Academic Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

academic: the protagonist of the poem is, in effect, a mythical character, since he has suffered the traditional deforming process produced by the accumulation of legends during a long periodof time."All of him revolves around the figure of the indicated Gilgamesh, Sumerian character, who lived around 2650 before Christ, being the fifth king of the city of Uruk, according to the Royal Sumerian list (WB 444), a fundamental document for theStudy of the first Sumerian states.(Lara Peinado, 2008, P.3) In the oldest Sumerian texts the name Gilgamesh appears as Bilgames. With regard to the main framework of the epic is the old city-state of Uruk, in the land of Sumer. Uruk, the most populous city of...

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academic results than men. This can be associated with the fact that women have more assigned tasks above all in the family environment so they usually have a better organization than men. In addition, behaviors between boys and girls are also different. This difference in addition to developing in classrooms also develops in the other physical spaces of the academic institution. Coeducation is the method of educational intervention that defends the principle of equality of sexes and non -discrimination due to sex and intends to eliminate power relations. Equality of sexes is incorporated by making visible the contribution of both sexes and the differences of each gender are recognized without any...

academic impediments do not allow them to access a bettersalary. In spiteof many women are heard, regarding employment and salary seems to be negligent. It is the duty of the State to maintain social order within the nation, to keep not only the sovereignty of the State, for which it should look for ways that the gender gap does not separate us as citizenship, that the work places are accessible bothFor men, as for women, who form most of the formal work sector. That the general population must be paid for their work but not by their gender, that regardless of whether they are male or female, a workplace can be accessed, to be suggested to companies, whether private or state, hire greaternumber of...

academic or cultural development. To conclude, freedom is philosophically for the individual's opportunity to be able I work listening to radio and I can realize that there is an increase in criminal social phenomena such as robberies, injuries, homicides or violations, and I reflect on the causes that originate these incidents, and I conclude that these are caused by various factors, one of them is The lack of economic resources, but I consider that this is the least, since when I am in class with my students I can notice a great loss of values, that is why I consider it of great importance that the teacher reflects on these issues and that above all make students reflect on the importance of...