Analysis of The Representation of Women in Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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women fairness. A group of women known as the Guerilla Girls who fought against sexism and racism by protesting, speaking and live performances. Equally important there was a great use of humorous posters to express their views and messages. Among other feminists, artists are Jenny Holzer and Barbara Kruger who used mass communication as a way to draw visual vocabulary of advertising by use of both graphics and by this they are trying to help destroy the male dominance social concepts (DiTolla n.p). Body art and feminism comes in hand in hand, and it is used to help convey precise issues facing female artists. Lucy Lippard stated, "When women use their bodies in their artwork, they are using their...

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women in a year. Men are equally prone to domestic violence as women. There are more than 20000 recorded phone calls every day reporting sorts of domestic violence. The most prone people are women ranging in the age of 18 and 24 years. It is expected that intimate characters separate after cases of violence. However, due to fear of being harmed or killed after separation, most people remain in their relationships. The study shows that a woman reports an assault by a lover after approximately 35 times (Gerdes 64). Statistics shows that globally everyone among three women experiences violence from their partners within their lifetime. 30% of these cases occur during pregnancies. There are reasons why...



women. The society ideally associates women with house roles such as taking care of children and their homes. The effect of such attitudes has significantly diminished the participation of women in other lucrative positions and careers throughout the world. In fact, stereotypical assumptions about gender roles have had a significant influence on the way the society views women. Chemaly decries that even the voice of women in the society has been degraded and is only associated with sexism (6195). The trust on women even in public offices has been an all-time low. Those that entrust women in influential positions tend to use sympathy rather than their qualifications to consider them for ideal...

women are victims of circumstance. Sexual abuse includes forced sex, marital rape, or attacks on sexual parts of the body. Physical abuse, on the other hand, includes slapping, grabbing, hitting, biting, and related forms (Garcia, et al. 2006). Emotional abuse is a situation where one’s ability is undermined either through withdrawing their efforts towards a particular task, verbal abuse, social isolation, and threats. Economic abuse, on the other hand, involves discriminating people with low annual income and isolating them and abusing them in relation their little finances. Finally, psychological abuse, as a strain of intimate violence, is caused by fear instilled by intimidation and threats of...

women have. Women tend to be less aggressive and ferocious while men tend to be extra antagonistic and fierce. These give men the grounds to define society, hold public offices, and formulate rules and laws to be followed. The feminists also take the advantage and start controlling women. In the past, women in the United States of America were not allowed to vote, serve on a jury, own property or testifying in the court. However, in the 21st century, much has been realized in strive to bridge the gap. Women can vote, testify in courts, own property, serve on a jury, and perform much of what men do including serving in the military. Though much has been done to eradicate gender stratification, men...

women had a belief that many legal gender-based inequities depicted the American constitution. The Constitution only provided for the rights of few white males while women were being treated with regards to English common law and America cultural tradition. The proponents of women rights stated that the constitution did not provide for legal rights for women. Between the year 1972 and 1982, women activists aired their grievances through rallies, picketing, hunger strike, marching, lobbies, petitioning, and civil disobedience. Owing to these grievances, Crystal Eastman and Alice Paul who was the pioneer of National women's party drafted the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). In the year 1923, the proposed...

Women are also the victims of the poor healthcare problems due to poor management of breast cancer and inefficient antenatal care. The women also are faced with patriarchy and widespread manifestation of the HIV//AIDS due to lack of healthcare civil education. The problems have affected the general public due to the rampant corruptions in various health departments (Epping-Jordan, J. E., et al. 2004). Effects of Health Problems in India The health problems in India have contributed largely to malnutrition especially among women. India has recorded the highest number of malnourished women in the world. Malnutrition has an impact on general body health and physical health status. Notably, a lot of...