A Clockwork Orange Free Will Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

will. This portrays similar struggles faced during the war. Therefore, as the fare tales set out to overcome these terrors through metaphors, so are the people taking part in the war. Sleeping beauty can be defined as being a heartbreaking memory tale that is haunting to the family. Briar rose for this case can be considered a contemplative novel that brings out the pink triangle laws reviled by the Nazis. This is similar to learning of sadness that is related to the Gemma’s past. This raw truth could be a powerful tool for the world warfighters to stay focused. Similar to war, a tale has both the dark and the light side. In the Briar Rose by Grimm brothers, the king and queen had plenty of...

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will for all. That a person is free to do whatever they please and feel right and not be confined by what the society thinks is normal. Current society, though in modern times, is still confined under highly retrogressive and traditional views. They do not allow a gray area where transgenders and transsexuals can blend in and fade into the background. Most of them are treated as psychiatric patients and subjected to endless sessions with counselors and psychologists. The writer also disagrees with the concept of conventional outlook on the basis that those who are to evaluate the realness of a transgender’s identity often require some form of a story such as a background of Gender Identity Disorder...

will film. Introduction Crash is a film that was produced and directed in 2004 by Paul Haggis. This film resulted in Academy Awards following its screenplay for Million Dollar Baby. It focuses on different Los Angeles actors and as stated earlier, all these characters come from divergent racial and social backgrounds (Taulbee, 2006). In this film, the story is being narrated in chronological manner, however, one scene is put to the beginning and then its cut back to the day before; this is shown by a visual text “yesterday”. Both sections of this film have stories connected based on luck, serendipity and coincidence; it is because characters keep on clashing with one another every time. Crash...

will of an action plan by an individual Timmons, Mark and Sorin 1-2). I consider the moral action connected to the human freedom depending on the human free will. Moreover, the free will concept is the social liberty recognition that is inherently valuable in measuring the human dignity of self-actions (Allhoff, Mallon and Nichols 88). The human freedom concept introduces us to the philosophical capacity of the rational agent and the choice of action from a broad alternative of actions (Velasquez 35). Kant, Plato among other philosophers, defined the free will of an individual to the moral responsibilities and elaborates the metaphysic of the psychological factors on moral upright individual...

will that can cause differences in personalities. The nature-nurture debate has been going on for a long period, and it has been provocative since psychologists have not agreed regarding this topic. Nativists are people who believe beyond doubt that hereditary factors are the ones responsible for differences in human behavior. According to them, the human species is a creation of evolution. People are different due to their unique genetic codes. Behavior is influenced by genetic factors, and when a certain person portrays a certain behavior, it is because of certain hereditary factors that cause it to happen. According to the nativists is that characteristics that cannot be observed when a child...

will of the populace. Every day the Party, play to a daily video called “The Two-minute Hate” (Orwell, 13), where the Party brainwashes them into declaring allegiance. Big Brother is really watching. They also march war prisoners through the streets past the people who rant and yell unspeakable things, a form of influence by what Orwell calls the “Thought Police.” The art of Doublethink is all about mind control and reality control “WAR IS PEACE,” “FREEDOM IS SLAVERY,” “IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH,” (Orwell, 6). The humans in both versions are beaten, demoralized, and programmed in all facets of life. The people eat and drink together. The government meters everything out, and all of...

Will, Why Do We Punish People? Name Institution If there is No Free Will, Why Do We Punish People? Free will is someone’s ability to act at his or her own discretion. The statement ‘There is no free will’ basically implies that decision-making is involuntary hence people are not responsible for their actions. The need to punish someone comes from the fact that they are guilty of a particular wrongdoing. If indeed there is no free will, why do we hold people accountable for decisions which they have no control over? Is it ethical? Is the society justified to administer judgment to criminals? This topic is self-contradicting. The fact that we can choose between punishing people and not...

will, choice, and personal responsibility,” (Soll N.p) has evolved over time. In this essay I explore the differing facets, pitting the proponents and opponents of existentialism and its advocacy for free choice against the lack of free choice, espousing that individual indeed lack free choice, relying on various philosophers and their arguments on the subject. Existentialism is a philosophical movement that is concerned with a person's choice, freedom, existence, and being; that there is always a component of choice. As Montoya (N.p) states, we will have a choice always, and as long as we select anything, whether positive or negative, we set the definition of who we are, free! Existentialists...

will or free speech and spies and cameras regularly monitor them. The use of telescreens and microphones that are hidden all over the state enables the government to find out who has been saying what about them. Despite the fact that the book was written at a time when computers did not exist, Orwell does a splendid job of describing the machines that were used to exert control over the masses and inflict fear upon them CITATION Cai84 l 1033 (Cain, 1984). In a twist of events, the book describes the adverse effects of technology when everybody believes that technology should work for good. Even at the end, when O’Brien tortures Winston physically, he still uses a technological device for the...

Ancient Rome


will work off the cost of slavery, and all know and understand that Roman Empire would never have been built if it were not for enslavement. Now, is this the legacy, all Romans want to leave behind? Without us, where would the empire be today? You would have pestilence and famine, for who would be the cleanup crew? Who would sew your garments,or grow your food? We are tired of brutality, and the rape of our women and children. Give us freedom or death! For we would rather be dead, than to live under these conditions a moment longer. We are artisans, and engineers, house cleaners, and cooks, but will no longer do so unless you free us. We are willing to work, but want the same rights as any other...