Autobiography of my MoTher Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

mother dying due to tuberculosis that made her live her final years in quarantine in a hospital. This made me devastated, but through the help of my older siblings, we passed through to live positively. I got married in 1978, and we were blessed with three children, a son and two daughters who have also established their families. I lost my wife in 2010 to a road accident. May her soul rest in peace. Would you please describe your definition of aging, as it relates to you and your life? In my view, to get old is a natural and biological evolution placed on men by God. I am fearless of death as it is inevitable for all men rather I view every day of my living as a present. I do not view getting old...

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mother seemed to be comfortable with the situation. Afterward, other gadgets known as Ipads and smartphones came to the scene. At this time, I was much older and more aware of the communication world. Smartphones and Ipads had better features than what I was used to. The games were more entertaining, and the internet provided other platforms to chat with people through social networking sites. I would ‘stay’ on Facebook for hours chatting away with friends or playing games. Even in the middle of a walk on the road, I would slow down or stop to respond to a text on Facebook. I once trampled and fell on my left knee while replying to a Facebook post on the staircase of a local supermarket. Then...

mother was there standing beside my sick bed with tearful eyes. I guess her tears meant something good. She was happy her youngest son who had involved in a fatal accident still had a chance to live again. However seeing her in that sad mood was not a good experience to me especially because I was the one behind it. Conclusion That moment was a learning lesson for me, and I promised my mother that I would never repeat the same ordeal. Since the consequences were not only on me but also to the entire family, my resolution was that I would never drive on my own and if it is necessary, then I must put on my...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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mother ensured everyone in the family was feed and has a cloth to wear. Second, just like in this country, the United States is a multicultural state with many people from different ethnic groups. The diversity of the cultures breeds a neutral society that accommodates all sorts of people who move in and are ready to conform to their practices. For a woman, such a combination of cultural values gives them a chance to choose which best fits their well-being in the society (Maddux & Galinsky, 2009). Third, living in Israel is much more that living in the United States. The distribution of income is dependent on the education levels of the family. For independent persons more so women, their source...

mother is a single parent who cannot raise my school fees all by herself. She runs small businesses so as to make ends meet. Even though joining the army breaks her heart, she still supports my dream. My father’s only contribution in my life is scolding me about my career choice and instilling fear in me about how I may not last a year before I am killed by pirates. According to my dad, army men are cowards who risk their lives for people they do not know. Finally, Douglas Albert is my external motivator since he is my role model in the armed forces. Albert’s excellent and impressive efforts earned him the highest military award in the U.S military, the Medal of Honor. Apart from appreciating the...

Value Ethics


mother has always been against violent behavior or arguments that are physical in nature. I have faced the consequences of violence on many occasions. The outcomes were always ugly. Lately, I have been working to engage my brains and not my muscles in the thinking. The result of aggressiveness are always unknown, the limitation of the information makes me patience and slow to react always. I made several mistakes and learned that everyone deserves a second chance. Perhaps I could have become a different person if I had grown in the different environment under different circumstances. However, I like the person I have become and appreciate the environment that shaped my image and values. Nevertheless,...



mother about the speech impairment, she partly linked it to either the death of my father the previous year, and due to bilingualism given the fact that I was a Latino and had fluency in English. My mother also believed the stammer came as a result of my brain which was working too fast and processing information at an incredible speed. It is surprising that I took that as a fact and gradually developed confidence in speech. At the end of 7th grade and throughout middle school my mother encouraged me to laugh whenever I stuttered or stammered and to have confidence because I was unique and competitively different than fellow peers. It hence followed that I embraced the stammering and sometimes...

mother has been an inspiration when she worked as a cash register attendant at the State government level. I am motivated by the nature of the fast food setting where I get to meet new people, and due to my diligent services, they end up being return customers. It would be a great privilege to work at the KFC where I am ready to help the restaurant achieve it to set goals and emerge as the most competitive fast food restaurants in the US. I am looking forward to a prompt and kind reply from you and later organize for an interview to ascertain my experience and qualifications for the specified job position. Kindly contact me through (001) 456 1234 or [email protected] for any updates and...

mother, nanny, grandparent, or a day care provider. Children raised up in histrionically diverse environments can mature to have unusually similar personalities in future, and children sharing a home and raised up in an identical environment can develop to have very diverse personalities. Therefore, it has been difficult to identify the concrete effects of the links between precise actions of parents and future conduct of their children. However, the parent’s effect on child development has attracted the attention of developmental psychologists. With numerous research, developmental psychologists have concluded that there are links between parenting styles and the effects these styles have on...