The Roman army: its history
The first period of the civilization of the Roman Empire, according to tradition dates back to the twin brothers Romulo y Remo, which were breastfed by a wolf, called Capitolina, later Romulo would kill rowing, after this act would found the city of RomeOn the mountain of Palatino, becoming the first king, a monarchy was established that hard from 753 BC to 509 AC where the territory was governed by Reyes until the last one was expelled, called Tarquininio el Soberbio. After this, a permanent Senate was created that decided to abolish the monarchy, establishing the monarchy in the city of Rome.
During the Republican Age its main enemy was the city of Carthage, where they had several trifulcas such as the Punic Wars, this caused RomeThat moment when the acronym SPQR (the Senate and the Roman people) what was a true symbol of Rome.
Rome had in its possession the entire Mediterranean basin, but so much territory was a difficulty in governing it with a single Senate that could not leave the capital, which resulted in Julio Cesar, which expanded the domains of Rome (Gaul) and challengeto the Senate revealing the importance of authority over the troops, to have political revenue.
After the Civil War, which faced Pompeyo and the Senate, he proclaimed himself as the absolute president of Rome and would be called ‘Dictator perpetuus’, this act not pleated to the Senate, which caused his murder during the IDUS of March in theown Senate. After this act, the Republic was restored, but it was something ephemeral, since the adopted son of Cesar, who was proclaimed the first king of Rome, achieved it through a battle, against the murderers of Cesar and later with his former allied frameworkAntonio, who was linked to Cleopatra VII to conquer Rome.
Octavio returned to Rome being very strong in the year 27 AC, having a great influence on his legions. A fiction of political normality was established, where Augusto was appointed as Emperor, made him commander of all armies. The first emperors from Augustus to Nero’s death formed the Julio-Claudia dynasty, Nero’s reign, was a reign that is associated with tyranny and extravagance, he is remembered for his executions, including that of his own mother.
After this period, I pass the Flavia dynasty, the Dynasty of the Antoninos, who brought the golden age, throughout the second century, the figure of Trajano, was the first emperor who was born in a province of Rome(Hispania), Trajan was an effective ruler and loved by the people, with the empire reached its maximum extension.
The last of the so -called ‘five good emperors’ was Marco Aurelio, who was happened by his comfortable son, with whom he reappeared problems due to the successions and instability, after his murder, the empire plunged himself into a time of civil confrontation,where the severe dynasty began. After a struggle of rulers, a winner, Constantine the Great (first Christian Emperor), who urge the Christian religion through the Edict of Milan in the year 313, was essential for the progress of this religion.
Then a 50 -year period begins, where there is a tremendous crisis (crisis of the third century), during which many pressures of nearby peoples occur. After a phase of military anarchy, which affected the empire, different leaders who managed to reunify the empire and restore the situation, is finally stabilized with the rise of Diocletian, who made many reforms,
At this stage there is the transfer of the empire to the city of Byzantium, rebuilt and called Constantinople. Theodosio I was the one who made official the Christian religion in the Roman Empire, after its 395, distributed the empire in two halves, which would grant their children Arcadio (Eastern Eastern) and Honorio (Empire of the West), the latter wasVery worn by barbaric incursions and poor land management caused their disappearance in the year 476 while the East Empire, lasted about 1000 years more.
The Byzantine Empire survived until 1453, the year of the fall of Constantinople was the passage of the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Modern Age. In his golden age, the Roman Empire was in Counting Expansion, with the ‘Pax Roman’ the Empire achieved its maximum economic development,
The Roman Empire already dominated 3 continents, where it was conquering in turn was building many buildings (circuses, theaters, hot springs, basilicas, amphitheatros, etc.), But apart from this great architectural legacy that the Roman Empire left us, the greatest feat could be said that it was the ‘Roman Law’, one of the most important legislation bodies and the basis of current current law. They had a territorial domino, thanks to possessing the largest army in the world, formed by 30 legions (5300 men each).
Society was divided into patricians and commoners, the oldest families in Rome were called patricians, which enjoyed privileges. In addition, these families were largely part of the Senate, but little by little the offspring of these families was disappearing, stop calling them patricians and being aristocrats, to call privileged people, but without distinction of blood. The slaves had no privilege, they were forced to do the hardest jobs at the hands of their master, who used them to entertain and their destiny depended on the benevolence of their master, they could gain their freedom, something very complicated, to which which whichIt was called freed.
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