ACT Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

actions are determined. In this part, the philosophical idea of determinism is presented, which declares that an action is determined when it is the inevitable and necessary consequence of preceding events in such a way that it only has a possible result (Fischer, Kane, Pereboom and Vargas). On the other hand, the situation in which Neo has to choose between saving the last human city or his girlfriend is shown in such a way that the architect questions him if he is willing to assume the responsibility of his decision. Here the concept of moral responsibility is exposed, which formulates that a person is morally responsible when he deserves praise, blame, rewards or punishments for an act or omission...

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Actually these types of houses were designed for moving people, so they are made with nature. Its origin comes from ancient cloud and they have lived in their territory approximately five centuries. There is a theory in which it is said that the Romans arrived in Africa in search of different sources, although they never returned and that is why it was not known again from them.  It has been said that the Masai are direct descendants of these Romans, since their clothing and their spears are very similar, but this theory could not be proven. The Masai are a nomadic town. Although the governments of Kenya and Tanzania have tried many times to change their nomadic lifestyle, they have not changed...

activity varies in disposition of the number of producers and consumers. Commercial activity is nothing more than the purchase and sale of goods - services, from the moment it began to exercise it has needed a place to interact with interested parties, this place is called “market”, the market allowsThe acquisition of a product, apart from being a physical/virtual space is not always the same, its structure is modified according to what is offered and demanded, when there is greater innovation and improvement of the product there are more demanding more demanding but byWhat happens?, There are several factors that encourage producers and in a market competition is the biggest motivator for...

actors are enhanced by the strategic will that rulers must have in developing strategies, policies, policiesand budget to develop the naval power of nations that are then able to exercise control of its national waters. There are several authors who have tried to establish the elements of maritime power among them the French admiral Pierre Lacoste who based on the concepts of Admiral Mahan highpositions and a marine.  In that order of ideas, the analysis of this essay is focused on one of the aforementioned elements that is “shipyards and naval industry” which is part of the maritime power of a nation, also considers it as means that are directly related to the useof the sea and its resources...

act and what to do to unify Italy and take it outof the crisis in 1513.A crisis that forgive in all the so -called Renaissance. Nicolás Machiavelo was imprisoned in San Casciano, since they weighed on himself accusations of conspiring against the Medici, his work would be released until 1531 in Rome, the book was an answer to said false accusation. The book begins talking about the way in which the prince should behave to continue in power and not lose the State, the work itself trafficking in military policy, especially strategy in which a ruler can with an example that the sameMachiavelli gives, continue in power and not make the same mistakes made by the ancient rulers of these stories, which...

act and what to do to unite Italy and be able to get her out of the crisis in which she is. Machiavelli, forms an important contribution to modern politics. This is a work which contradicts the philosophy of thought in terms of the ancient political in which the political practice dejected by the abstraction of governments and utopian cities is found. Inversely, Machiavelli establishes that the real action of politics implied contexts that were real with man and real peoples, so whose directions, measures and operations did not generally respond to morality but to the laws of domain. Thus the importance of this agreement established the exposed the practical truths of power and shows the node in...

act in our own way and determination, which would allow the details of the situation to carefully think. And not only in the religious sphere you can think a little more but at any time, since this will allow us to develop our ability to be a little more aware. conclusion A person who believes in evil and always thinks negatively, you have to be sure that he will go wrong and renegate for everything that happens, but to a person who is very positive, he will believe and think that whateverWhat happens will be for the good of himself and his neighbors and although something unpleasant happens, however terrible it is, throughout his life it will be the best. But you have to keep in mind that you...

action rests. However, this relationship has vary according to the changes that have been experienced through the times, so that, in the last decade the medical-patient relationship in the city of Chiclayo is very different from what took place toearly twentieth century, where there were deep affective links between the doctor of that time and his patients, which made him a true leader in the community where he exercised. Today there are several conditions that have had negatively impact on this relationship, such as scientific and technological advances in medicine, who open new possibilities in healing and improve the patient's quality of life, but also create new contradictions and problems in the...

action was performed, it was qualified as immoral, as mentioned in the literary work, there are dark secrets in the halls of a prestigious institute, belongingTo the Austrohungal Empire, many young adolescents from wealthy families discreetly reveal their internal world. The student Törless, protagonist of the work, maintains a more reserved and reflective position in relation to his classmates Reiting, Beineberg and Basini, despite this, he comes to experience various sensations and hormonal changes in his body that are biologically within normal, Törless was a young man who still did not find his sexual orientation when he entered the boarding school, since, he crossed one of the most...