Arms and The Man Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

man and woman. Sources The author uses a large amount of bibliography. The literary and especially scientific works that Laqueur uses to reinforce his book. Thomas Laqueur tells the conception that has been sex throughout history, supporting themselves with numerous texts of philosophy and medicine, and most of these seem to be favorable to feminist tendencies. It is necessary to clarify that the author constantly makes a difference between gender (the social construction that represents the male and female roles that are assigned to people) and sex (biological characteristics), and Laqueur uses different sources to expose both concepts. Sex is natural and biological, while gender is something...

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many women lacked that right. Over time these differences have been solved and the mixed schools in which the same treatment of boys and girls in all educational fields are dispensed and they are together in the same classroom. Today the mixed school is defended by the State since the Spanish Constitution of 1978 establishes the right of all citizens to education, education that will have as its object the full development of human personality in respect for the democratic principles ofcoexistence and fundamental rights and freedoms, not being able to be discriminated against by sex. Since coeducation was invented, numerous studies have shown that women have better academic results than men. This...

man is the same. In this sense and starting from Hegelian philosophy we find an analogy between master and slave and man and woman.  In this relationship the master can only be when he is recognized by the slave. While the master is recognized as free awareness, the slave contemplates him as an ideal, as if he had no awareness. (Padina). The woman is only recognized in men, in her interests;She is a dependent consciousness. Of the contario will be "little feminine". The man, like the master, is the one who does "things" and the one who thus grants his status to the woman. Developing. We understand then that for relations between men and women, they stop supposing female...

mances. In this sense, sex and gender can be understood as a construction of the body and subjectivity as a result of the preformative effect of a ritualized repetition of acts that end up naturalizing and producing the illusion of a substance, of an essence. Such generic and sexual productions are given within the framework of the one called by Butler, heterosexual matrix. As an example of this heterosexual matrix, body producer and heterBlue, their games will be related to strength, competition and power (weapons, cars, football, wooden horses.);He will have fewer restrictions on his movement (he will not wear long and uncomfortable dresses, skirts or sandals that, for example, prevent him from...

manence of social and cultural elements that currently subsist. Leading to a series of differentiating models between men and women, which are transmitted from generation to generation based through educational factors, and especially among young people, in part, due to their high capacity for suggestion and possibilityof manipulation as a consequence of a personality not fully formed. As a consequence of all this, it results in the construction of identities based on gender stereotypes and sexism. conclusion Combining in the traditional idea of the protection that women need by the man, configuring the latter as being dominant, and therefore, superior, thanks to that difference of power between...

man has been able to leave her comfort zone and realize that she is an important being within society;Thanks to this thought, different protests and movements have been achieved through the world as protest for the rights to vote or be considered a citizen. After achieving these rights, he began to be an intellectual and independent woman, he did not comply with just being a housewife or a woman who worked without being able to handle his income, so the ones arranged on having a word in the economy began with actions such as power as powerobtain an inheritance, receive a salary or be part of a company. On the other hand, we have controversial factors such as racism, sexualization and religion, where...