In this essay we will deal with an inclusive education for all, which reject any type of educational exclusion and demands the learning of equality, the diversity that occurs in the field of education, the difference between inclusion and integration, on intersectional discrimination, as is gives discrimination in the universal field, multiple discrimination. Also about the capacitism that devalues disability against a positive assessment of body integrity that is equated with an alleged human essential condition of normality.
That exclusive education is a pedagogy theory that refers to an answer that must give school and diversity. This term occurs in the 90s and intends to replace the integration, has a great important approach to treat and solve the difficulties that arise in the educational center with each student
That the importance of inclusive education has evolved in the fields of education both in Spanish and international, taking it from a perspective of the field of students integration with inclusion. That inclusive education is a broad project, tries to make an important sum education for all that have a great vision of developing a unique and equal and quality education in educational centers.
Inclusive education has a great possibility of creating an inclusive society in which all citizens are recognized and participated, inclusion refers to all people and all groups, inclusiveness has a great point that is to educate together the whole students to help all children who have suffered exclusion for different problems. The point is to make them feel good and have all the same learning.
“Diversity refers to the educational needs of the entire society of the educational center, school integration allows students to participate in learning together with the other students who have other possibilities, we are talking about a common school. Only a sincere and reflective exploration of differences can help us understand and experience diversity in all its complex dimension "(Stainback and Stainback, 1999).
That diversity leads us to attend to the areas of diversity that make up the identities of all citizens. The existence of diversity in classrooms, since each one has their own ethnicity, their culture, their religion, their way of life, since when we talk about this, in some cases people do this as a minority, they have a certain interest On this issue and does not take into account that each one has their own culture and an origin, everyone has their history, customs, beliefs, attitudes, each one we have different behaviors that guides us in our life. Another area of diversity can be the family, since everyone can give mutual support among all.
That the term inclusion refers that education is for everyone, in defense with the characteristics and differences of each one, such as; their culture, race, religion, language, ability for all students to feel valued and accepted in society. The term of integration is going gradually losing, integration is a process which students with disabilities have to adapt to the environment of the educational community.
Giné (2001) points out that it is fair to recognize that the movement in favor of inclusion goes beyond the educational field and also manifests itself strongly in other sectors such as work, health, social participation, etc., That is, the concern about inclusion clearly points to all spheres that somehow have to do with people’s quality of life.
The Inter -American Convention for the elimination of all forms of discrimination against people with disabilities includes a concept of discrimination that is; The term "discrimination" against people with disabilities means any distinction or exclusion that is based on a disability, a history of disability consequence of previous disability or perception of a present or past disability that has the effect of annulling the recognition of their human rights and fundamental liberties.
In the universal field, based on the discrimination definitions established in article 1.1 of the International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racialy Discrimination Article 1.1 of the Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, the Human Rights Committee of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights has defined discrimination such as any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference that are based on certain reasons , such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or any other social status, and that have as its purpose or by result Crill or impair the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, in conditions of equality, of human rights and fundamental freedoms of all people (UN, CCPR/c/37). Discrimination is implied that it is a difference in treatment in the elimination in the recognition, enjoyment or exercise of the fundamental human rights and freedoms of all people.
Multiple discrimination is when more than one of the prohibited reasons is given and that this discrimination affects most people in a very special way and these deserve a particular consideration and specific measures to combat it. Intersctional discrimination refers to the various causes of discrimination that can have a great effect. It is a stronger, more extreme discrimination for different reasons.
This first form of capacitism (Wolbring, 2008b) has a long history and is related to the medical categorization of people with disabilities as poor and disabled. It leads to the objective of rehabilitating them and, even, of preventing their birth, and completely ignores the experiential accommodation of people with disabilities in the diversity of their own ways of life.
Capacitism was a form of discrimination against people who had different types of disability, capacitism had a belief that a person with disabilities is an error and does not see it as another consequence of human diversity such as race, ethnicity, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender. To people with disabilities made them inferior, they suffered great discrimination, since they were pointed out as "deficient".
But according to Wolbring, the term training was evolving from the civil rights movements of people with disabilities in the United States and the United Kingdom, in the 1960s and 1970s. They intended to evolve damages and discrimination against all people with disabilities. There was a speech to about people with disabilities, also studies on disability in the educational field and from there they favored the capacities of an alleged normative body and the capacities that must be acquired were considered valuable.
That they have the idea of generating inclusive schools that can attend all students regardless of what their characteristics are, inclusive education has a very important and fundamental objective the equitable attention of the entire student, in this trajectory the entire community must be involved and participated Educational. To apply an educational education it is necessary to look and deepen the organization of the school that promotes the participation of all students. We have to seek training of critical and reflective professionals for the inclusive school that realize participation, creation, activity, classrooms have to be more inclusive than this within the reach of students when they find difficulties in their learning.
That inclusive education is being a very important process, which wants to participate to all people who suffer any type of exclusion that exists in education, which no longer exists alone, integration because everyone has the same ability to learn , that’s why there are different methods, strategies, resources that we have to apply them and thus give an inclusive education. Inclusive education is a right that ensures the most human dimension of our society, is a social exclusion factor.
The Inter -American Court has given it to the principle of non -discrimination, it is essential for the exercise and enjoyment of fundamental rights and freedoms. Intersctional and multiple discrimination are important, since it allows us to visualize the particular characteristics that each person suffers. These analysis is important to guarantee a better protection of law not to discrimination and that not all discriminations are equal, that all people do not suffer discrimination in the same way.
What this essay speaks is that all people are entitled, that all people have capacities, that no one has to suffer discriminations, that each one we have capacities, skills, that nobody is more or anyone less, we all deserve equitable education.
- Barrio de la Puente, J. (2008). Towards an inclusive education for all . Complutense of Education, 20 (1), 13-17. ISSN: 1130-2496.
- Toboso Martín, M. (2017). Capacitism. Queer barbarisms and other esdrújulas, 2-4. ISBN: 987-84-7290-829-1.
- Vargas Vera, G. (2016). Intersectionality of discrimination, aggravated forms of vulnerability. The Gonzalez Lluy case and other vs. Ecuador . Iuris dictio 18, 140-142 doi: 10.18272/IU.VL8IL8.784.
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