Australian Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Australian culture of her peers will lead to her emancipation. Josie says "…run for my life; to be free and think for myself. Not as an Australian and not as an Italian" (Marchetta 40). Contrary to this, it is only when she fully immerses herself into the Italian culture that she gathers freedom and thus proclaims, "A tradition that I probably will never let go of either, simply because like religion, culture is nailed into you so deep you can't escape it." (Marchetta 175) Marchetta puts an emphasis on the need for adolescents to take up responsibilities if they wish to solidify their search for identity. When Josephine fails to carry out her duty for the lower grades at the Walkathon, Sister...

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Australian region of Victoria for a siesta after the rigors of politics. She has deliberately chosen Australia, a country that is renowned for pet ownership; with statistics showing that majority of Australians enjoy the company of pets. Mrs. Clinton is a well-publicized pet lover, with her family owning at least four dogs. Since Mrs. Clinton has chosen this particular corner of the globe, she has identified Marketing Consultation Inc., a leading marketing research firm based in Australia, to conduct a marketing research on the city and for the firm to report back on the viability of the venture. This research aims to establish the current state of pet ownership in the city of Victoria, more so the...

Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7 (10), 7-19. Al-Hussami, M. (2011). A Study of Nurses’ Job Satisfaction: The Relationship to Organizational Commitment, Perceived Organizational Support, Transactional Leadership, Transformational; Leadership, and Level of Education. European Journal of Scientific Research, 22 (2), 286-295. Cherniss, C. (2016). Beyond Burnout: Helping Teachers, Nurses, Therapists, and Lawyers Recover From Stress And Disillusionment. London: Taylor and Francis. Denham, S., Eggenberger, S., Krumwiede, N. & Young, P. (2016). Family Focused Nursing Care. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company. Fabiene, E. & Kachchhap, S. (2016). Determinants of Employee’s...

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and Medical Board of Australia. 3. Least two years of experience are filling in as either Resident Medical Officer or Hospital Medical Officer. Work Knowledge/Skill Required: 1. Thorough learning of medication and human life systems. 2. Delicate abilities, for example, viable relational skills and interpersonal aptitudes for serving patients and working with colleagues are fundamental to this position. 3. Successful free leader likewise can collaborate with colleagues durably. A.2.2 Job Descriptions Work Title: Psychiatrist Work Location: North West Regional Hospital Outreach Clinics Office Title: Department of Psychiatry in Outreach Clinics The...

Australian Law Commission: Maren E. Hyde-Nolan, P. T. (n.d.). Theoretical Basis for Family Violence. Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC,...

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Australian Accounting Review 6.12 (1996): 37-44. Web. Sinha, Gokul. Financial Statement Analysis. 1st ed. : Prentice-Hall Of India, 2012. Print. Wix, Stephanie et al. "Accountancy Age |." N.p., 2016. Web. 18 Dec....

Australian Transport Safety Bureau, 1, 2-9. Latorella, K. & Prabhu, P. (2000). A review of human error in aviation maintenance and inspection. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 26(2), 133-161. Maintenance Error - SKYbrary Aviation Safety. (2016). Retrieved 7 December 2016, from Strauch, B. & Sandler, C. (1984). Human Factors Consideration in Aviation Maintenance. Proceedings Of The Human Factors And Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 28(10), 913-916.

Australian Computer Society. Santosh, D. T., Babu, K. S., Prasad, S. D. V., & Vivekananda, A. (2016). Opinion Mining of Online Product Reviews from Traditional LDA Topic Clusters using Feature Ontology Tree and Sentiwordnet. Valencia-García, R., Colomo-Palacios, R., & Alor-Hernández, G. (2016). New Trends in Opinion Mining Technologies in the Industry J. UCS Special Issue. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 22(5), 605-607. Wang, S., Chen, Z., & Liu, B. (2016, April). Mining Aspect-Specific Opinion using a Holistic Lifelong Topic Model. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web (pp. 167-176). International World Wide Web Conferences Steering...

Australian Quarterly 23.1 (1951): 92. Web. Based on this article, Saint Exupery is said to be nearly a legend. There are several incidents in his life ended by his pronounced death that proves shows that he made great contributions by his literary work. Many of people must have made an acquaintance with him through some of his literary works such as the Night Flight according to some of his friends; he was enthusiastic in furthering some social reforms to liberate humanity from the society’s bonds that are normally inhuman. Triebel states that most of his works are animated by the love of people and the desire for essential human elements. Exupery felt that it is the only personal example that...