Albert Camus The Plague Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

plague in San Francisco (McDonald, 1951, 22). Apart from quarantine, isolation is also a method for restricting movement. Isolation is the act of separating individuals suffering specific communicable diseases from the healthy individuals to prevent the spread of the disease. In dissimilarity, quarantine is the separation and prevention of movement of individuals who even though not ill, have been visible to the cause of the infection and therefore may come out to be infectious. Quarantine may be compulsory or voluntary, and while doing for the public good, it leads to the restraint of some individual freedoms. Although the requirements for isolation are usually frank and recognized by the society...

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plague in San Francisco (McDonald, 1951, 22). Without proper preparation, enforcing quarantine can have dire consequences, especially when dealing with uninformed civilians. With the outbreak of Ebola in the West African country of Liberia, angry citizens lashed out at military personnel enforcing quarantine and casualties resulted (Greene, 2015, 60). Back at home, when smallpox broke out in Indiana, entire neighborhoods were barricaded to the much disquietude of the residents, and some lives were lost. This only shows how the necessary proper institution of quarantine is. In 2005, President Bush proposed executive orders that allowed the federal government to authorize the enforcing of a quarantine...

plague and fire in the 1960s. Samuel Pepys drafted his diary of the two accounts as well as the time they occurred. In his writing, he concentrated more day to day events which took place during his time whereby he included figures as well as the first-hand information of all the activity which took place (Pepys 162). On the other hand Daniel Defoe addressed a journalistic description of the very historical experiences; nevertheless, the contrast was that he wrote his two accounts 15 years after Pepsi had drafted his diary. Defoe recalled the two events after the former group who experienced these horrific events. Writing of the descriptive events of the time made Defoe work to be well accepted by...

plague that attacks the city leading to many deaths. The king also misbehaves by committing incest with his mother. Jocasta, his mother, commits suicide because of the frustrations with the king who happens to be his son. Although fate may have contributed the king’s downfall, it was his free will to fall. The king is also heroic to some extent because of some of the actions he did. Oedipus king as tragic and heroic Oedipus Tyrannus prepared the ground for his downfall. It was his free will to fail. He charted his destiny regarding his life which was characterized by numerous pitfalls. Oedipus led a catastrophic life, and he never enjoyed the trappings of power that comes with being a great...

plague that took place in the Middle Ages; it is said that they caused it by poisoning the wells that were in Europe. Interestingly, Jewish was also allegedly guilty of stealing the Eucharist and also being antichrist as well as sorcerers and vampires. The fathers in the early Christian churches were quick to condemn the Jewish for crucifying Jesus Christ among other accusations. This perception of Christians to Jews was not only common in Germany but also in other countries such as Great Britain and in all it was a grave root for anti-Semitist ideologies which they all believed in. The Political Root Aside from the traditional religious conflict that existed between the Jews and the Christians,...

plague/the black death which killed a significant portion of the population. The endemic wars between England and France and the invasion of eastern Europe by the Mongols were also significant events that changed society in the late middle ages. The black death struck Europe between 1347 and 1353. It is estimated that it killed 1/3 of the European population. The black death set forth a lot of cultural and economic changes in Europe. Following the rapid decline in population due to the plague, the labor declined, and farms were abandoned. This resulted in a very high cost of labor. The black death resulted in changes in medical and public health that lay the basis for modern medical practices....

plague, a result of a failed biological experiment on pigoons, claims the lives of all of its inhabitants. Atwood exemplifies the Rejoovensense plague as a precise predictor of the effects of genetic engineering in the 21st Century. Therefore, Oryx and Crake explores the idea of human perfection that scientist purport to pursue through scientific engineering. However, as illustrated in the case of pigoon project and bobkittens, when scientific experiments get out of control, they may result in a lethal human crisis; hence, Atwood has aired a warning sign for this century on the cost of scientific progress. Work Cited Atwood, Margaret. "Oryx and Crake. 2003." New York: Anchor (2004):...

plague, and the citizens turn to their king to seek help. The people and even Oedipus himself don’t realize that he is the reason behind the curse disturbing the city. The plague is disturbing the city because the former king’s murderer was not arrested and punished. King Oedipus gets this information from an Oracle and says that the murderer should be dispelled. This is dramatic irony because even though the audiences know that Oedipus is the murderer of King Laius, he is not aware of that. He does not also realize that he is cursing himself thinking he is cursing the king Laius murderer. Another example of dramatic irony is when Oedipus tells Teiresias that he is blind. Teiresias is angered and...