Addiction Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

addiction: In more than 30% of people with bulimia there are abuse disorders of toxic substances. Social isolation for various reasons: the person is frequently tired, dreamy and their thoughts revolve around the food. It also happens that because of the discontent he feels with his own body he does not want to go out to interact.   Specific goal As for gender, the maximum incidence would be in the female genre, between 15 and 25 years, amount that exceeds the male genre. Some characteristic symptoms in this type of disorders are: Constant concern for food. Fear of gaining weight. Body image distortion;that is, they look fat against the mirror and feel fat, when they are not really. They...

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addiction levels have seen an exponential increase. The lack of spirituality and stress with which people have to deal in their day to day have caused millions of people to see vices as a solution to their problems. But in reality, they are no solution, but aggravate the problem. Addiction to a substance will never give you the answer to a personal problem, on the contrary, it is a distraction to find a solution to the problem. Finally, the third vice we could identify was fame. In the 21st century, we have been able to observe how idolatry has proliferated other people (often not deserved). The fact that so many people spend a large part of their pending time to other people's life leaves much to...

addictions are part of a series of problems called psychosocial. These problematic have raised great interest among the Ciéntifica community in recent decades being the addiction to purchases one of them. Purchasing addiction is defined as the inability to control impulses that manifests itself in the desire to buy in a continuous and uncontrolled way. To be able to distinguish the addict from what not, we must bear in mind that an action becomes addiction when it becomes harmful, an irrational use persists despite the inconveniences suffered if it cannot be had (abstinence), it is lost The ability to control behavior becomes a constant desire and almost an obsession and interest in other...

addiction; Therefore, it has been necessary. Therefore, with the objective of preventing secondary pharmacological effects and increasing patient safety, it is necessary to implement actions to promote multicomponent (pharmacological - psychological) treatment of insomnia. Finally, one of the factors that affects the dream in an important way is the loss of environmental stimuli and psychosocial activities that serve as synchronizers of biological rhythms (the need to get up early and meet fixed schedules on specific days, social interaction , physical activation, exposure to natural lighting). During the COVID-19 pandemic, high prevalence of majority, generalized anxiety disorder and acute enter...

addiction and dependence on children and it is understandable that this matter generates some concern, especially parents. However, video games also encourage values learning in children. The educational value of video games Although video games continue to generate some distrust, from the pedagogical field it has been recognized that there is a number of video games that encourage learning values in children in children. In view of this, there are many teachers who have integrated video games as a more educational tool.The document ‘Teens, Videogames, and Civics’ prepared by a series of academic specialists;The tremendous educational power that video games to integrate social interaction and...

addiction, even why it begins to consume them, but has not stopped in meditating the causes or elements that intervene or in preventionof this consumption. From the educational field, it is possible that more emphasis must be placed on these causes and in their prevention, especially in an educational stage as secondary, which is very emotionally complex for adolescents, aged between 12 and 16 years. At this stage the role of education is essential to help them understand their physical and psychological transformations, to provide them with good development as people and correct integration into society, without having to resort to the consumption of narcotics as an integrative instrument in their...