Address Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

addressing population issues such as migration, urbanization, mortality-fertility and changes in aging. The forum acknowledged that the world population since 1994 has grown from approximately 5.7 to 7.2 billion people in 2014 ("UN News - Challenges Facing World Population Take Centre Stage at Annual UN Forum" N.p). The UN projections indicate that the global population might reach 9.6 billion people in 2050, recording the most of the increase concentrated in underdeveloped countries. The world population is, therefore, a challenge that needs to be addressed. Due to unsustainable growth in population, the world resources become scarcer. The food is running in short supply, and the scarcity of water...

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addressed so as to attain a community that is homogeneous. The following paper will aim at addressing the impacts of discrimination. The implications of racism Discrimination by race has been a challenge facing the United States since the slave trade era. The US is a sovereign nation that promotes equality across, but it has not managed to address racism since slave trade was abolished. Some White Americans have a negative notion that they are better than people of color, but in reality, all Americans are equal despite skin color or race. Racism has impacted the criminal justice system since there are stereotypes held against people of color. The law enforcement agencies of the United States tend...

address the issue of sexuality and attitudes in adolescents. According to reports, teens in the U.S are likely to give birth four times higher than those in Germany or Norway, and two and a half times compared to those of Canada. Teen pregnancy varies across different states of U.S. Teenagers in Mississippi are four times likely to give birth than teenagers living in New Hampshire. This paper seeks to find reasons as to why teen pregnancy remains high in the United States. One of the major contributors of teen pregnancy is less favorable socioeconomic factors. Such may include low education level, low-income level, single parent family setups, being black or Hispanic, and living in unequal society....

address the issue of immigration. The General Law of Population specifies particular immigrant categories, conditions, and requirements that the foreigners must comply with so as to be permitted or admitted in Mexico. The articles 32 of the law gives the Mexican’s Interior Department the ability to concisely, but depending on the current demographic statistics, determine the number of immigrants who can be absorbed into the country. These may be through a legal permit or zone of residence or activities. The country has exclusive rights to only do this if the methods that it applies are relevant that of the immigration of outsiders and upon assessing their capacities to further the national progress...

address the challenge as well as ethical issues concerning the cruelty faced by animals. In that way, the fundamental wrong is the system where animals are treated in a cruel manner. For instance, electrodes put in the brain of a chimpanzee to test its functioning. In this case, people are allowed to view animals as their resources (Dudley 124). Therefore, they can do with them whatever makes them happy. And once people accept this notion, there is no limit to the list of unfortunate things they can do to animals. In essence, animals only exist for people to use and therefore what causes harm to them is not their concern. On the contrary, people are only bothered when they are unable to use animals...

address the problems facing the nation ("IMF Survey: IMF to Help Somalia Rebuild Its Economy," 2013). The IMF has the plans for ensuring that Somalia can provide shelter, food, and medicine for its citizens, therefore, implying that it has good intentions of ensuring that this nation is economically stable. The IMF is working in association with traditional donors such as Qatar, the US, and other lending institutions to make sure that Somali attains economic stability. The IMF also plans to offer Somalia a debt relief, therefore, reducing its debt burden. Therefore, international lending institutions have the intentions of promoting social, economic and political development in the nation. The above...

  • Words: 1100
  • Pages: 4
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address the impact that social promotion has on the accomplishment teachers, students, and their parents. The research study will use the qualitative method to survey participants on whether to implement changes in the program. The study will produce data that provide more knowledge about the influence of social promotion have on all persons involved in the process. The result is the development of a new method of assisting high-risk students. Part 3 Page 4 It is the responsibility of teachers after adequate training to identify such interest from the student’s class. After the teachers have identified the interest of the students with learning disabilities, they will help them pursue their...

address how to evaluate a program designed to prevent bullying. Therefore a person will aim at estimating the implication of the program to the target audience. The program evaluation tasks are grouped into five categories that include implementation, efficiency, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and attribution. Implementation will consider whether the activities proposed by the prevention program have been adopted as proposed. The above categories need to be incorporated when evaluating the program intended to prevent bullying. The evaluation feedback will be attained from students and the community since they are the target audience. The assessment program should incorporate performance...

address such a significant gap that exists in lay Christian counseling research studies. Bibliography Garzon, Fernando L., and Kimberley A. Tilley. "Do lay Christian counseling approaches work? What we currently know." Journal of Psychology and Christianity 28, no. 2 (2009):...

address the issues. Besides, these games appeal to most youths. Therefore, they spend most of the leisure time playing the video games. This culture keeps the youth away from negative peer influence that may lead to aggression (Carr and Blanchfield 81). In this case, nations or communities that offer resources to the youths to access video games have a sustainable youth population characterized reduced anti-social behaviors. In addition, violent video game provides a visual representation of a real problem of violence. This educative platform enables the youths to appreciate peace and avoid any circumstance that may lead to the social unrests. Negative Influences As hinted video games have...

  • Words: 1925
  • Pages: 7
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