Types Of Maternal Milks For Infants

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Types of maternal milks for infants

It is desirable that the newborn receives from the birth room for the first time the food to the chest. The mother should know that she has a calm, that this is the first immunization that he drinks receives and that the immediate attachment period is fundamental and very desirable in the early hours after birth.

The teaching of adequate position and prediction is fundamental for various reasons: avoid pain in the mother, formation of cracks in the near future, prevents poor intake, which later influences an inappropriate growth of the child, which he drinks does not want to take thechest and in case it does not remove adequate amounts of milk the mother begins with breast congestion, which can trigger mastitis and abscesses.

For all the aforementioned, placing a baby properly is vital. It is recommended that this light clothes, the mother takes her chest in the form of C, with her thumb at the top and the remaining four fingers in the lower part, leaving the nipple and areola free so that the baby opens her mouthAnd take not only the nipple but also part of the areola, well attached to the mother.

A point that generates a lot of controversy are the schedules that must be handled. It is recommended that it be freely demanded, understanding for free demand that the light baby of clothes, make a good pledge and suctions during a period that goes from 10 to 30 minutes of one chest, that the mother makes it eruption and offers the otherchest of 10 to 30 minutes, the time used by each baby depends on its suction mechanism, which can be very energetic as in children with suction called barracuda or very slow as in children with suction with very frequent rest lapses. Some babies who have already taken from both breasts, in the end they again take the first chest for a short period, in what we could define as the last ´´.

During the baby’s first week of life it is recommended that in the event that the child does not awakeWith rare meals they have dehydration fever, hypoglycemia or not increased weight. After the first week of life, he drinks and the mother will establish the frequency of food through a physiological balance between the two.

WHO recommends that at six months (180 days) begin to give infants complementary foods, in addition to breast milk: 2-3 times a day between 6 and 8 months of age, and 3 times a day plus a snackNutritious from 9 to 11 months. Between 12 and 24 months, three meals must be given and two other nutritious snacks can be offered, if they wish. Food should be adequate, that is, they provide enough energy, proteins and micronutrients to meet the nutritional needs of the growing child. Food should be prepared and administered hygienically to maximize the risk of pollution. Feeding a young child requires active attention and stimulation to encourage him to eat.

The transition from exclusive breastfeeding to family food consumption is a delicate period. It is the time when many young children begin to suffer from nutrition problems, which contributes greatly to the high prevalence of malnutrition among children under five years old worldwide. It is essential, therefore, that young children receive appropriate, sufficient and safe complementary foods for the passage of breastfeeding to family food to occur without problems.

We can conclude that it is very important to know the care of a baby, when giving breast milk when not, also at how many months at aliets. 

Free Types Of Maternal Milks For Infants Essay Sample

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