Asset Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

asset losses in case of defaulting on repayment. On the other hand, the proprietor may give an investor a stake in the company in exchange for finances. This is referred as equity financing. Besides outside cash injection, the business could choose to bootstrap. This kind of self-funds cancels out external liabilities and loss of control. Again, a connection with strategic partners would enable it to align resources that will eventually feed the business either at a later date or through provision of access to the essentials of a certain line of products. Selling Out At some point in the life cycle of a business, the proprietor is at a critical junction on how to sell out the business. This...

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assets (which includes inventory) with required ease. The quick ratio also affirms the company’s ability to meet the current needs that arise using current assets excluding inventory. The company’s receivables turnover ratio was 8.45 which means that the company turned accounts receivable into cash 8.45 times for the 12 months that it operated. This also means that the company’s accounts receivable were collected in an average of 43 days in the whole year that the company operated (365 days /8.45 = 43.19 days). The inventory turnover ratio that measures the number of times the company is able to convert its inventory into revenue (Kimmel et al., 2009) cannot be computed as the company did...

asset tax and net income tax. Besides, there are safety requirements and qualification of crew members, certificates such as Special Qualification Certificate which is issued after assessing the crewmembers (Kavussanos & Tsekrekos 2011). Other factors that need to be examined are the operating costs, labour, international treatment, and ship mortagage. Flagging a vessel in a country where the owner resides attracts various benefits. Yang & Chung 2013 identified taxation incentive as one of the financial benefits. There is no double-taxation since the seaman pays tax only to the home country. Also, the owner of the vessel can get cheaper labour and oversee the operations of the ship....

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asset balloons. The game creates a great opportunity for interaction of individuals of different personality types. The game utilizes balloons whereby vital assets to maintaining effective functionality of the hospital are written on the balloons. The assets labels could be like "Empathy on a patient." On twosuccessive balloons, one asset is labeled, and the balloons are distributed randomly. People with the matching balloon that is labeled with the similar asset are instructed to find each other whereby they are then given time to interact and discuss ideas, procedures, and tips on the assets. The exercise relates to Myers-Briggs in that it makes it easier for the individuals to interact...

assets and liabilities. 4-17; Examples of data warehouse architecture are such as relational database, data cubes, virtual federated warehouse, data warehouse appliance and in-memory database 4-18; Big data refers to a lot of data collections that show high volume, velocity, and variety. 4-19; ‘Data mining can be described as a way of collecting intelligence by using statistical methods to find hidden patterns and relationships that are undetectable in routine reports.’ Wallace, P. (2018). 4-20; The examples of a database without boundaries are such as, Facebook, and Instagram. 4-21; Ownership issues affect information management through leadership, cooperation, negotiation...

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asset for a manager. Through politicking, a manager can increase contacts for his/her organization. Organization politics helps organizations achieve their objectives. Effective politicking means understanding yourself, your ability to influence others and ability to manage information. However, too much organization politics can hurt employee morale (De Janasz et al., 2015). It is therefore important for managers to check on the level of politicking and put measures in place to reduce possible negative impact. Politicking is associated with self-interest. One may be faced with a dilemma in politicking; one may have information that would help him/her gain promotion though at the expense of a...

  • Words: 275
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Assets This occurs when employees or workers steel company assets; whether monetary or physical. Lack of proper security and supervision, workers could take inventories out of a faculty. However, asset misappropriation is not only making items from the company but also unauthorized use of company assets. b) Payroll fraud Ghost employee is a common form of fraud in extensive health facilities. The payroll staff either creates a forged employee in the payroll records or sometimes prolongs the pay of employees who have left the hospital or alter with the payment record so that the direct deposit payment is made out to them. This fraud works best in large hospitals such as Urgent Hospital where...