Animal Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Animals Be Used in Medical Research Student’s name Institutional Affiliation Abstract Use of animals for medical research has led to numerous benefits for humanity and animals as well. Continuous search and study of animals as experiments in laboratories through scientific inquiry has enormously reduced cases of human diseases and suffering, while substantially increasing life expectancy. The majority of achievements in medicine and biology have been achieved through experimenting with animals as illustrated by some examples in this paper. There remains a lot to be learned and discovered through the use of animals and studies in areas such as the development of vaccines and diagnosis of Cancer,...

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animal traffic apart from the vehicular traffic. Pedestrian overpasses or footbridges as they are sometimes known can complement with landscapes and may also be applicable in the decoration of visually related two defined areas. For most developed countries or nations, pedestrian overpasses are functional and may include the beautiful works out of art and sculpture. In less developed countries, footbridges may only be used by medical clinics, markets, and schools that at some occasion may not find it easy to cross over bridges. In this regard, there has been the development of simple designs for suspension bridges that are sustainable or also easy to construct in the rural localities through use...

animals; they move in search of favorable conditions like sufficient pasture and drinking water. Their patterns during the migration are a sight to behold. It is so beautiful to the eye, especially when watched from an aerial view when few zebras always lead the large herd of wildebeests. It makes the Mara best for game viewing, not only because of the white bearded gnus but also regarding the big cats’ family. It is a very exciting natural happening to watch lionesses, leopards and cheetahs spending time with their cubs and imposing their physical will on the medium sized and small herbivores. A pride of lions can also take down an adult buffalo. The presence of these cats near your touring...

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animals that they hunted for food built t and built their houses using wood, bark, and animal hide. In the Native America, “medicine” is synonymous to a mystery. The society believes that spirits exist, and among them, there are good and also bad ones. Good spirits help people while the evil ones are responsible for problems that befall the society collectively and individual persons alike. The people believe that the protective powers which medicine men possess can control these evil spirits. Having such protective powers which are not universally known by other people, is the reason why the society consider it a mystery and thus “medicine.” This uniqueness of the healers provided the...

Animal Rights The ethics of animal rights is a controversial issue. The conflict exists when balancing the human need for meat and other services from animals. In the quest to satisfy mans’ need for meat, billions of animals are slaughtered. On the research front, laboratory experiments use an estimated two hundred million animals around the world. In this case, they are subjected to all sorts of torture in the name of research so as to benefit humanity. Pessimists argue that a huge portion of these laboratory animals are subjected to discomfort and pain. On the worst case, some of them die as a result of stress and infections during testing of drugs. Similarly, about two hundred and fifty million...



animal for fun or self-protection. However, there are policemen who are mandated to offer the protection. If someone happens to have an argument with a friend and shoots him or her out of anger, the shooter will be charged with murder and life will have been lost unlike for the birds and animals who can be shot for fun without the shooter being charged for any offense. Guns have also been used to commit suicide, for example in the United States children under the age of fifteen commit suicide using guns because of bullying.(U.S. News, Some states have strict regulations that require guns to be safely kept not in use. Even though this control works to maintain the number of guns low, it is...

animal also required continuity. Therefore, God instructed Noah to preserve creation of every kind male and female (Vatican City State N.P). Evidently, the rest of establishment still exists because production continued. Today animals identify with their species, and so do the human race. As much as people are different regarding skin color language and beliefs, we both recognize each other as mortal beings. Animals also identify each depending on species. Every species have common culture and practices but what maintains the identity is reproduction and living as a unit. Work cited Vatican City State, "The Holy See." N.p., 2016. Web. 2 Dec. 2016....

animal transportation. Worldwide, there are over 400 varying horse breeds with different characteristics. The largest horse breeds have a height of up to 69 inches when measured up to the shoulder from the hooves and can weigh up to 998 kgs. On the other hand, small horse breeds can be as tiny as 30 inches in height and have a weight of 54 kg only. The paper presents an analysis of the bloodline, characteristics, and the uses of the Furioso horse breed, one of the unique and most popular breed of horses. History The Furioso horse breed was first bred in 1784 at the Mezohegyes animal farm in Hungary. A horse named ‘Furioso’ originating from England among the Thoroughbred stallions was one of...

animal cells and play an important role in cell division. Cytokinesis is the process by which the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell divides into two daughter cells during cell division. Kinetochore is a protein structure that is formed on a chromatid during the process of cell division and enhances it to hold to a spindle fiber on a chromosome. Homologous chromosomes are pairs of chromosomes from each parent that are alike in gene position, length and centromere position. Synapsis is the process by which two chromosomes pair during meiosis. This process allows exchange of genetic material and crossover. A Tetrad is a structure created by the synapsis of homologous chromosomes during the prophase...