Distance education Essay Samples and Topic Ideas
Sometimes you are assigned to write an essay on Distance education. An essay on this topic is an argumentative statement, an answer to a question, or a complete Distance education essay. No matter what kind of homework you have been assigned, we can easily help you complete it! We have 9 free Distance education essay samples in our database, analyze the list of essays and choose the best one for you, you can also order Distance education essay writing help.
distance education has acquired great importance, since there is an important lag in the country to continue with academic preparation, mainly at the upper and upper middle levels. Personally, this program is allowing me to continue with my studies, because by an accident, I was physically unable to conclude my high school. For years, I tried to resume it through several options without success, since for health reasons, in some options I had to make very long transfers, in others I had to attend at times that interfere with my physical rehabilitation. Looking on the Internet, I found this platform so valuable that my life has changed and that offers me all the required tools. Thanks to what exists...
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Order now with discount!DISTANCE EDUCATION-UNED. Ferrer, c. A. (2004). Game Theory and Economic History: A necessary symbiosis. Economics Magazine. Nahmias, s., Castellanos, a., Murrieta, j., Hernández, f., Nudiug, b., Juaárez, r., & Milanés, J. (2007). Analysis of production and operations. McGraw-Hill Inter-American, Vol. 57. Villada, h. S., Acosta, h., & Velasco, R. (2007). Natural biopolymers used in biodegradable packaging. Agrarian themes, vol....
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distance education is the difficulty of monitoring the educational trajectory of each student, therefore their needs cannot be attended. The learning chronologies of each student are of the utmost importance for the accompaniment of their trajectory. The adaptation of the curriculum for students who have learning difficulties has become an odyssey for those parents who do not have training to make a correct accompaniment to the child. In these times we are going through, empathy is the basis for the construction of an education that allows the student to continue their studies, that does not see school as an obligation, but as an opportunity, a key that opens thousands of doors loaded with dreams of...
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distance education, identifying the particularities of students of remote places, designing and developing interactive materials that are adapted to the technology that will beto use and constitute instructional materials that provide independent study. But not only the tutor is the one who must develop certain skills, the student who in this education methodology must be an apprentice also has prominence, the apprentice must develop knowledge about ICTs, it must be autonomous in their learning, this leads to the development ofleadership and commitments when carrying out and organizing their activities, he is also solely responsible for establishing his time. If the tutor is seen in a change in...
distance education Education has gone through several changes throughout history only some fortunate had the right to learn why they gathered and put around a philosopher to listen to their ideas on some subject, then we went to the traditional model where aProfessor speaks in a classroom for a group of students with different positions such as conductivist, constructivists, sociocultural, etc. And we are currently traveling to distance classes. ICTs have changed the traditional teaching form, a clear example is that you now have access to communication in virtual spaces with people from other countries, to have information with the speed that was not thought before and that allow the development...
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distance education contexts, because it is difficult to establish a direct interaction through a screen. That is why this strategy is an opportunity for children to acquire new skills and abilities through interaction/mediation with another person who manages the content you want to work, allowing them to build new knowledge. The environment where learning develops must be able to generate stimuli, which must have a certain level of complexity to allow children to face different cognitive conflicts, since these are instances that promote the possibilities of implementingThe different cognitive processes. Therefore, the use of mediation in implementation in online tutorials both in the first and...
distance education. In another study it was found that one of the barriers for learning in virtual environments is the lack of strategy in e-learning management, which is related to learning environments. The social presence is the degree of perceiving other people with focused attention, affective compression and being able to create with them an affectic and behavioral interdependence. Of which it is important to take into account the affective, motivational and relational processes to elaborate a better learning in virtual environments. Katernyak found that, in virtual learning, both the teacher and the students have a high degree of perception towards the other person, since they have the...
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distance education through virtual classrooms is born. Developing. Assertive communication through this period fulfills a favorable role in the virtual teaching process that manifests between;student - student / student - teacher through verbal and nonverbal communication to promote optimal learning. On the other hand, given the problems that arise in the virtual classroom;As, the low Internet connection, poor communication and little disposition of parents, results in low performance that influences their attitudes. Observing all the difficulties that arise in the virtual classroom, it is decided to take as an instrument a questionnaire and an observation guide to collect students' responses,...
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