AIDS Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

aids is a level in which both sounds that are reproduced in the headset and those that occur in the environment are heard, and that there is no need to shout to go to someone as they are used. The sounds cause damage to the ear from the 85 decibels and as examples of these are the noise caused by the vehicles, at 90 decibels the sound of the tractor that cuts the grass, and the one that emits hearing the MP3 music players can reach 100 decibels.   In the investigation carried out 200 high school students from the Francisco Febres Cordero Educational Unit in the city of Cuenca, he showed that adolescents and young people use headphones for up to 2 hours a day, at high volume intensities and with the...

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AIDS virus. However, it is also true that the "chemical" or "chemistry" adjective scares us;For many people the synonym of pollutant, harmful or harmful. It is also synonymous with artificial. Somehow the chemical is associated with the artificial and the toxic, as if natural substances were not chemical substances and as if everything natural were harmless. Between reality and ignorance On the one hand, the world chemical industry has developed its work without worrying about the economic impact of its activities. In some cases, health profits have been privileged, information on the possible toxicity of a product or side effects has been hidden and it has happened that due to...

aids, among others. On the other hand, it is important to mention the surprise goes down to the monetary policy rate carried out by the Central Bank leaving it by 2%, this was due to “a greater deterioration of the external scenario by the commercial war and the lower internal dynamism that limits theinflationary pressures and makes a greater monetary stimulus necessary ”. Secondly, it is observed that the Chilean economy has been located in the last 10 years as one of the Latin American economies more quickly in growth, allowing to reduce poverty (Santander Trade Portal, 2019), in addition we must consider that the Central Bank“It reduced the growth projection to a range between 2.25 and 2.75...

AIDS, teenage pregnancies, among others that harm people's health.  The authors indicate that mental health has three great conditions that have a great weight in mental health during the subject's life cycle. Neurobiology there is evidence of neurobiological substrates (nerve cells) in some psychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia, TOC and others have great neurobiological load that determines the mental health of the individual. Personality brings it closer or distance from a healthy profile. It contributes to mental health in a favorable sense of some aspects such as assertiveness, optimism, empathy, trust, patience, security, etc. These factors give stability in mental health. And finally the...

AIDS, and within AIDS the stereotype is that all are homosexual men, but these stereotypes the Church radicalizes them while other people in favor of the movement probably soften those thoseStereotypes. The organization of stereotypes is based on schemes with beliefs and expectations about a specific group and its members, which constitute naive theories that guide our attitudes and behaviors towards them. The characteristics that form the scheme can be positive, negative or neutral, so stereotypes imply an assessment of the people to whom it is applied. For example, certain people will negatively value the stereotype of being homosexual, since they will seem bad, while other people will seem...

AIDS/HIV, hepatitis B. Syphilis It is an STD that can cause long -term complications or death, if not properly treated. Symptoms in adults are divided into phases. These phases are primary, secondary, latent and advanced syphilis Syphilis is a bacterial disease that is spread through sex. In the primary phase a sore can be noticed but many that are not seen easily, these sores will appear in the place where the syphilis entered the body, exclusively the sores are firm and round. The second phase can be given in the skin or also sores in the anus, vagina or mouth, at this stage eruptions in various parts of the body usually appear, they usually appear when the first phase has already been cured or...

AIDS: HIV is an infection that destroys the immune system and can lead to AIDS. There is no cure, but treatment can help you stay healthy. HPV: It is a very common ETS, generally harmless and that disappears spontaneously. Some types can lead to cancer. Molluscum contagiosum: It is an infection that produces small skin bumps. Disappears by itself and, generally, it is not dangerous. PUBICAL PIOJOS: also called "Ladillas". They are small parasites that adhere to the skin and hair of the genital area. They are easily eliminated with a treatment that you can acquire in the pharmacy. Scabies: scabies are small parasites that cause itching. It is transmitted by skin to skin contact, usually...