Autism Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

autism spectrum disorders(ASD). FASDs are an example of developmental disabilities that are avoidable. FASD is an acronym used to explicate a group of developmental disorders that are caused by the exposure of the fetus to alcohol (Clarren 1063). The most severe FASD is known as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome(FAS). When a pregnant woman takes in alcohol, it is absorbed by the fetus through the placenta. The placental barrier is not able to block ethanol. The fetal liver lacks ADH and ALDH enzymes. It is, therefore, unable to detoxify ethanol. Eventually, ethanol builds up in the fetus. The concentration of these alcoholic substances inhibits proper absorption of oxygen and nutrients. This leads to...

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autism. Paulo is willing to learn and collaborates with other students to improve his communication skills. Moreover, Paulo attends an elementary and middle school where he trains in sign language. He can be able to take directions and answer questions that require a yes or no response. Furthermore, he engages in nonacademic activities such as playing football, watching movies, carrying out home chores and raking leaves in the yard. Paulo has several strengths and weaknesses (Paulick, Rainer, and Matthias 79). For instance, he has communication disabilities and can only communicate using sign languages, gestures, and a few words. On the other hand, Paulo is self-driven which enables him to carry out...

autism." Journal of autism and developmental disorders 43.12 (2013): 2748-2763. Ruble, Lisa, John H. McGrew, and Michael D. Toland. "Goal attainment scaling as an outcome measure in randomized controlled trials of psychosocial interventions in autism." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 42.9 (2012): 1974-1983. Salvia, John, James Ysseldyke, and Sara Witmer. Assessment: In special and inclusive education. Cengage Learning, 2012. Sanches-Ferreira, Manuela, et al. "How individualized are the Individualised Education Programmes (IEPs): an analysis of the contents and quality of the IEPs goals." European Journal of Special Needs Education 28.4 (2013):...

autism at five years old. Previously, his developmental progress has been within the range that is expected for a child within the autistic spectrum disorders. Shortly before his 10th birthday, his parents went through a difficult divorce. As a result, his father no longer stays with them and rarely visits. He has two brothers who live with him together with the mother in a middle-income neighborhood. He attends an education center for children with autism. After the parents’ divorce, Arnold presented with mild depression which resolved. However, in the previous three months, he has had seizures, sensory processing problems, depression and impulsive behavior. This article presents a write-up or the...

autism in the family. Schizoaffective disorder: No clear symptoms that could suggest that Alfred might be suffering from this disorder. Principal diagnosis Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Treatment People like Alfred with PTSD can be treated using the two main available options which include psychotherapy and medication. Psychotherapy or counseling entails having sessions with a therapist. The therapist can employ different approaches to help the patient overcome the problem. However, the most common approach involves focusing on the traumatic event to unearth the core fear associated with the event. Patients can also use medication such as venlafaxine, paroxetine, and fluoxetine to...

autism and inflammatory bowel disease (van der Zeijst, 2011). Such information aims at spreading a dangerous anti-vaccine philosophy. Hence, where in the past years only rare cases of diseases such as measles were being reported, such cases are now increasing at an alarming rate. Several factors contribute to the decline of the number of kids being immunized. The World Health Organization has been on the forefront in ensuring that all kids are immunized. In 1990, the organization hit its target of full vaccination 80 percent of all children in the world. This saved the lives of 3.5 million children in developing countries. 85% immunization in the world is a great achievement though much has to be...

autism leading to the question are vaccines good or bad? In my opinion, I agree that vaccination has revolutionized healthcare. Despite the minimal undesirable consequences, vaccination has saved lives of many children across the world. The statistical comparison of positive and negative effects reveals even a greater magnitude of positive effects. The minimal instances of adverse reactions towards vaccines by children can be reduced over time. More research effort has been dedicated to creating a better healthcare all over the United States and other parts of the world. Natural infection risk outweighs immunization risk for each vaccine recommended during early childhood. Vaccination is good because...

Autism Spectrum Disorders Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are a broader term for different forms of autism. These symptoms, being quite prevalent in children, revolve around hindrances apropos of their development (Verdick, Reeve & Kobyluch, 2012). In precision, it is important to understand the effects of these disorders on the cognitive growth of children. The salient symptoms portray the children’s difficulties in social interaction and communication with others (Tantam, 2012). Research has delineated similarities between the different types of ASDs. Conditions such as Asperger’s syndrome, autistic disorder and pervasive developmental disorder are classified under these ASDs. Various...

autism, when their intentions are to develop challenged individuals and improve the performances of intellectual disabled people and when such individuals engage on the theme of physician-assisted suicide. Hence, “Biopower” might be viewed as a positive attitude towards the capability and “ablebodieness” of individuals suffering from a disability (Foucault, 1983). According to Foucault, an individual’s identity is the result of historical or contingent conditions that influences subjectivity. Foucault endorsed the concept of "epistemological breaks." An "epistemological break" is considered a domain of medicine that refers to the separation between science and superstition. Foucault...



AUTISM Employing the DSM- v criteria could provide an answer to what is wrong with Tommy. Tommy has difficulties in engaging in social communications, does not cuddle, is a loner and has limited initiation to social interactions and limited social overtures from siblings and friends. Echolalia, parroting of what others say to him, and the inability to initiate speech or his language, could imply that Tommy has autism spectrum disorder. The other information that one could seek from Tommy's mom is to know whether Tommy responds to his name if he makes eye contact or looks at people, if he smiles to people. In behavioral development, the telltale signs of the disorder include the following; repetitive...