with the improvement of abortion methods in health facilities, it then becomes difficult to substantiate the ban on...

awareness. Through building friendships with different races resident in economically deprived areas of his city, the author’s eyes opened to new dynamics and insights on racism. The excerpt is profound in that the experience aided in the author’s sense of awareness and understanding of the reality of racism, for instance being able to challenge through experience, various stereotypes he had heard about African Americans. Summarizing Statements/Concluding Thoughts Summarily, the various transitionary stages in life were critical to the author’s understanding of racism, from the influence in childhood and through to adolescence. It is, however, clear from the outlook and experiences of a White...

awareness on the need to respect various types of sexuality in the society. For instance, the media is one of the major channels through which choice of sexuality is encouraged. Internet sites, media houses, and films nowadays contain much gay-related instances and content so as to encourage recognition of these people as part of the society. This campaign had intensified over the last two decades when most films and movies such as Chicago Hope and Coach contained several instances of gayism, lesbianism and bisexuality. Besides, television channels started engaging in airing gay-related content during the family time such as during dinner hours. This paper, therefore, is focused on changing the...

awareness regarding the benefits of the games to the social and individual growth. Besides, the video games producers entice the users to develop a competitive culture to win a contest. Usually, this form of competitiveness if unchecked can lead to the violent behaviors amongst the users. This implies that the content has no correlation with the aggression of the users. Instead, it arouses the individuals to portray their nature to the public. Even though these violent behaviors may be severe, video games provide a platform for triggering the traits and enabling formulation of a quick response to address the issues. Besides, these games appeal to most youths. Therefore, they spend most of the...

  • Words: 1925
  • Pages: 7
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awareness of the company’s products or services through a website. Although the creation of awareness is done on the internet, the actual purchase of the products is done offline (Loayza, 2009). Shawarma uses its website in public awareness other than for direct selling of its products and, hence, it employs this model. Advertising Model With respect to e-business, advertising takes the form of ezine ads, banners, and other promotional techniques. Website advertisement is still behind the most common forms of advertisement such as the television, the radio, and periodicals (Loayza, 2009). The company uses its website for advertising its food products for a few individuals who gain access to...

  • Words: 2750
  • Pages: 5
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awareness Specific Purpose: To present on how to undertake the installation of electrical outlets. Central Idea: Undertaking changes on an electrical outlet may appear frightening (Linsley, 2009). However, the project is very simple so long as proper procedures are followed during electrical wiring. Introduction I. Attention-getter – Would you love to carry out an effective electrical outlet installation? Do you intend to know the process and procedures it entails? Here is what this presentation has for you. Theme statement – In this presentation, I will take you through the steps that lead to the installation of an effective electrical outlet. Credibility – It is to my belief that...