The Risks Of Suffering Posttraumatic Stress

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The risks of suffering posttraumatic stress


The vast majority of women can be at risk of suffering some post -traumatic stress disorder after suffering a spontaneous abortion, several published studies indicate the possibility of suffering this pathology and the need to receive specific psychological support after the loss of pregnancy. Given this situation, posttraumatic stress disorder can be caused by exposure to stressful situations which can have the effect that people relive the event of thoughts or images that appear in unwanted moments. 


These symptoms may appear after weeks or even years after the event occurred. The effect that involuntary abortion on women not only causes problems in their mental health can even be affected by their family environment. Keywords: depression and posttraumatic stress in women with involuntary gestational losses. Involuntary gestational losses can be a sufficiently traumatic experience manifesting various symptomatologies and generating psychological or pathological reactions Sánchez, Gómez, González and Lozano.

Gestational losses include fetal deaths and abortions. Abortion is the expulsion or termination of pregnancy before the twentieth week, while fetal death is where the extraction or expulsion of an embryo or fetus that weighs 500 grams or less after the twentieth week (World Health Organization) occurs (World Health Organization). According to studies of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the early loss of pregnancy is common, and involuntary gestational losses occur within the first trimester of pregnancy. 

The incidence of suffering an early or involuntary loss is 10% to 25% in all clinically recognized pregnancies. The associated factors are chromosomal or genetic anomalies, problems in the uterus or cervical, hormonal problems, chronic diseases, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, among others. In previous studies and research, the psychological impact of involuntary gestational losses has been evaluated demonstrating a significant proportion of symptoms or depression disorders (27%) Anxiety (28-41%).

And posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the early loss of pregnancy (EPL). Psychological manifestations or reactions after an involuntary gestational loss are considered under the "post-abortion syndrome" disorder (Sppeckhard & Reus). Manifestations or psychological alterations: perinatal losses such as adverse events during the reproductive stage generate an important impact especially on women, which manifests itself through diverse symptoms and psychological alterations. 

In medical terms, losses are divided into recurring abortion with three or more consecutive, or more than three non -consecutive. Spontaneous previous abortions are included (clinical, not biochemical pregnancies);abortions before week 20 to 22;Repeat abortion (repetitive: at least two consecutive abortions or more than 2 alternates), and repeated gestational loss, which also encompasses losses other than abortion, such as ectopic pregnancy, molas, premature births, etc. (Ramírez. For practical purposes of this article.

We will refer to repeated or recurring gestational loss as a concept that encompasses both losses and abortions, and the term perinatal loss will be used globally. Emotions. Women can experience a roller coaster of emotions such as numbness, disbelief, anger, guilt, sadness, depression and difficulty concentrating. Even if the pregnancy ended very soon, the sense of union between a mother and her baby can be strong. Some women even experience physical symptoms of their emotional anguish. 

These symptoms include: fatigue, difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, loss of appetite and frequent episodes of crying. Hormonal changes that occur after involuntary abortion can intensify these symptoms. Behaviour. After the involuntary loss of a pregnancy it may be that the woman does not feel emotionally prepared since this entails a period of grief that occurs in three steps: shock/ denial, anger/ guilt/ depression, acceptance. After suffering a gestational loss, the "duel" process usually occurs. 

Which is known as "the emotional response of a loss that causes reactions or feelings" (Cabodevilla, Martín). The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) classifies it as a disorder by which medical care can be received, while the International Classification of Diseases (CIE) only categorizes abnormal manifestations of grief as adaptive disorders (Flórez). During this grieving process the woman can face some difficulties in carrying out her life projects since you can feel that nothing goes as planned. 

It is important to know how to identify some of these behaviors since it does not necessarily have to be due to the fact of being in a grieving process but that they may have been inherited symptoms, so it is important to be able to carry out a transgenerational study;Many of these behaviors can be: deep sadness: they are usually people who are born sad. They can also be happy people who without apparent reason, suddenly become sad. Feel not to deserve pleasure: they do not make things that have fun or make them feel good.

Feel that you do not live your own life: there is an important division in the person, they feel that they are not or that they do not live as they want to live. Buy things of two in two: two equal jackets, two pairs of shoes, they can even have two couples. The way of sleeping: it is usually mouth with the arms in cross, or stretched next to the body or hands on the belly (like the dead). They dress a lot in black: they love to dress in black, you can also make the case they like to dress in white. They have very white skin: their face can be very pale.

Their movements are slow: they walk very slowly, they are not heard. They speak whispering: their voice is leisurely and speak very short. They like sad or death -related music: they also feel good in cemeteries. They can have obesity or overweight: need to eat for two. Speaver: They get up at night while they sleep. Bruxism: it is an involuntary habit of tightening or grinding your teeth. Sleep apnea: it is a temporary interruption of breathing. It occurs while we sleep for what many times we don’t know we have it.

Hyperactive or with attention deficit: they are people who need to be very active to feel they are alive. Post abortion syndrome. Post-abortion syndrome is the result that affects both the mother and the father who can even destroy the existing link of the couple leaving both with a feeling of vacuum;This syndrome can suffer from anyone who has passed or found near this situation. Impact. The consequences after a loss can include psychological and somatic manifestations.

Some are: guilt, sadness, anorexia, loss of strength, decreased sexual desire, crying, insomnia among others. In the spontaneous losses, several problems present such as the uncertainty of seeing or not seeing the baby or speaking or not talking about the loss since you can misunderstand the fact of not talking with the fact that perhaps it does not matter this this can make the process ofDuel is a difficult one and even more the pain is attempted with advice or words of comfort that erroneously denies the feelings of the parents. 

Studies report that women regularly experience sensations and thoughts related to the possible son they did not have, thinking how pregnancy would have been, their childhood, how it would be seen now, how their life and family life would have been different from now. In addition, anxious situations related to motherhood – following pregnancies are reported – as well as in the treatment of young children (nephews, students, patients), which evoke the lost child. In some studies, persistent negative feelings are reported as the experience of a loss.

Having the structure of a duel (denial, negotiation, reconciliation), while other studies show that there is no common pattern in post-abortion dynamics;Dynamics "Pandora Box" (denial and emotional comfort years later), strategies for deviation of attention, insurmountable pain and suffering, symbolic or mediated repair, projection of guilt in the social environment, etc. Causes and risk factors: spontaneous abortions usually occur in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. 

In fact, abortion is so common that it is considered a critical period in any pregnancy. With regard to the causes of this horrible event, we must mention that these are very varied. Among the most recurring are: the excessive consumption of drugs and alcohol by pregnant women. Perennial exposure to any kind of environmental toxins. Hormonal problems. Infections of any kind. Overweight. Malformations or physical problems of any kind by the mother.

Improper response of the woman’s immune system. Tobacco consumption. Systemic diseases in the mother’s body. The factors as well as the causes can vary depending on age, chronic conditions, problem in the parent or factors related to the father as some deficiency in their genetics. Types of abortion: There are several natural types of abortion with their particular characteristics such as: early abortions- First type of abortion that is mentioned and are those that are carried out in the first trimester of pregnancy. These abortions have the peculiarity to occur even before the same mother knows that she was pregnant.


Late abortions- are those abortions that are carried out between week 12 and 20. This type of abortion usually requires medical care, since they can bring unfavorable symptoms for the mother. Complete abortions. Penultimate type of abortion that exists, which is characterized by spontaneous expulsion of uterine content.  Deferred abortions- This is the type of abortion that no woman should suffer. It occurs when, after the death of the fetus, no automatic expulsion occurs. For this reason, experts must be used to remove the remains of that fetus that lies within you.

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