An Argument Against Racial Profiling Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

profiling via documentation of such lessons. Another way is to identify the role model person, such as police officers, to encourage the value of togetherness in the society and the benefit of avoiding microaggression (Sue 17). The society should also be educated about the harmful effects of the act and how the people’s lives can be changed by microaggression. It is said that “Making the “invisible” visible is the first step toward combating unconscious and unintentional racism, sexism, heterosexism, and other forms of bigotry” (Sue 20). People need to be convinced that the act is not appropriate for any person and should be avoided by any means. Works Cited Berry, Carlotta. "They Call...

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profiling and discrimination. It was deeply rooted in the resistance efforts among African slaves and their descendants through the centuries against the oppression, and abolishing slavery. The movement spanned through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to have their civil rights securely protected within the constitution using non-violent protests. A majority of the blacks viewed the Civil War as “an opportunity to free the enslaved with a Union victory” (McGruder N.p) whose reflection was in the traditional black press that was growing across the entire northern states. Books played a significant role in the influence and addition of knowledge regarding the civil rights movement to the...

Profiling" n.p.). In the recent past, there has been an increase in police brutality resulting in the deaths of several African Americans hence causing people to protest against such instances. Video footages have shown white officers killing unarmed black suspects. Police officers should treat all suspects without bias and should avoid all manners of discrimination by race as a means of upholding the US Constitution. People of color have higher chances of getting arrested as compared to white offenders. As fate has it, Black individuals are further discriminated against when it comes to getting bail. Black offenders have higher chances of getting arrested by law enforcers but have low chances of...