Conservation Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

conservation, there are currently international agreements aimed at the fishing industry, so that they cooperate and adopt conservation measures. A team of researchers from the Bilbao School of Engineering (Spain), is studying the hydrodynamic properties of the Mako shark skin, the fastest in the world, in order to reproduce and apply it to the boats of the ships or the costumes ofNeoprene of high competition swimmers.  This team of researchers, led by the professor of the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Fluid Mechanics of the aforementioned Higher School of Engineering in Bilbao, Jesús María Blanco, has been with this research for five years. As explained, the hydrodynamic properties of...

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conservation of his own nature, that is, of his own life;And therefore, to do everything that his own judgment and reason considers as the most apt means to achieve that end.”Within this context, natural law translates as the prohibition of the destructive actions of life, or those that deprive man of conserving it. That is why, according to Hobbes, they are all individualistic and are in a constant battle (where each side is each individual) to survive. Therefore, it must be said that natural law is immutable and eternal, whose purpose is the search and conservation of peace, where war or renunciation of rights are purposes that, if necessary to take care of this peace, will be taken.  While for...

conservation of power as such, in such a way thatThe author of said article did not coincide with all Machiavelli's recommendations in the field of politics. Machiavel's article encompasses the political since it is the political concept that he has in front of the policy which was written in 1513 by Nicolás Machiavelli which was subsequently edited in 1531 after his death, Machiavelli in this book tries to relate in a simple way, a world in which there is a compilation of rulers and governors for which resolutions that were essential for the common good were taken. Machiavelli through simple and transparent works manifested by means of equalizations, the passionate diplomatic of the ruling...

conservation, protection and subsequent expedition of products are performed”. Which for (Hernández) “The warehouse is an important element in the logistics chain because if it is well managed, it can be able to stabilize production with demand, since it tries to synchronize the different shortcomings between manufacturing and demand, it also implies a Permanent raw material supply for the manufacturing process ". One of the primary functions of the warehouse is “to carry out the operations and activities necessary to supply the materials or items in optimal conditions and activities of use and with opportunity. In order to avoid paralyzes due to lack of them or capital immobilizations...

conservation of Ethiopian wolves This species has been relegated to one of the most striking corners of Africa: six mountain areas to more than 3,000 meters of altitude, which barely gives to house the 400-500 individuals that survivethis species. Ethiopian wolves are therefore clear in danger of extinction, as they are considered the most threatened carnivorous of the entire African continent.  conclusion Why is this species so threatened? The expansion of human populations has relegated these areas, which together with the presence of careless dogs that produce hybridization and expansion of diseases in wild populations. Examples of this are the foci of rage that occurred at the end of the 20th...

conservation and preventive conservation in our country, given the geographical characteristics of its territory and the administrative particularities so heterogeneous. These activities tend to control the loads of dust and biological pollutants that are the causes of a good number of deterioration in documentary goods. It is necessary that these issues and the activities derived from them be addressed by professionals and personnel duly trained in the field of heritage conservation, given that the application of inappropriate techniques and products can generate greater damage to the supports. For this reason the custodians of the archive should always know the effect that any substance and...

conservation of mass and the refutation of the theory of fire to explain the combustion process. Since the 18th century, chemistry has undoubtedly acquired the characteristics of experimental science. Well -developed measurement methods can better understand certain phenomena, such as the combustion of matter, the discovery of oxygen by Lavoisier and, ultimately, laying the foundations of modern...