Ambition Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

ambition includes providing clients with the best medications at the lowest prices possible. The primary strategy of Aspire Pharmacy Fit is to supply the market with the medicines needed for the animals. Moreover, the pharmacy will provide professional veterinarians with exceptional experience in treating animals. The key to the success of the pharmacy is pegged on its customers’ satisfaction that keeps them coming again. The management of the pharmacy focuses on the mandatory accomplishment of factors stated in the strategic plan so that it can gain the trust of the customers. Aspire’s Vision Statement The vision of this pharmacy is to: “Provide the best services in animal treatment and...

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ambition to safeguard their properties. Therefore, they turn out in large numbers to campaign and vote. The other reason is that the wealthy individuals finance most of the political campaigns. Hence, elections tend to have more rich candidates vying for political positions (Mcelwee, 2016). Consequently, most of the wealthy people in the United States are of the White race given their historical advantages compared to other races that were discriminated. This means that the representation of white individuals is more than that of colored individuals, thus, making the white race more powerful than other races in political affairs. Even though the issue of discrimination in the justice system is...

ambition and zeal to uphold the hard work as articulated in the Bible made it easier for the trade and agriculture to flourish in the Dutch State (Calvin 176c). Furthermore, the emergence of Calvinists changed the scope of the organization in the state. Room was created for the Protestants in areas where they were dominant. The prowess of the Spanish leadership became impaired as the movement gained momentum towards the beginning of the seventeenth century. Due to the effect of the two opposing religious forces, the organizational structure of the politics as well as leadership in Netherlands had considerably evolved. Since the country operated in a monarchy system, democracy to carry out a...

ambition was to unite China by overthrowing the CPC and the warlord powers first. Furthermore, Chiang believed that his forces were not prepared to join the war and as a result, he wanted more time to properly organize his military for him to have the ability to launch effective attacks on the forces from the Japanese side (Walter 347). He, therefore, commanded his KMT Generals Zhang Xueliang and Yang Huncheng to conduct the mission of eliminating the CPC. Following this mission, Zhang got Cheng arrested and demanded him to call off the missions against the communists, and as a result, this led to reduced battles between KMT and CPC from 1936 to 1945. The CPC had the won general support as a result...

ambition of having equal rights to vote for all Americans. Acts of violence were reported as people marched in solidarity from Selma to Montgomery in their quest to achieve voting reforms. In August of 1965, Congress enacted the Voting Rights act. This was a significant event to the movement. The law led to the elimination of disqualifying factors that barred African Americans participating in voting such the literacy tests that were done in the South. The enactment of this legislation to law encouraged the advocates to these reforms such as President Johnson to seriously consider other issues of great importance such as those of inequalities in social and economic circumstances. In 1968, another...

ambition may drive it. However, the ambition may not be a sustainable driver for change. Instead, a commitment in the form of accountability to oneself and periodic auditing of the activities helps to propel one forward in the journey towards mastery. This entails a willingness to participate in events, high personal responsibility, competence, and organization. The journey to mastery is continuous. In my journey to mastery of English language, there are several tips that come in handy. For example, the use standard English at every opportunity fosters understanding of the language. Contextual variants like idioms, slangs, dialect and jargon impede the learning process. Another tip to mastery of the...

ambition to grow and adopt meaningful ways of excellence. A student would find it a norm just to go through an education system as it is a requirement. A choice made by external bodies creates insignificant importance in the mindset of the students thus resulting into poor and stagnant growth. Another point of view, in this case, might be the fact that most of the course choices are from the influence of career advisories and representatives in the corporate world. For a student to make a concrete decision, the facts and realities in the industry displace one's free will. For instance, one may have a strong will in a field that is no longer marketable or that has turned out to be irrelevant. Due to...

ambition to revenge is motivated by the fact that he will also perish. In his speech, Hamlet poses a question that one should ignore in order to keep living. His speech begins “To be or not to be” (Shakespeare 41). Hamlet is not necessarily being disturbed by the death of his father but how he is quickly forgotten. Hamlet is shocked how Queen Gertrude comfortably moves on. Therefore, based on what Hamlet is experiencing after his father’s death, he concludes that life abides no meaning at all. Mortality and death imagery is used in the play. Ophelia gives symbolic flowers to Hamlet because she feels that Hamlet has abandoned her. However, this appears to be a deathly image in the statement...

ambition to push her career forward as a personal choice. Her work as a writer and director in The Virgin Suicides proves her skills behind the camera. She is now the first American female filmmakers to receive the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival. In essence, her career in the film industry started earlier as a child starring in her father’s work, The Godfather. Later, she took roles in other movies such as Peggy Sue Got Married (1986) and The Cotton Club (1984).She would soon be demoralized as an actress after receiving bad criticism during a Golden Raspberry Awards in 1990 and soon started pursuing roles behind the camera. After graduating from the California Institute of Arts, she...