Characters of The Crucible in Relation to Essay Samples and Topic Ideas



relations. The third tenet is the ideological organization of the society. The development of factors of production entails the capacity of the actors in an economy to produce goods and services. Factors of production are held to increase their productive power overtime. Advancement in technology leads to the development of capital while labor naturally grows stronger and taller. The relations of production entail property rights assigned to the actors in an economy towards the production of products. In a capitalist society, the working class is exploited whereby there are forced to provide labor at minimum wage. The ideological organization entails the social, economic, and political climate...

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relationship between the patient and the physician may be in jeopardy. As a result of that, patients may lose trust and avoid sharing any further personal health information to his doctor. Confidentiality ensures that patient's information is not disclosed to anyone without his knowledge (Serour, 2006). Take for instance patients who suffer stigmatizing condition like reproductive, psychiatric and sexual health requires the information to be handled by the physician with utmost respect never to disclose the information to anyone. Confidentiality is defined as a combination of rules or a pledge that limits access of information to a certain level. Confidentiality helps in restrictions of information...

  • Words: 1375
  • Pages: 5
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relation between the industry's commodity prices and the value of the national currency. However, there exists no pre-determined formula for determining what commodity a given currency is correlated to and how strong the correlation is (Bowler, 2015). There has been a drop in the value of major commodities recently around the world i.e. oil, copper, steel, gold and gas. The weak value of these commodities, however, will affect the currency depending on whether the country is a major importer or major exporter. The weak value of commodities for implies that major exporters of these commodities will experience a drop in the value of their currencies. For example, the strength of the Canadian dollar...

relationship between the weight and length of bears can be analyzed. The relationship weight (W) and length (L) for almost all bears can be presented by the Weight and length relationship -W = qLb (1.1). Null Hypothesis: There is no statistical significance between length and weight Alternative hypothesis: There is a statistical significance relationship between length and weight Where W and L represent the weight and length of the bears while ‘q ‘and ‘b' represent constants. The constant ‘b' indicates the rate of weight gain in relation to the length growth or the rate at which the weight of the bear increases with an increase in length. The constants q and b can be estimated by use...

relation to the packaging and designing is highly valued. The sixth step is the test marketing where prototype product is introduced to the market in accordance with the marketing plan (Strydom, 2004). This step is very crucial since it validates the whole concept and it paves the way for the refinement of all elements of the product. The seventh step is the commercialization of the product which occurs after the product has been tested and developed hence making the product ready for launch. The marketing and pricing plans are finalized at this point making the product ready for the launch stage. References Nelson, B. K. (2013). New product development...

  • Words: 1100
  • Pages: 4
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relation to racism. Parents and students from all cultural backgrounds should be allowed to participate in the cultural events and sports events. The institution should adopt the use one neutral language and discourage the use of mother tongue in the school. Those who experience any form of racism should be encouraged to speak out. When it comes to job discrimination, racism was the root cause during the early years when the African-Americans could not get jobs or be given poor jobs, unlike the whites. Workplace discrimination is still witnessed in many companies and organizations until today. The racist behavior is manifested through acts like setting rule and regulations that only favor an...