Answer Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

answering questions and writing hypothesis whose approval requires data either qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative Research The qualitative research utilizes data of a graphic nature. The appropriate tool for conducting this type of the investigation observations, interviews, document analysis and the analysis of participant products including journals, blogs, magazines, and diaries. According to Bagnoli, Interviews are a standard method of data collection, especially in qualitative research. The use of interviews relies on language as the privileged medium for enhancing the understanding of knowledge through creativity and communication (547). The article argues that the use of vision and...

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answers to the benefits of crying. One serves to relieve tension and distress while reducing arousal. The other aggravate distress and increase arousal in an autonomic way. Other theories are there to prove how crying is important in one’s life. The article presents the psychological consequences of crying and better explains why the advantages have been elusive in the past. Many beliefs and theories that exist to show how beneficial crying is to a person yet others find no benefits. To better understand the elusive effects of crying, then you need to know that the benefits of crying: Depend on the paradigm of the research – when the effects are measured (calming effects versus arousing effects)...

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answer with a tick or cross. Number Question Response Yes No Do you understand what disenchantment is? Do you know about any philosopher? Have you ever heard about Weber or Habermas? Do you believe that Weber and Habermas have different opinions? Would you use the theories of any of the two philosophers to explain the happenings of the world? Do you support the theories advanced by the philosophers? Would you use any of the theories advanced by Weber or Habermas for your research? Does this paper provide vital information? Does the paper explain the differences or similarities between Weber’s and Habermas’ theories? References Balcomb, A. O. (2014). Of Iron Cages, Double Binds, Epistemological...



answer to the criticism of cultural imperialism of American film-making. To him, this was an industry that had produced numerous films about places that their filmmakers had also not traveled. Without concern of the kind of substance he reasons with, or the fact that he is an arthouse equivalent to the much impulsive rattles of perceptions, there still stands so much to be appreciated about his desire to make films. Daringly, his methods commonly approach forbidden territories (Palmer, 2). The film genre is that of drama as it begins in a plantation where slavery has never been abolished. The mam rules with an iron fist with assistance from her foreman, Wilhelm. Wilhelm, in the film believes that...

answer to this question lies with Lauren. In this world, Lauren has a power referred to as hyper empathy which makes her feel pleasure and pain of other individuals. Despite the dangerous community that she lives, Lauren shows empathy to the less privileged in the society. She tries to help as much as she can. For instance, Lauren is a very compassionate person but not a bleeding heart. Even when she makes a decision to take in the suffering little Amy Dunn under her care, she angrily notes that “I've been taking care of little kids since I was one, and I'm tired of it. I think, though, that if someone doesn't help Amy now, someday she'll do something a whole lot worse than burning down her...

answer provided: “Every language reflects a unique worldview with its own value systems, philosophy and particular cultural features. The extinction of a language results in the irrecoverable loss of unique cultural knowledge embodied in it for centuries, including historical, spiritual and ecological knowledge that may be essential for the survival of not only its speakers, but also countless others. For speaker communities, languages are the creations and the vectors of tradition. They support cultural identity and are an essential part of a community’s heritage.” One might argue that this is the way the world is and people should simply accept it. That in the end, fewer languages spoken...

answer the questions of their opponent. This is the refutation stage of classical oration. In my opinion group, 6 outshone group 3 at this stage. Group 3 were unable to answer the key questions by group 6 while their questions were handled quite satisfactorily. After this stage, each group gave a concluding statement based on their arguments and beliefs. This is the conclusion stage of the classical oration. Group 3 argued that the society has become bloody and consists of warlike people, so the society should embrace the gladiator fights and should not criticize them. This is hyperbole. It is an overstatement. I do not think our society is bloody and that we like war. Group 6 applied enumeration....

answer is on whether women can stomach the physical and emotional demands of a sustained combat operation, and whether they can accept the abrasion and medical concerns that go along with integration. While majorities of positions in the military and other armed forces in the country are open in equal measure to the two genders, there are positions that do not physically suit women (Fenne 134). The standards of physical vigor demanded in combat operations suit men, and for women to attempt in attaining the standards can only overstrain themselves. It is only fair that women learn to accommodate themselves to the limit that they can manage. Efficiency There are women who shall meet the required...