Amusing Ourselves to Death Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

death – the prize of the lottery. The lottery is an annual tradition the villager's practice. The villagers neither have the knowledge of how the tradition began nor the end of it. It is a natural force that drives people furiously against the winner, and no one can dissuade it. Jackson’s story is dominated by symbolism, with the most rudimentary symbol being the lottery itself. The lottery is a representation of tradition, precisely, the kind that goes unquestioned. The destructive nature of traditions such as “the lottery” is harder to see when they exist in our societies compared to when other less familiar societies practice them. The method used to kill the winners of the lottery is...

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death. Native American religion may be considered polytheistic due to the existence of diverse religions in the community. In addition to Christianity, these individuals embraced Ghost Dances, Indian Religion, The Native American Church and The Waashat Religion, among others (Martin & Mark 67). These diversities noted in Native American belief systems depicted their regard for religion in improving human life. Their affiliation with Christianity was perpetrated by European Catholic and Protestant groups, pressuring most of these Native Americans to embrace the religion. There was a malfunction in the Native American’s acquisition of traditional religions hence; leading them to practice modern...

death. Delia, on the other hand, works for long hours as a washerwoman and is presented as a hardworking lady with upright principles. Delia faces mistreatment and torture from her husband. Her marriage is abusive, and she seems to be trapped in it just like Hedda. Delia is married to Sykes who oppresses her by instilling fear and through physical violence. Observers in town also show that Delia has lost her beautiful and elegant look as a result of an abusive husband. These instances have made Delia lose the need for a spouse and the marriage since her wages had paid for their home. Sykes further establishes a love affair with other women and plots to poison Delia by use of a rattlesnake. However,...

death. According to “Human life is more important…than property rights, and stealing, when more important issues such as preserving human life are at stake, is morally justified” (Thiroux and Krasemann 297) Therefore, in the dilemma that Katia and her family were in, stealing is justifiable. Would there be a difference if it were hard though peaceful times, and Katia couldn’t buy food due to lack of a job? Yes, it would make a difference. Why? During peacetime, despite hard times and the inability of Katia to get a job and earn money to buy food, there is no crucial emergency situation. There are possibilities of her getting a job or receiving aid from other people within the town who are...

Lung cancer


death than any other type of cancer. The growth of tissues can lead to tumors that extend beyond the lungs occurs in a process known as metastasis; where the malignant tumors grow aggressively from their point of origin and can even move to the lymphatic system and the bloodstream. The lung is a vital organ in the human body, the nature of lung cancer makes it very dangerous and also difficult to cure. Even though lung carcinoma can spread to other body organs, specific organs are usually affected first by the metastasis like the liver, brain, adrenal glands, and bones. The lung can also be affected by the spread of malignant tumors from other body organs and tissues. The majority of people...

deaths were accounted to air pollution infections and there are speculations that this figure may increase in future. It is estimated that 48% of the Chinese citizens breathe intoxicated air. The climate of China has also changed due to the global warming effect caused by the air pollution; this is causing increased incidents of skin cancer. In India, 25% of the deaths that occur annually are accounted to air pollution. For instance, in 2014, about 527, 000 people died of infections caused by air pollution. Many people are investing in the motor industry in India, which is likely to increase air pollution. The drug industries and research works are also being established; this shows that more...

death just after the ruling hence resulting to a significant blow on the legal tussle hence making Gould form a conclusion thought of an end to the legislative attempts. Since Bryan was the greatest proponent, he had significant roles in the scope of trials, anti-revolutionary movements, and the Supreme Court ruling in the crisis of evolution and creation. It is thus indicative that all these instances would never have happened without Willian Jennings Bryan According to Gould (Gould N.pag). Throughout the article, Gould attributes instances and a series of events that depict the evolution of Bryan. He evolved from the friendly, uncanny and sincere talker to be a great orator in America. His talks...

death. Domestic Violence in Pakistan The research carried out by Human Rights Watch in 2009 has indicated that most of the domestic violence in Pakistan women has suffered most. The abuses that women had been a victim of include beating, verbal abuse, and non-consensual sex. Some cases of deaths were also realized as a result of severe beatings. In Pakistan, some of the reasons for domestic violence include illiteracy, social taboos, and poverty. Despite all these abuses, the legal authority in this country does not view domestic violence as a crime. In summary, mostly women are the victim of circumstance as they go through beating, verbal abuse, and non-consensual sex by their husbands. However, no...

death by the fire tragedy that occurred during their service in the triangle waist corporation. On the other hand, women in the Islam garment plants were treated like machines packed together in a single room. On the same note, many of General Slocum victims were women working in the same common room like machines. It is also clear from the Slocum incidence that women were still treated as machines with long working hours even on Saturday a day when other employees in other factories were on rest. Though other employees had left before the fire broke out at 4.30 pm most of the women were still on service. It is also worth noting that during the 19th century; most of the middle and upper-class women...

Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Oedipus Rex by Sophocles depict the struggles that women go through on a daily basis and what they have had to do to overcome such challenges. The following essay will highlight the role of women in society and depict the myriad of issues facing women in the three aforementioned novels. One of the most visible roles assigned to women in The Namesake is that of caregivers. Jhumpa Lahiri’s book presents women as people who are assigned the duty of taking care of not only their children but those around them as well, including family and even friends. The best example is the mother figure character who is Ashima Ganguli. She is the mother of Gogol and Sonia...