Ambition To Be a Lawyer Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

lawyer in the case, this decision by the scouts was just not right. He argued that the discrimination was based on status. Therefore it was valid to enforce anti-discrimination laws. This is because scouts is an example of a voluntary group. Also, the scout’s existence is not based on anti-gay beliefs, (Johnson, 597). A group may lack an anti-gay agenda but still view homosexual behavior as being wrong. The example he gave was of churches that discourage homosexual activity but encourage equal treatment of gays. The Boy Scout is basically trying to survive like any other group. Choosing a different approach to express their views does in no way imply that they cannot take a side of moral issues....

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lawyer about the day’s incidence and the family decided to sew. The court awarded the plaintiff 5.6 Dollars. Four elements make up a medical malpractice case. One of the elements that the plaintiff has to prove to win a case is that a physician owed him or her a professional duty (Bal, 2009). The other element is that the physician breached the said duty. The third element is causation, which means that due to the breach of duty the plaintiff suffered loss. The fourth element is the proof of the resulting damages. In the case, Dr. Ricketson owed a professional duty to act according to the standard of care. He breached the duty by failing to act according to the standard expected when he...

lawyers among other employees to meet the challenge. In fact, Christine Duhaime reports that she has already received contact that request aid in corporate reinvention. That marks an early alert over the expectation on the other steps that seem to be already loose. In the same article, Mr. Tousaw suggests that the raid will be tough on alcohol sellers if those on cannabis will face further reinforcement. Despite the closure of the dispensaries, Don Briere, who owns seven if the shops, states that he will have to reopen. How else would he be courageous if not for the sake of his clients? Kirk Tousaw, who is a lawyer acting voluntarily in defense of a dispensary, expresses that involving the Canadians...

lawyer and auditor. In restaurants sometimes, managers have to make up their minds as to how they would rate the servers. Customer reviews are sometimes biased, and therefore, the manager would personally have to intervene and give their opinion about the server in question. Objective methods of employee evaluation yield accurate results because they are mostly statistical, and numbers do not lie. However, these methods have a limit for they do not work perfectly in every environment. In some instances, therefore, they may be combined with subjective methods for a truly accurate assessment. Work Cited Parry, Emma, and S. Tyson. Managing people in a contemporary context. Routledge,...

lawyer willingly. The Fifth Amendment attaches when cited by the defendant (Montejo v. Louisiana, 2018a). Facts Montejo was accused and found culpable of first-degree murder by the state of Louisiana. As a norm during the preliminary hearing, Montejo got assigned counsel, but he did not acknowledge the appointment; it is the law for the courts in Louisiana to appoint counsels for the accused. Montejo proceeded to write an incriminating letter to the wife of the deceased. The prosecution tendered the letter as evidence in court. The defendant was convicted based on the message of apology written to the dead's wife (Montejo v. Louisiana, 2018). Issue The court upon reviewing of the presented...

lawyer who specializes in cases based on family matters. In 2014, she realized that most children who have lost one or both of their parents go through a lot of suffering. For instance, when one of the parents die, the other parent may opt to be married or marry another spouse. The situation sometimes causes mistreatment of the child, and some may end up being stressed and run away from their homes. In such a case, Eunice goes to court seeking for better treatment of the child and the provision of essential commodities so that he or she can continue with school. Eunice also started a children’s home for the children who have lost all the parents. Such children may have difficulty in life since no...

lawyers asserted that some people spend many years in prisons even without having committed any crimes. The lawyer’s report claimed that several prisoners were locked into solitary confinements because of participating in hunger strikes (Sputnik News Agency, 2016).The petition criticizes the condition of California prisoners by saying that the prisoners live in a GULAG instead of a modern democracy. The Lawyers' petition to the United Nations included violent treatment by guards at the prison, bad foods and medical poor medical assistance being offered to the prisoners. The report also states that in the previous year (2011), about 12, 000 inmates in California went on hunger strike in demand for...

lawyer, a loving father, and a good citizen. Despite the tremendous opposition and struggles that Atticus has to face, his actions, outlook and views reveal a compassionate, courageous and reasonable person with high morals and principles. It is due to these high morals and principles that he is greatly admired and respected in the town. Atticus can be regarded as a reasonable and understanding character. According to him, any person deserves to be listened to, and his side of the story considered before condemning them or judging their actions. “You may never understand a person until you take things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk in around it (Lee 30). This...