Alternative Essay Samples and Topic Ideas



alternative. Hence, this demonstrated the true economical worth of cocaine to Medellin and its society. Before the emergence of the cocaine trade, there was a social order that had an elite community ruling the rest who had to be inferior in capacity as well as submissive. The ruling class made the laws which were to be followed by the vast majority who would never question anything but follow. Cocaine came as a blow to the few bourgeoisie-like in the society. The unquestionable authority of the elite in the society had been thoroughly outdone by cocaine and thus they could do anything to end the business. The hypocrisy of the ruling class along with the barrage in the social structures were exposed....

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alternative approaches that have been established. One of the more humane and profitable strategies that have been cited as more favorable is the probation of non-violent offenders, convicted of relatively small offenses such as marijuana possession and other victimless crimes. Other solutions that have been touted include fines, supervision programs, community service and drug addiction treatment among other solutions that have been hailed as cost effective, resulting in more money that can be utilized in crime prevention and other development projects. This study seeks to establish the benefits of probation concerning costs, offers reintegration into society and any other benefits compared to...

alternative treatment or independent voluntary decision. Nurses are required to provide all relevant details sensitively and accurately that are kept for patient preferences during the entire period of treatment to ascertain the nature and importance of any recommendations interventions. In emergencies, the decision must be made urgently. Thus patients are not involved in decision participation, but physicians informed patient earlier treatments to act as a guideline for successive treatment. Respect for patients decisions is fundamental professional ethics despite some cases whereby the patient lacks enough capacity to make any decision .physicians are expected to identify patient's surrogate who...

  • Words: 2200
  • Pages: 8
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alternative marketing strategies. Journal of marketing, 21(1), 3-8. Bose, R. (2008). Competitive intelligence process and tools for intelligence analysis. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 108(4), 510-528. Trienekens, J., & Zuurbier, P. (2008). Quality and safety standards in the food industry,developments and challenges. International Journal of Production Economics,...

alternative possibilities of religion rely on the futures of religion that are; Future I – An entirely administered, with cybernetics being commonplace and technology being a vital component of this world. Future II- a totally militarized society where after a while nationalism will cease to exist with humanity becoming a military hegemony and Future III a community that encourages open dialect between the two antagonistic forces of religion and secularism but has a well-moulded form of religion and wider perspective and enlightenment. Analysis of the Title “The Critical Theory of Religion’ by Siebert is a thoughtful and renowned book that gives a deeper understanding of various issues about...

alternative theory could only be sustained by dismissing the null hypothesis. The invalid theory can only be rejected if the differences between the approximated mean and the example mean are significant, but when the difference is less, there is no dismissal. For instance, in the ACE study the hypothesized that “men in the study would report: a) high rates of individual and cumulative ACE exposure relative to the original ACE study; b) poor health status particularly when compared to population or alternative sample norms; and c) linkages between ACE exposure and health and between ACE exposure and barriers to current employment” (Topitzes, Pate, Berman, & Medina-Kirchner, 2016). All the...

  • Words: 1650
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alternative available to her than to stab the rapists. According to Mill the permissibility of an action is determined by analyzing their consequences and comparing those outcomes with what would have happened if other measures were taken. Mill further says that actions should spur happiness and that one should aim at making greatest number happy with his/her actions. Kant’s deontological moral theory focuses on the moral value of action than the action itself. Its primary focus is the intent in action rather than the consequences. A good action can have a wrong purpose. Deontologists disregard the outcome of an action. They believe that everybody has a moral duty to do the right thing, and that...

alternative versions of masculinity in contemporary culture. Amsterdam:...

alternative ways for them in the USA. The country is flooded with so much wealth that Mexicans find it worth enough to end poverty in their country. Through their friends and relatives in the USA, they can find jobs and new markets for their products. Some of them are also able to acquire an education that helps them get professional jobs. Corruption in the Mexican government has also been a major cause. Many qualified individuals are not able to get better paying jobs or education in a fair way. They, therefore, seek assistance in other countries where corruption and bribes are minimized. Since the USA is one of those countries, they find it secure to pursue what they want there. The security border...

alternative of brain training to be more positive. Training, therefore involves one keeping the anticipation goodness in every situation and learning how to appreciate and notice goodness in situations. Also, training on how to express gratitude makes one be always happy. This is achieved through being sincere with others while thanking them, appreciating your blessings, enjoyment of your relationships and seeing positivity in other negative situations. Another strategy is no keep on nurturing and enjoying relationships. Having a good relationship with family, relatives, and friends is a good booster for one having a positive and happy emotional outlook. It will be an effective strategy to keep on...

  • Words: 1100
  • Pages: 4
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