Art history Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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art history. Even now, Delacroix is ​​considered one of the most important romantic artists. His works marked an artistic current that was taking place at the time: Orientalism. From Delacroix, French painting wanted to represent exotic cultures of the Middle East and Africa. Ferdinand-Eugène-Victor Delacroix was born on April 26, 1798 at Charen-Saint-Maurice, France. Unlike other French painters, Delacroix was born within a well positioned family. His father, Charles, was Minister of Foreign Affairs. In addition, he served as government prefect in Marseille and Bordeaux. His mother, Victoire Oeben, was the daughter of a renowned cabinet, Jean-François Oeben, who worked for King Louis XV. She...

art history. Cubism, developed between 1907 and 1914, reacted against the bright colors of Fauvism and concentrated on the structure of objects. Treats the forms of nature through geometric figures and straight lines, mainly. As well as in Fauvism, the Cubists emphasized the intervention of the artist of reality: artists began to recreate their subjects instead of simply copying them. This also inspired Duchamp, and led him to make one of his most important creations: naked down a ladder in 1912. This was the first work that changed the artist's life. The nude figure did not seem naked, it didn't even seem human. When Duchamp sent him to the Salon Des independants, an association of independent...

art history. The great dissemination and institutional diversity of literature, including publications, journalism, electronic media, etc., as well as the educational and research institutions of literary studies at school, they involve a corresponding diversity of discursive means and practices.  One of the symptoms of this situation would be the enormous difficulty involved in the subject in terms of conflict between schools or clearly defined antagonistic groups- the leading academies that import aesthetic or critical norms on the one hand, the experimentalists, avant-garde or revolutionaries on the other- . Always, literature has lost and loses thousands of readers. Literary works die for the...

art history. One of the most important characteristics of Baroque is the tendency to interaction between artistic disciplines, creating total works of art (Theatrum sacrum), and together with the search for movement, there are the light effects that also have an important role. Caravaggio is the creator of the tenebrism, consisting of cutting the characters about the use of dark backgrounds, illuminating them with a directed and violent light, as a theater focus, making the gestures more evident and, therefore, bringing the figure to the spectator. For his compositions uses reality, without idealization, the naturalism of Caravaggio, breaks with the idea of beauty of the Renaissance. Represents the...

art history As a reflection on the course, the Modern History Professor Jacinto Juan de Vega Domínguez of the University of Salamanca exposes us, students of the 1st course of the degree in art history, the approach on the realization of a personal essay to close to nearbyof modern history, in this case the theme chosen has been the following: "Relevance of modern history for their training as a student of art history". The story, regardless of the period we study, is a subject that not only tells us about what happened long ago, but once the subject is learned, it gives us a look at the past differently with which thanks to it we can understandthe current human behavior and the one that...

art history, royal academies and halls, art trade, and partially freeing the artist of power to betried to exercise on him. In this important century there are two figures that developed British art: Sir Joshua Reynolds and Thomas Gainsborough. Sir Joshua Reynolds was born in Plympton and after feeling attracted to painting he moved to London to be a disciple of Thomas Hudson, although he also traveled through Europe. For his talent as a portraitist, an area in which he focused his work, he soon became a very famous and quoted painter, becoming the president of the Royal Academy, first painter of the king and even appointed gentleman. His portraits were mainly feminine, whether women or girls, and...

Art History Introduction. Vasari, is quite important, because thanks to his contribution as art historian, we now have numerous biographies of artists from the Italian Renaissance, giving them a fairly biological vision. This period goes from the beginning of the 15th to approximately 1600. The elaboration of the artistic object is subject to a change and its conception is reflected in different authors. J. Burckhardt said that the central theo vision of the reality in which we live is changed to anthropocentrism, in addition, being a historian (Swiss) managed to reconstruct several myths of historiography related to the rebirth related to the rebirth. Another historian who develops for the first...

art history  Making a small comparison between the many readings that throughout history have talked about art, the world -recognized historian Ernst Hans Gombrich presents “Art History” one of his best works published in 1950, which through 27 chapters transports Readers to obtain new knowledge, in which not only artistic compositions are studied, but also seeks to transcend the social and cultural contexts that allowed the correct development of the thousands of works that have been carried out over time , evidencing in each chapter in a surprising and detailed way the analysis of the lifestyles of the different times, for this reason the first chapter of this seducer and entertaining book...

art history at the School of Fine Arts, where he gave the speech to which our story belongs. He criticized Cousin's school inspired by the eighteenth -century ideologues in his intelligent treaty. And next to the Line of Comte and Sumo to the thought of Stuart Mill, which was positivist he founded an experimental psychology on the physiological bases. These ideas were relevant to the constitution of the theoretical basis of naturalism. He had many followers, but also the criticisms, since he schematized too much leaving the characters of the formation of a work indeterminate. But he proved to be a critic at height. In his facet of historian he made an exhaustive examination of the causes for which...