Afghanistan Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Afghanistan. As far as murder and killings are concerned, the motive of the killings do not matter, but the act itself is a crime against humanity. Reasonably, the law distinguishing crimes against humanity based on the motive of the groups committing such crimes should not have a place in the modern democratic system of governance. The fact that gangs are aware that the law does not consider them terrorists encourage their growth in numbers across the country. This motivates them to continue with their activities. The situation will be worse if the gangs are given more rights in prison like those that sets them free from solitary confinements (Rogers, 2007). In fact, gang terrorist should not be...

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Afghanistan was about $850,000per year in 2012 according to the budget (Shaughnessy 2). This has however risen to $1.3 million by 2015. The budgetary impact of the 2001 attack was intertwined with that for the subsequent terrorist bustle and the war in Afghanistan. This made the budget rise to $52.7 billion from $28.8 billion in 2002 indicating an 83% increase. $23.9 billion was allocated to homeland security and $15.2 billion on defense. In the end, the taxpayer was forced to pay more, all which is lost in protecting the country than building infrastructures like better schools, roads, supplying residents with clean water and starting major governmental corporations that could eliminate the rising...

Afghanistan, with the average life expectancy of the people in the country not being able to live after 44.30 years. The life expectancy of Afghans is seen to be even lower than the average 68.74 years. A closer look at the rate of education levels among the labor force, the average, is found to be 7.8 years in the year 2010. The minimum years of schooling that some of the workforces had were 1.2 years in Mozambique while the highest was 12.8 years in Norway. Countries with a higher level of the school level are found to be those with a relatively higher real GDP, which is among the measures for right economic level for a country. Higher years in education among the labor force translates to the...

Afghanistan. Reference to actual events and dates is well utilized in both stories to clearly outline the themes. In the first story, the author starts by telling us the exact date the events occurred; it was on October 18, 2011. He then goes on to outline what happened. It was on the same date that Terry Thompson set free his fifty-six exotic animals on learning of his wife's unfaithfulness before shooting himself dead. Forty-nine of the animals were killed(six black bears, two wolves, eighteen tigers, two grizzly bears, three mountain lions, one baboon, eight lionesses, one monkey, and nine male lions ("Animals: The Horrific Zanesville Zoo Massacre" 1). In the second story, the author also makes...

Afghanistan, some its soldiers were disabled and therefore unable to carry on with their duties effectively. Due to this effect, there has been an accumulation of uncompleted pressure within the DAV leading to a backlog of cases with some staying between 18-24 months in length. This has slowed the service delivery of the department. There is an increasing demand of retention of employees in the department as well as replenishing the workforce to minimize the backlog created by the increasing number of disabled veterans. For this reason, recruitment of other employees to fill the gaps to serve the disabled officers is crucial in ensuring the backlog is eliminated. However, there are budget...

Afghanistan and Darfur, all of them become silent (Bhutto, 85). She argues that the failure of democracies in the majority of the Muslim nations was due to their political roots rather than what many people say about it being linked to Islamic ideologies (Bhutto, 87). Bhutto points out that the west plays a shoddy role in promoting dictators undermining the role of democracy. Throughout his ideologies, she views a leader as a force of creativity and one who has a bold commitment towards democracy and development. Today we still read the books written by these authors because they are important in gaining more knowledge on politics. The information still applies to the current political situations. I...

Afghanistan in 1979, it brought fresh challenges with the Americans. Political interests also brought strife between the two parties. Soviet Union built missile installations in Cuba which Americans viewed as an attack on U.S. This led to an exchange between the two nations, raising tensions. Political differences also came to play when after the war, when Winston Churchill and President Roosevelt felt that the Polish should be able to choose their government but while Stalin backed the Polish Communists. Works Cited BIBLIOGRAPHY Betts, Richard K., editor. Conflicts After the Cold War: Arguments on Causes of War and Peace. Routledge, 2015. Print. Tsygankov, Andrei P. "The Russia-NATO Mistrust:...

Afghanistan, China, India and Iran counties. With ideal influences from its neighborhood resulting into a Muhijir tribe (even though they are majorly immigrants from India), the nation is made up of various ethnic groups who reside in different provinces in agglomeration pattern due to cultural modifications. The tribes include; Punjab, Sindhis, Kashmiri, Baloch, Hazaras, Dards, Wakhi, Baltis, Pashtuns and Burusho. Buddhism, Christianity, Parsis, and Hindus are part of the minority religious groups that make significant part of the cultural orientation of the Pakistan (Christianity being about 3% of the population practicing that). However, Islam is the dominant religion in this nation with Islamic...

Afghanistan and Congo D.R (Barber, 34). One thing that very few people understand is that the humanitarian support the organization. Very many people are under the care and protection of the UNHCR in countries like Columbia, Pakistan, South Sudan and Yemen among others. Ti is important that we understand that the world is facing a tremendous challenge today because millions of asylum seekers are in need of dignity and safety. They only way to achieve that is through an extraordinary global response. In other words, the organization requires very many people to respond positively when called upon to help those in need (United Refugees, 01). Renowned charity contributing countries like the United...